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Thread: existing gyno

  1. #1

    existing gyno

    I have notiable gyro from my last cycle. Does that mean i should take extra precaution during my eq and anavar cycle by maybe adding arimidex? Would adding test hurt me you think?
    I am thinking since i have it and have to get surgery i may as well get into some sort of shape until i can afford the surgery. I lost all my gains and can't stand myself.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    You literally just posted almost the exact thread.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by gavinmyboy
    I have notiable gyro from my last cycle. Does that mean i should take extra precaution during my eq and anavar cycle by maybe adding arimidex? Would adding test hurt me you think? I am thinking since i have it and have to get surgery i may as well get into some sort of shape until i can afford the surgery. I lost all my gains and can't stand myself.
    From Canada, surgery was covered for me. Sucked because I had to be awake but it was worth the pain. Look into it, might be covered

  4. #4
    Best 4k I ever spent having my moobs removed - which were a direct cause of AS abuse (I say abuse, because I was t as clued up as I should have been about the roids, pct etc).

    Once they are there, they aren't going anywhere

  5. #5
    I agree. Thus im thinking ill do it once i get thr money but if i do a cycle with an a.i i doubt i have anything to loose would u u agree?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Even if you didn't have gyno, you're not ready to cycle. Get the surgery, get educated, get your bf down, get your diet in check than start thinking about a cycle. Listen to what everyone is saying. You're just going to lose your gains after cycle anyway with the amount of knowledge you have right now. Haven't you learned that from your past cycles?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    You have 2 threads going and everyone is telling you the same thing. Just listen.

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