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Thread: First Cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    S.E. USA

    First Cycle

    Hey Guys, kind of a long post (and my first ever) but I'd appreciate any feedback..

    I'll post my stats first.

    26 years old
    6' 4"
    ~7% Body Fat
    170 Lbs
    Weights 4x a Week
    Bloodwork is Fine (performed last week)

    Wanted to reach out for thoughts/opinions from more experienced members. This is my first cycle. Been hitting weights 4x a week for about 3 years now. Figured it is time to push myself through an upper-body plateau and and maybe make some other gains along the way. I have had issues developing upper-body muscle my entire life but am now at a point where I'm able to bench about 205 Lbs x1 rep. I keep my bodyfat and weight so low because anytime I eat more it just turns into a gut.. I'm eating around 2,000 calories now but plan to increase that to 2,800 or 3,000 while cycling - with most of the additional calories going to whey protein drinks.

    I was gonna do an 8 week cycle but have decided to up that to 10 weeks since Test seems to come in 2,500 bottles (from what I've read). I can't post my cycle since I don't have enough posts under my belt but I'm basically following the one from Austin's sticky without the hCG and adding in Dbol for the first 4 weeks.

    What do you guys think?

    Also, I'm worried about stretch marks. My goal here is not to gain astronomical amounts of muscle in a short period of time, but of course to gain much more than I would naturally. Do you think if I keep my workouts in check and don't build muscle on too fast stretch marks are controllable? I've also read that cocoa butter helps. I really don't want stretch marks, the muscles themselves are enough of a trophy for me, haha!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2014
    If you're 6'4'' and weigh 170 pounds you have absolutely no business using AAS. You should learn how to diet for growth. However much mass you put on with the help of a cycle will be lost after PCT because you don't know how to eat properly.

    Coco butter and vitamin E will help with stretch marks but you have to accept them as part of the game.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    When you eat more you get bloated you mean and it APPEARS to be a gut when in reality it's not...And when you wake up in the morning it's gone...Let me give you some info to gain 1 lb of fat you need to eat 3,500 calories over the daily amount of calories you need to maintain your weight (which at 6'4" is already more than you're eating) so no wonder why you're not gaining any weight.. You have literally 2 years of "steroid-like" gains that you can make naturally at your age and with some more knowledge from the diet and training areas of this forum you will be able to make it a reality...Diet is HUGE when you're trying to either drop or gain weight..It's gotta be consistently OVER or UNDER the calories you need to maintain your weight depending on your goals or else you're going in opposite directions day in, and day out and it's being counterproductive...I suggest waiting as numbere said you have no business at your size doing aas

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    If you are maintains your weight on 2000cals start eating at 2300cals per day.mwhen your gains stop add another 300 and so on.

    Absolutely agree that you are nowhere near ready for AAS usage. And don't just add protein shakes to make up this amount.

    240g protein
    60g fat
    The remainder of your cals should be made up from carbs.

    Formulate a diet and post it in our diet forum in a new thread for critique.

  5. #5
    I would really appreciate some advice on how to approach my first cycle!'
    Test cyp and oral dbol
    Diet required to gain muscle mass
    Should I just train heavy?
    What are realistitic expectations?
    I am 46 years old
    6' & 200 pounds

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