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Thread: Blood work

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2015

    Blood work

    Hey guys quick question. First just so you know a bit about me. I have quite a few cycles under my belt. I'm currently running prop and Tren I'm on my 3rd month. No complications thus far great strength gains gear is amazing. One gyno flare up but I started my ai (I choose not to run whole cycle) my question is about blood work. I'm a little embarrassed to say I do not ever get blood work done I've kinda ran with the bro science and feel how my body responds to see how I should handle my cycles..(scold me if you must). But I have been feeling a little wore out and almost heavy headed if that makes sense to anyone and have decided to set up an appt because this isn't my first rodeo with Tren nor am I out of the dose realm that I've tried before.. So obviously I go to the doctor what do I ask them all to check? Or is there a specific test you ask for? Thanks for your time and help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Oh by the way blood pressure is also in check so that's not it either. Thanks

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2014
    You're deep in this game at 24 years old. In most states you can order private labs online, go to the testing facility, and the results are then emailed. Are you in the US?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Yes I am.. I started pretty young sadly but yes I'm in the us

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Not all states allow private BW. If that's the case you can take a journey across the border. I use privatemd labs .com, but there are a few similar sites if you look around. The assay you want to order is called the Hormone Panel for Males. It should cost about $150.They release a new coupon code every month for 15% off. You should be able to find it without much difficulty.

    Your body may just be worn out from strenuous workouts and life in general. If BW comes back alright, barring your AST/ALT ratio, you would likely benefit from PCT and then a week off. Similar to a muscle, the CNS can get overloaded requiring time to recuperate. We listen to our bodies everyday. When we feel hungry we eat, thirsty we drink, and when were tired we go to sleep. If you're feeling wore out you might just need some time off.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Yea unfortunately my background I cannot get a passport do to various reasons so I'll hope my state is one that qualifies. I might just play it safe I'm only a couple weeks away from pct anyway so I'll just come off. Thanks for the advice and response.

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