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Thread: resensitising leydig cells?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    resensitising leydig cells?

    Hello guys, my question is if you have been using HCG for a long time or at high doses and leydig cell desensitisation occurs. So is there a way to resensitise leydig cells or are they permanently desensitised and you have to suffer from low testosterone for the rest of your life ( if you dont go on TRT).

    Waiting for your replies. Thanks .

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Yes, I believe it's possible for leydig cells to recover from desensitisation or not become desensitized from high amounts of gonadotropins. However, for this to occur one would have to be in the fetal in vivo state.

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