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Thread: How do you feel it??

  1. #1
    Synhax is offline Associate Member
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    How do you feel it??

    Since this is my first cycle ever of test-e im not sure how im suppose to know if the juice kicked in yet? I know it suppose to take 2-4wk to start feeling something, but now that im past my second week, I havent noticed anything different. Still making some steady gains at gym, but not any more than a few weeks ago before injections. How do you know the test-e is finally working? is it slow and steady increase in strength over the weeks or does it just kick in one day and you just start making crazy gains and feeling like superman? Not sure what to expect, but im really hoping it starts soon
    So far only thing ive been feeling is the sorenes from injections lol

  2. #2
    michael30's Avatar
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    Its different for everyone, and also depends on what your taking. I tend to not feel much except I want to have sex with any female with a pulse. If I'm eating above maintenance calories my strength goes up a lot. Other then that I feel completely normal. * if I'm on tren and test I'm fairly cocky and slightly edgy or aggressive. Some people feel like superman or the hulk. Others feel nothing but a slight better mood.

  3. #3
    Synhax is offline Associate Member
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    thanks for sharing.

    Since its my first cycle, im runnig test-e alone (500mg/wk) with hcg and AI, nothing too fancy. Shouldve mentioned no real increase in sex drive yet, and no mood changes as far as I can tell. Wouldnt mind turning into the Hulk soon!

  4. #4
    Frenchy93 is offline Junior Member
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    Syn, my first 500 mg test cycle I noticed absolutely nothing in the way of sex drive or side effects other than back acne but that happened towards the end.

    One thing you will learn from your first test cycle is steroids (test mainly) is not a miracle drug, you yourself may only notice tiny gains, but other people may notice it more. I am extremely lean and only gained 5-10 lbs from my first 12 week test cycle.

    Edit: one piece of advice, don't expect to get "huge" off your first cycle.

  5. #5
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
    < <Samson> > is offline Neurologically Intact
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    First cycle: 500mg a week, that shit hit me like a brick wall. I was so horny I couldn't sleep & my weight just started climbing

    2nd cycle: 750mg a week, nothing. I thought it was fake, got BW & it came bake right under 4k total.

    U really wanna know, get BW

  6. #6
    Chunnnky is offline Junior Member
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    I am on test e 500 mg a week right now, kick started with dbol . You can really feel it when it kicks in. The hunger is INSANE. I mean you get hungry every 1-2 hours till the point where it hurts. You will also feel really sad for your girlfriend cause you would be so horny, if you're not in the gym you would probably be at home having sex or jerking off. Crazy gains depend on the diet but I am pretty sure you would feel like a very hungry and horny superman. Also from my own experience the week before I felt anything my back is full of acne, which is gone in about 2-3 weeks.
    Last edited by Chunnnky; 06-22-2015 at 02:05 AM.

  7. #7
    Synhax is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    First cycle: 500mg a week, that shit hit me like a brick wall. I was so horny I couldn't sleep & my weight just started climbing

    2nd cycle: 750mg a week, nothing. I thought it was fake, got BW & it came bake right under 4k total.

    U really wanna know, get BW
    For your first cycle, when did it start hitting you? right away?
    Im planning to get BW mid-cyle around 5th week, I already scheduled my appointment with the Doc, hopefully my shit is real, the brand is supposedly pretty reputable (Newport), i'll find out soon enough.

  8. #8
    Synhax is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chunnnky View Post
    I am on test e 500 mg a week right now, kick started with dbol. You can really feel it when it kicks in. The hunger is INSANE. I mean you get hungry every 1-2 hours till the point where it hurts. You will also feel really sad for your girlfriend cause you would be so horny, if you're not in the gym you would probably be at home having sex or jerking off. Crazy gains depend on the diet but I am pretty sure you would feel like a very hungry and horny superman. Also from my own experience the week before I felt anything my back is full of acne, which is gone in about 2-3 weeks.
    aahaha nice man, im hoping this is whats gonna happen to me as well
    Minus the back acne

  9. #9
    Synhax is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mirongainz View Post
    Syn, my first 500 mg test cycle I noticed absolutely nothing in the way of sex drive or side effects other than back acne but that happened towards the end.

    One thing you will learn from your first test cycle is steroids (test mainly) is not a miracle drug, you yourself may only notice tiny gains, but other people may notice it more. I am extremely lean and only gained 5-10 lbs from my first 12 week test cycle.

    Edit: one piece of advice, don't expect to get "huge" off your first cycle.
    Way to kill a man's hopes there bud jeeeeeeez. hehe jokes.
    Did you get BW to see how much testerone levels increased to make sure your stuff was legit?
    Im not expecting or looking to become huge to be honest, im already pretty decent size, not going for Arnold status, just looking to add a few more lean muscle pounds and get some help in trouble areas like shoulders, those things are really hard to cap :/
    Thanks for honest reply

  10. #10
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    You know you don't really have to get your doctor involved in running bloodwork. He's probably going to think something is up when your RBC count is out of whack and your hormones are out there. He'd probably order more tests to be done.

    So I'd suggest getting your bloodwork order from another service.

    I googled this one: http:// www. private md and I'm sure there are plenty of other ones out there.

  11. #11
    Mr.BB's Avatar
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    Dont expect to feel like something hit you.

    The hormones levels slowly rise on test enant, so does the anabolic state, and all the other sides that come with it.

    I wouldnt stress much about it, keep training hard and eating big and the gains will come.

  12. #12
    william981125's Avatar
    william981125 is offline Associate Member
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    AAS is not like cocaine or weed. It does not give u a sudden "high". U will slowly start to see the effect into week 3-4. Strength goes up everyday in the gym. Weight increases daily. Might get bloated abit. Perhaps get a breakout of acnes. Better pump. Vascular all the time. Muscles feeling fuller and bigger. and of course, sex drive goes through the roof
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  13. #13
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Get your own BW - An MD(in most cases) has no place knowing shit about juice use

    In my case, on the first run by week 3-4 is where shit really kicked in.
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  14. #14
    600@50's Avatar
    600@50 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    With the 100 lb plates.
    It's already been mentioned a couple of times but do not get your doc involved in your AAS use.

    Go to private md labs dot com and get your own BW done. It's easy and rather inexpensive.

  15. #15
    Synhax is offline Associate Member
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    Why do you guys recommend to use a private serviuce for bloodwok and not your doctor? I already did my precycle BW with him, and even though he strongly recommended i dont do it, he said its rly my call. He's a university doctor so he said he know alot of kids are using the juice, especially the football and hockey players apparently, so its not like he hasnt seen it before. Curious as to why everyone is advising against it, he seems to be genuinely there to help in my case at least.

  16. #16
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Where's my face palm smiley

  17. #17
    Synhax is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    Where's my face palm smiley
    Im serious please enlighten.
    Is it the legality issue? Cause doctor-patient confidentiality trumps everything unless youre about to kill someone, thats the only way they will break it, or else illicit drug addicts would never see a doctor. Aside from this im not sure what else you might be eluding to.

    Btw im in Canada, maybe US doctors go by different rules? Not sure what else it might be..

  18. #18
    KA24 is offline Junior Member
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    If a doc is on board, that's great. However, imagine I walk into a doctor's office and ask him to help me monitor my Heroin or Meth habit? We all know it's different but unfortunately it's viewed similar, if not the AAS with a lot less sympathizers.

    Tread lightly with how much you disclose. He can't really do much except treat you as you present, but I'd run if he starts asking specific dosing, sourcing or behavior questions.

  19. #19
    Jlh808 is offline New Member
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    Anyone tried sustanon500?

  20. #20
    Jlh808 is offline New Member
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    Running 50ius of hgh, sustanon500 1cc every 4th day and 1cc of Tren E every3rd day 1000mg of L-Taurine.pumps are unreal gained 3lbs lean muscle in first week but sus500 inject hurts like a mofo!!!lol..was wondering if it's normal that it hurts so bad????Any advice as to why??

  21. #21
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jlh808 View Post
    Running 50ius of hgh, sustanon500 1cc every 4th day and 1cc of Tren E every3rd day 1000mg of L-Taurine.pumps are unreal gained 3lbs lean muscle in first week but sus500 inject hurts like a mofo!!!lol..was wondering if it's normal that it hurts so bad????Any advice as to why??
    I suggest you start your own thread. Or read some of the other ones. And yes it's normal to get muscle pain in the injection sites it is virgin muscle you're shooting in to.

    Tren and hgh on your first cycle?? Maybe you should not do this and just run test?

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