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Thread: First Cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    First Cycle

    Age: 31
    5'10, 198 lbs
    16% bf
    Training on and off since teens. Consistently for the last five years for the most part (time off for some injuries, mainly shoulder/scapula related)

    Following Austinites first cycle.
    500 mg/week test e
    500iu/week hcg
    Adex .25 mg eod
    Got nolv and Clom for pct

    What you guys think? Pinned first time last night in quad. Was so nervous I felt like puking. Then was almost disappointed when I literally didn't feel anything. Went in like butter, i didnt even feel an initial prick.A little sore in quad today but not bad.

    Also, been reading Marcus' diary. Amazing material. I'm on page 32 of 2,200 and some! I think I'll be reading it for the next two years but man am I learning a lot. So thankful for this forum.

  2. #2
    It looks good. I would have tried to get your BF a little lower before starting but you will be ok. Did you get pre blood work?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by pitweiler View Post
    It looks good. I would have tried to get your BF a little lower before starting but you will be ok. Did you get pre blood work?
    Yes I did. Although it was six weeks ago. Everything was good. My hdl was a little low, like 42, but all else was good.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Avi3510 View Post
    Yes I did. Although it was six weeks ago. Everything was good. My hdl was a little low, like 42, but all else was good.
    What was your total testosterone?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post

    What was your total testosterone?
    I'll be honest, I didn't get a hormone panel. I live in NY and getting bloodwork is a huge, ridiculous obstacle. Is this going to be a major issue? And if so, how specifically? I plan on getting mid cycle bloodwork done by going over border into PA where I don't need a written script from an MD. And then afterwords I can tell my primary physician I want hormone panel to make sure everything is legit. I just don't want to ask him to do it multiple times in a short period to avoid suspicion. I also don't think I can afford to get it in PA multiple times. But I guess maybe I should have. And also should have posted this before pinning. So I'll accept the flames with an open mind. Just what should I do at this point?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Also, been reading Marcus' diary. Amazing material. I'm on page 32 of 2,200 and some! I think I'll be reading it for the next two years but man am I learning a lot. So thankful for this forum.

    I just switched over to HIT(in the Diary) for the last 6 months or so...

    if you can understand what true positive failure is and getting there, also (how to be as intense as possible) & how to push through/& past true positive failure into beyond failure protocols - like RPs/drop sets/negs force reps) it's truly changed my whole outlook on lifting(& life itself) - it's well worth the read!!!

    Cycle looks good - enjoy it - dial that diet in & you'll see the results your looking for! GL
    Last edited by NACH3; 06-30-2015 at 12:40 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by Avi3510 View Post
    I'll be honest, I didn't get a hormone panel. I live in NY and getting bloodwork is a huge, ridiculous obstacle. Is this going to be a major issue? And if so, how specifically? I plan on getting mid cycle bloodwork done by going over border into PA where I don't need a written script from an MD. And then afterwords I can tell my primary physician I want hormone panel to make sure everything is legit. I just don't want to ask him to do it multiple times in a short period to avoid suspicion. I also don't think I can afford to get it in PA multiple times. But I guess maybe I should have. And also should have posted this before pinning. So I'll accept the flames with an open mind. Just what should I do at this point?
    When you cross into PA - have an address and a card(credit whatever - even a prepaid but linked to the PA adress you can order BW on line(private md - one word) full hormone panel for men £175 - covers everything you need

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post

    When you cross into PA - have an address and a card(credit whatever - even a prepaid but linked to the PA adress you can order BW on line(private md - one word) full hormone panel for men £175 - covers everything you need
    So if I use private md, which was suggested before by lovbyts, I'm planning on going online and finding a local apartment near where I'll be heading and just randomly use that address. Now, my id will say I live in NY, and I plan on just saying I recently moved. Do you think I'll run into any problems?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Also, been reading Marcus' diary. Amazing material. I'm on page 32 of 2,200 and some! I think I'll be reading it for the next two years but man am I learning a lot. So thankful for this forum.

    I just switched over to HIT(in the Diary) for the last 6 months or so...

    if you can understand what true positive failure is and getting there, also (how to be as intense as possible) & how to push through/& past true positive failure into beyond failure protocols - like RPs/drop sets/negs force reps) it's truly changed my whole outlook on lifting(& life itself) - it's well worth the read!!!

    Cycle looks good - enjoy it - dial that diet in & you'll see the results your looking for! GL
    I was relatively familiar with these concepts, but Marcus brought it home. I'm gonna start applying these principles asap. You ever have any experience with Ben Pakulski and his mi40 programs? Similar concepts, but volume was really high.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by pitweiler View Post
    It looks good. I would have tried to get your BF a little lower before starting but you will be ok. Did you get pre blood work?
    So here's a pic, I've been doing some more cardio so my bf may actually be lower than 16% what you think?

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	ForumRunner_20150630_201830.jpg 
Views:	108 
Size:	33.2 KB 
ID:	157877

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    These were taken before added cardio.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	ForumRunner_20150630_202348.jpg 
Views:	117 
Size:	43.8 KB 
ID:	157879

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	ForumRunner_20150630_202339.jpg 
Views:	156 
Size:	44.9 KB 
ID:	157878

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by Avi3510 View Post
    These were taken before added cardio.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	ForumRunner_20150630_202348.jpg 
Views:	117 
Size:	43.8 KB 
ID:	157879

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	ForumRunner_20150630_202339.jpg 
Views:	156 
Size:	44.9 KB 
ID:	157878
    I'd say your a lil closer to +-18% - but as long as your doing your cardio and eating clean(carb cycling works great to maintain muscle tissue while losing bf)

    While you already started - concentrate on your diet/cardio/training program... GL

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Nach I commented on going over to PA for bloodwork a little ways back in thread. Do you think I'll run into any issues having a NY ID and using a bogus address?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post

    I'd say your a lil closer to +-18% - but as long as your doing your cardio and eating clean(carb cycling works great to maintain muscle tissue while losing bf)

    While you already started - concentrate on your diet/cardio/training program... GL
    I'm doing some cardio now. I haven't done any in forever. I'm more of an ecto, and have always had trouble putting on size. So I focused on eating tons, not always clean, and cut out cardio. Now I'm cleaning up diet and adding cardio, so I think I should be good. And adding HIT principles with one min rest between sets I think it's gonna get sick quick!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by Avi3510 View Post
    I was relatively familiar with these concepts, but Marcus brought it home. I'm gonna start applying these principles asap. You ever have any experience with Ben Pakulski and his mi40 programs? Similar concepts, but volume was really high.
    I used to do more volume - but Marcus' style is killer(rep range in your 1working set into your RPs or drops into forces then negs etc is still 6-12 throughout those) so it's heavy and very intense definitely puts thickness on you once you get it down... By all means I'm still learning and always will be!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by Avi3510 View Post
    Nach I commented on going over to PA for bloodwork a little ways back in thread. Do you think I'll run into any issues having a NY ID and using a bogus address?
    You may... Unless you tell em(or call ahead - labcorp) and see if you can get by - they may want bills too identifying your living there.... Idk I've never ran into this - just sorta thinking what I'd do - but you may have problems(USPS you'd have to notify for anything to get sent there - bills etc) it's gonna be a process if you do

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