I def crashed my E2 with aromasin the first 6 to 7 days of my cycle. Test E probably hadn't kicked in yet. I skipped a few days to ease the joints up, and then I got gyno pretty much instantly. So I hopped on letro and Tamoxifen.
I eased into the letro doses because I keep hearing how harsh it is.
2.5 (no side effects at all) Tapered back down to be safe.
and now 1mg ED for about a week
I have had absolutely no sides whatsoever.
No sides, that's perfect right? I'd rather have slightly achey joints than any portion of gyno. I would obviously like to keep my current gyno from progressing further, but I think it has grown slightly.
Is it possible it's underdosed? Maybe I'm just not a letro responder? Best way to then transition back to exemestane if necessary?
I'll probably run ralox after PCT.