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Thread: Lots of blood After injection

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Sydney, Australia

    Lots of blood After injection

    Hey !

    This morning i stuck myself with 250mg of test e. - I took my time this morning, spent about 2 mins with the needle in and injecting really slowly, as i had issues with leakage in my first week. i'm on my third week now.

    The advice i received then was do the injection slowly, so the muscle has time to absorb the test. leave the needle in a little while after the gauge is empty.

    so, i did this all this morning. - i left it in for about 20 seconds. and as aforementioned spent about 2 mins injecting it nice and slowly.

    anyway, once i pulled out, there was a lot of blood oozing very quickly down my arm.

    i should mention that i pretty much inject in the exact same site everytime , this morning i decide to move a little to the right of my usual spot.. (i hit my right deltoid) experienced a little sting and resistance as i went in, and noticed my delt was slightly tensed, so fixed that.

    I guess my question is, what went wrong? is it worth shooting another 0.1ml to replace any test that may have leaked out, and for future reference, can i hit the exact same site everytime. i have a tattoo which i use to hit the same spot. it's a great indicator.

    Last edited by GoBack3Spaces; 06-16-2015 at 01:44 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    You hit a vein on the way in, no biggies. Happens to most everyone. You did it right this time it was just the luck of the draw. Just put a finger or cotton ball or ??? over it quickly to stop the bleeding and be prepared next time just in case. Some people tend to hit more often than other. I think Ive dont it only 1x in 5 years. Now since I said that it means I will hit one tomorrow. lol.

    No dont bother trying to replace anything. You loss a lot less than you think. It wont make a difference.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Sydney, Australia
    haha Murphy's law. - thanks for the assist.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    ^^ lovbyts nailed it. I would also rotate injections sites man. That will help prevent building up scar tissue. Quads are super easy to pin by yourself.

  5. #5
    250mg. So, I'm guessing you inject twice per week, eh? Yeah, as mentioned above, find another spot, or 3, to rotate. I like to go quad quad glute glute... But if ya like shoulders, hit the other one, at least. I always get more bleeders in my shoulders. And, a few good spurters too.... Fun stuff, I love the shock value!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    North Central U.S
    Quote Originally Posted by Red Bastard View Post
    250mg. So, I'm guessing you inject twice per week, eh? Yeah, as mentioned above, find another spot, or 3, to rotate. I like to go quad quad glute glute... But if ya like shoulders, hit the other one, at least. I always get more bleeders in my shoulders. And, a few good spurters too.... Fun stuff, I love the shock value!
    Red do you ever aspirate ? I remember the first time blood came out it freaked me pretty good. Then I figured out it happens to everybody sooner or later. Spurters thats pretty funny!!

  7. #7
    I do aspirate, though many would say that it's a useless, and outdated practice. I figure most bleeds come from nicking the side of a vein, on the way in, or out.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    North Central U.S
    I started pulling needle half to 3/4 the way out stop for a few seconds and then pull the rest of the way out. Never had it happen since. Maybe just dumb luck.

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