hello boys!
have had about 8 months since last cycle drug free, feel great but feel like its time to run another cycle, nothing too big or long just i want to make some good changes in the next 10 weeks as i will be smashing it hard & heavy! i know my stuff have 4/5 cycles under my belt and have used tren before which all went fine. looking for lean mass, vascularity & strength which is why i have chosen test/tren/eq. never used eq before heard mixed reviews but thought id give it a go as whats the worst that can happen is it makes me hungry which will work fine for me plus i may add a few extra lbs mass if i respond well with it.
week 1-10 test enanthate 500mg a week
week 1-8 tren enanthate 400mg a week
week 1-10 eq 600mg a week
reason for only 8 weeks with tren enanthate is when i last ran it at that dose for 10 weeks i didnt feel any benefit with an extra 2 weeks also i only have 8 weeks worth which should work out fine, as you can see no major dosages with any of the 3 compounds will split dosage up to 2 jabs a week mon/thurs and will also be running arimidex .5mg every day throughout as i have gotten minor gyno preveous cycles which tends to clear up after but im always left with a tiny lump under but not noticeble or painful.
debating on throwing some anavar in there for 8 weeks at 100mg a day?
standard PCT 2 weeks after last pin which i used on every cycle and recovered fine.
good to go lads?