Hey there Guys and Gals. This is my first post outside of my intro.
I’m a 44 yo man and have completed one short cycle of Test-E (500 / wk). I’m currently focused on getting my bf in the range of 15% before I begin my next cycle. I’m currently around 20%. I’m 5’8 and weigh 200 lbs. I have lifted weights off and on for 24 years. I’ve cleaned my diet up and am running ~500 calorie deficit. I’ve switched up my routine to super-setting moderate weight (hitting failure around 15-18 reps) AND adding an actual cardio session 3x /week (before this, I’ve always said anything over 6 reps is cardio).
I’ve been reading steroid profiles and sample cycles / stacks and am planning my next one. I have will continue studying as getting around 15% bf is going to take me some time. So far, this is the cycle I’m thinking about. It is my second cycle and I suspect that many will advise against using Tren-A. It will be my first time stacking, too, and I feel like these doses are lower for that reason. The cycle is 4 weeks of bulking and 8 weeks of cutting:
Wk 1-4: Test-C 300mg, Dbol 30 mg ed
Wk 5-12: Cutaxyl 150, 150 eod (average 175mg / week of Test-P, Tren-A, and Masteron)
Wk 1-12: AI .25 ed
PCT: 40/40/20/20 Nolv
I have several questions:
1) how does look?
2) should I run caber at 1 mg/ wk after week 5? Should I start AI after week 2? HCG during or after?
3) liver support after week 5? Milk Thistle?
4) Does the choice between Nolv / Clomid vary as preference or is one better for certain cycle (a Tren cycle, say). Run both?
5) Blood tests, do you guys (in the states) have these done at a LabCorp type place?
6) I have a right shoulder that need full joint replacement. My dr wants me to wait till I’m 60 to have it done since I will most certainly need to have it replaced again in 15-20 years if I do it now. Would adding a low, therapeutic dose (100-150 mg/wk) of deca benefit me in that regard, at least as far as comfort?
These are the questions were I’ve found a lot of conflicting information. I am still reading through the sticky posts on here, but it's going to take a while to get through them all. I appreciate any input and thanks in advance for sharing your experience.