Hi guys, long time lurker (years) here, first off heres my history:
4 cycles - all identical 500mg test E for 12 weeks, kick started with 30mg Dianabol ED for 6 weeks...aromasin every day, PCT standard and successfully ran with clomid, aromasin for first couple of weeks of pct and Nolvadex.
Im now looking at trying something different. i havent had any side effects other than testicular shrinkage (have used HCG once but its hard to get hold of here in Oz) and mild back acne.
im looking to put on lean mass and add definition. I dont bloat on dianabol, maybe because of aromasin or maybe im just not prone to it
Im stuck between
***200mg test prop PW x 9 weeks
+ Tren Ace 300mg PW x 8 weeks
+30mg ED Dianabol x 6 weeks + aromasin, Prami and standard clomid nolva PCT
***750Mg Test E PW x13 weeks
50mg Dianabol ED x 6 weeks + aromasin, Clomid nolva PCT
What would you personally choose and why? this would be my first time on tren potentially and have read numerous times to run test at a maintenance/TRT dose. Im not interested in running test above 750 at this stage, i love dianabol, hence my interest in either increasing dose or including it in tren cycle.
*also i know the results i get will largely depend on diet and training, not the substance used
Thanks in advance![]()