Thread: Can you help with my cycle?
06-24-2015, 01:30 PM #1New Member
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Can you help with my cycle?
I just want to have some pros look over my cycle, I haven't entered my stats yet because im impatient but I workout 5 days a week, 210lbs, age 22 6'3, I eat 3500 calories a day just about, I add about 500-1000 while on cycle, my diet is about half clean half dirty bulk, if you have any other questions just ask. this is my fifth cycle btw
Im looking to do it right this time, and gain some quality weight.
heres my cycle.
Abombs: 100mg 10 days, 50mg for 4weeks after the first 10 days.
Test suspension: 100mg a day for 10 days
test e: 500mg/wk, weeks 2-10
Equipoise : 400mg/wk weeks 1-11
hcg : 500iu 3x/wk weeks 7-11
clomid: 50/25/12.5/12.5
Aromasin : 25/25/12.5/12.5
please tell me if theres anything I can do to make this cycle better, the test susp. is basically a kickstarter along with the abombsLast edited by anadrolman; 06-24-2015 at 01:36 PM.
06-24-2015, 01:57 PM #2Associate Member
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Welcome tot he forum! Fifth cycle by age 22 holy sh!t bro! Well you must know theres a good chance your in for problems later in life. That aside if this is your fifth cycle you should know EQ is typically run longer than 11 weeks to see results. Also your front loading for 10 days makes no sense Test E takes about 4 weeks to feel effects. No AI and HCG for the last 4 weeks of a cycle? No good.
06-24-2015, 11:44 PM #3
clomid and nolva for pct. clomid 100/100/50/50 nolva 40/40/20/20
06-25-2015, 05:55 AM #4RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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Welcome to the forum. Normally I would not give cycle advise to someone your age. However, no offense, this cycle is absolutely horrible.
You're going to have to pin the test s 2-3 times per day. Then when you stop taking the abombs and test s your serum levels are going to crash for 4-5 weeks before you feel the effects from the test e. The eq is dosed too low and not used for long enough. There's no need for that much hcg , 250 IU twice a week is enough. That PCT is ugly looking. The clomid doses are low. An AI is needed on cycle not during PCT. You need both clomid and nolva for PCT.
I would not tell my worst enemy to do this cycle. If you go through with this there is the possibility of causing your body irreversible harm. If you're seriously interested in using AAS I think you should scrap this proposed cycle, read all of the sticky threads from the last 2-3 years and then come up with a new cycle.Last edited by numbere; 06-25-2015 at 06:04 AM.
06-25-2015, 06:03 AM #5
06-25-2015, 10:48 AM #6New Member
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okay let me rephrase, I have taken 3 prohormone cycles and 1 test e cycle. I am not going to get all defensive and hostile because I look for anything that could make it better, I didn't have any knowledge when I took prohormones I was in high school and all my football buddies were doing it and I just thought it was a supplement. I meant 12 weeks btw, And how many weeks would you run eq because everywhere Ive read it was 12weeks, I have nolva and aromasin on hand for the duration of my cycle also, in case of any sides, I know ive started young and that its not good but I just want to learn how to actually use gear, I have no problem admitting that I suck at making a cycle, I just need help. thanks
06-25-2015, 10:51 AM #7Banned
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EQ should be run at least 14 weeks and 400mg/week will do little to nothing IMO might as well have spent the money on something else if you have enough to run at least 600mg/week which is still fairly low i would opt for that... But cycle is planned pretty badly anyway...One can tell that you don't have much clomid on hand which is why your dosing is low...I'd say get your hands on some more and add nolvadex to your PCT in place for the aromasin and run the aromasin on cycle to combat estrogen..
06-25-2015, 10:52 AM #8New Member
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06-25-2015, 10:53 AM #9
Sloooooow down. You have ran 1 cycle and now want to run a cycle with 2 types of test and 2 other compounds? At age 22? Any idea what damage you may have caused yourself already?
Throw up a pic buddy, let's see what we are dealing with here. In the meantime here is some reading
The young and Steroids
Explanation of HPTA / Endocrine System & How Steroids Affect YouNO SOURCES GIVEN
06-25-2015, 10:55 AM #10New Member
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I will have more than enough clomid, Ive just been researching for the past 2 weeks and everywhere I read taking anything above 50mg is pointless. I will cut the test susp. add more eq, thanks, I also will put the nolva is my pct and use aromasin for sides
06-25-2015, 10:55 AM #11
06-25-2015, 11:06 AM #12New Member
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06-25-2015, 11:12 AM #13New Member
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[QUOTE=Back In Black;7071026]Sloooooow down. You have ran 1 cycle and now want to run a cycle with 2 types of test and 2 other compounds? At age 22? Any idea what damage you may have caused yourself already?
Throw up a pic buddy, let's see what we are dealing with here. In the meantime here is some reading
just edited my profile picture
06-25-2015, 11:13 AM #14
That's the wrong reason to cycle. Aside from the irreversible damage you may have, and continue to, cause you are looking at potential injuries from not lifting consistently for any period of time.
Read the links I gave you and apply a solid lifting program with great diet and you'll be amazed what results you can get without throwing any, let alone multiple, compounds at yourself.NO SOURCES GIVEN
06-25-2015, 11:17 AM #15New Member
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okay but answer me this, how come everywhere I read everyone says you have to be at least 21 to cycle? and now its problem, I mean I read everything I know its bad for my endo system, but what sets you and me apart, did you start after you were 25? not being an as*hole just a serious question
06-25-2015, 11:32 AM #16
06-25-2015, 11:40 AM #17
I ran a dbol only cycle when I was 20 maybe. I then didn't cycle again until I was in my 30's. If I knew then what I know now I wouldn't have ran any cycle at 20.
I'd like to see a pic too.NO SOURCES GIVEN
06-25-2015, 12:26 PM #18New Member
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06-25-2015, 12:31 PM #19
06-25-2015, 12:39 PM #20
06-25-2015, 01:06 PM #21
Agree with these 2^^
Nowhere near 8% bodyfat either, double it and yo might be about right.
Visit our diet section for some advice and get in our workout forum too.
06-25-2015, 01:10 PM #22
As said, don't rush it. You've got plenty of growth potential still left with just diet and training naturally. Also, prove to yourself that you can stay committed to a solid diet and training program for at least a full 1-2 years no matter how old you are. Steroids aren't for on again off again lifters, its a commitment, and it requires commitment in the gym otherwise you'll lose the gains anyway and have put your body through a roller coaster for nothing. Welcome to the forum btw...there is a ton of useful information to be found here regardless of being on gear or not. Take time to become an expert and then if/when you decide to cycle again you'll be prepared to do it right.
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