Hey Guys, kind of a long post (and my first ever) but I'd appreciate any feedback..
I'll post my stats first.
26 years old
6' 4"
~7% Body Fat
170 Lbs
Weights 4x a Week
Bloodwork is Fine (performed last week)
Wanted to reach out for thoughts/opinions from more experienced members. This is my first cycle. Been hitting weights 4x a week for about 3 years now. Figured it is time to push myself through an upper-body plateau and and maybe make some other gains along the way. I have had issues developing upper-body muscle my entire life but am now at a point where I'm able to bench about 205 Lbs x1 rep. I keep my bodyfat and weight so low because anytime I eat more it just turns into a gut.. I'm eating around 2,000 calories now but plan to increase that to 2,800 or 3,000 while cycling - with most of the additional calories going to whey protein drinks.
I was gonna do an 8 week cycle but have decided to up that to 10 weeks since Test seems to come in 2,500 bottles (from what I've read). I can't post my cycle since I don't have enough posts under my belt but I'm basically following the one from Austin's sticky without the hCG and adding in Dbol for the first 4 weeks.
What do you guys think?
Also, I'm worried about stretch marks. My goal here is not to gain astronomical amounts of muscle in a short period of time, but of course to gain much more than I would naturally. Do you think if I keep my workouts in check and don't build muscle on too fast stretch marks are controllable? I've also read that cocoa butter helps. I really don't want stretch marks, the muscles themselves are enough of a trophy for me, haha!