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Thread: been a while, new cycle plans. dosages good to gooooo ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    been a while, new cycle plans. dosages good to gooooo ?

    hello boys!
    have had about 8 months since last cycle drug free, feel great but feel like its time to run another cycle, nothing too big or long just i want to make some good changes in the next 10 weeks as i will be smashing it hard & heavy! i know my stuff have 4/5 cycles under my belt and have used tren before which all went fine. looking for lean mass, vascularity & strength which is why i have chosen test/tren/eq. never used eq before heard mixed reviews but thought id give it a go as whats the worst that can happen is it makes me hungry which will work fine for me plus i may add a few extra lbs mass if i respond well with it.
    week 1-10 test enanthate 500mg a week
    week 1-8 tren enanthate 400mg a week
    week 1-10 eq 600mg a week
    reason for only 8 weeks with tren enanthate is when i last ran it at that dose for 10 weeks i didnt feel any benefit with an extra 2 weeks also i only have 8 weeks worth which should work out fine, as you can see no major dosages with any of the 3 compounds will split dosage up to 2 jabs a week mon/thurs and will also be running arimidex .5mg every day throughout as i have gotten minor gyno preveous cycles which tends to clear up after but im always left with a tiny lump under but not noticeble or painful.
    debating on throwing some anavar in there for 8 weeks at 100mg a day?
    standard PCT 2 weeks after last pin which i used on every cycle and recovered fine.
    good to go lads?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2015
    From what I've read you need to run eq for much longer to have results with it like 14 weeks or more, and even then minimal results. Are you running hcg?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2014
    You likely wont see much from using 600 mg of eq for only 10 weeks. It should be used at high doses for at least 14 weeks IMO. Also, PCT for eq usually begins at around 21 days from last pin.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2012
    get some caber on dat cycle

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    i didnt really fancy running a 14-16 week cycle this time round, guess il give it a go and see and yea texasgiant thats something il get, no problems last time so fingers croseed

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    You likely wont see much from using 600 mg of eq for only 10 weeks. It should be used at high doses for at least 14 weeks IMO. Also, PCT for eq usually begins at around 21 days from last pin.

    Those are long esters that should be ran in long cycles 12+weeks. If u don't "fancy" a long cycle. Use faster esters like test prop, tren ace things to that degree. BTW u won't find to much love here for eq.

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