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Thread: homebrewing

  1. #1


    Has anyone already did homebrewing? I heard it would be up to 10 times cheaper than buying the ready mixed steroids and would be very easy.
    Does anyone have experience with methonolone homebrewing?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Check out this section.

    Ill tell you it's not cheaper if you are starting out or planning on doing just a couple cycles. It's gets expensive real quick especially since you typically dont buy only enough raws for 1 or 2 cycles. Then there is shipping cost. Also the risk of getting fake raws. I know, I once got over 1K of refined flour... The proper filters are hard to find in single packs so you have to buy a case of 12 $$$ unless you use a little syringe filter but they only work for 1 or 2 vials and are a PITA or should I say fingers.

    It's not something you want to go into without a lot of research and consideration.

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