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Thread: First ever cycle test e

  1. #1

    First ever cycle test e

    Hi everyone, two and half weeks into my first ever cycle. Currently doing one 1ml/300mg test e every 5 days for 12 weeks. Pretty sure it's legit gear cos I've started feeling slight raise in libido, skin seems to be slightly oily and getting a few spots of acne, also there's the little boost in size of muscles and they seem to feel quite tense a lot of the time. I have aromasin on hand for an ai and nolva for pct. just wondering if this seems ok? Will 1ml/300mg every 5 days be enough for 12 weeks? As I have enough for this in 2 bottles.or will I need to get another bottle and up my dose? Say half way through?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    I'm still fairly new here but from what I've learned so far 300mg every 5 days seems a little low. What most have recommended is minimum 500mg every 7 days. ( 250mg every 3.5 days )
    That's just my opinion.

  3. #3
    I know yeah I've read similar. Only 300mg per 5 days equates to 420mg per week. I'm starting to feel effects but just wondering if I will continue to feel effects at this dose or will need more?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy7784 View Post
    I know yeah I've read similar. Only 300mg per 5 days equates to 420mg per week. I'm starting to feel effects but just wondering if I will continue to feel effects at this dose or will need more?
    250mg E3D is a good starting point. 300mg E5d is is almost trt dosage. Plus if its ugl its probably under dosed which means ur not getting the full 300mg. If its phram grade then u should be ok. But I would still bump it to 250mg E3D. do u have an ai? hcg? Pct protocol?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    People have told me no more than 500mg/week for first cycle. So probably don't go over that. If you have good effects from 300mg/5 days then I would say stick with that? As I said before I'm still new. I'd wait to see what the more experienced have to say

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Nine91 View Post
    People have told me no more than 500mg/week for first cycle. So probably don't go over that. If you have good effects from 300mg/5 days then I would say stick with that? As I said before I'm still new. I'd wait to see what the more experienced have to say
    Here read this. I used this as a Bible when I did my first cycle. Any questions u have will be answered in this thread.

  7. #7
    yeah got aromasin for ai and nolvadex pct. think i might be better getting another bottle of test just so I'm not running short if I feel I need more. Just a pain for me to get hold of it being a newbie also?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy7784 View Post
    yeah got aromasin for ai and nolvadex pct. think i might be better getting another bottle of test just so I'm not running short if I feel I need more. Just a pain for me to get hold of it being a newbie also?
    Yeah I always make sure to have extra. I had a buddy drop a vial and break it and he had to start pct because he couldn't get any for a couple of weeks. If ur asking for a source this is not a source board bro. Good luck on finding a legit one. The struggle is real lmao

  9. #9
    No source needed. If needs be I will just approach the biggest guy in the gym lol

  10. #10
    Seams like a good guide I the link above. Cheers

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy7784 View Post
    No source needed. If needs be I will just approach the biggest guy in the gym lol

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    as other people said, that is a little low on the low side and you should consider upping that to 400e5d or 250 2x a week. If I were you, i'd get another vial and up your dose a bit That being said, if it works for you and you're feeling the effects you want for now then by all means stick with that. 2 and a half weeks to start feeling noticeable effects with Test C like that is good, it took me 3 or 4 before i started to see undeniable effects.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy7784 View Post
    yeah got aromasin for ai and nolvadex pct. think i might be better getting another bottle of test just so I'm not running short if I feel I need more. Just a pain for me to get hold of it being a newbie also?
    At art your aromasin

    Get some HCG

    Get some clomid

    Don't half ass a cycle or recovery else you will probably feel like sh1t for months after

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Keep it at 300/wk. I'm in week 11 of 300/wk (also first cycle) and the gains have been outstanding. I am however 34 years old and have built a solid base training natty for 17 years. So my age and natty background really just soaked up all it could from the test

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by mike198
    Keep it at 300/wk. I'm in week 11 of 300/wk (also first cycle) and the gains have been outstanding. I am however 34 years old and have built a solid base training natty for 17 years. So my age and natty background really just soaked up all it could from the test
    yeah I'm same mate. 31 years old and been training for years. Last 2 years I don't make gains like I did when young. Hence my decision to take the plunge lol

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