Sorry admin i didnt know if this was right place for this thread if its not please move it.
So just like the title stated. What compound would u not use again and why.
For me it would have to be T3. After shutting down my thyroid and have it run over drive for 20wk+ for show prep and pct. Not knowing if my T3 was legit. When I say that meaning some bottles seems on point and others seemed under dosed. Which with ur thyroid is a big problem. Especially if u think ur thyroid is running at 50mcg but it not running at all. Now I'm three days off of it and I feel my energy has taken a hit for sure. Feel like I could sleep any where at this moment lol.. Also the rebounding effect. The 2-3 wks of trying to restore ur normal thyroid function is hard because u have to battle the weight gain. I have been doing 90mins of low intensity cardio everyday to help the process. Just my two cent guys.
Admin like I said before if this is the wrong place for this thread I'm sorry please move it.