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Thread: 2nd cycle too soon after surgery??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    2nd cycle too soon after surgery??

    I had a bankart repair to my shoulder ( torn labrum) 3 months ago surgery was very successful I have full rom and zero pain during almost all overhead movements I ran 6 weeks of tb500 immediately after surgery and although I have nothing to compare it to I think it was magical. I'm back in the gym starting things off slow and concentrating on strengthening my shoulder. I'm 36 6'4" 245 about 18% bf I've been training for many years very successful first cycle last year of just test E I followed austinites first cycle to a "t" excellent gains and even after being out of the gym for several months kept most of my gains. Just wondering how long you guys have waited after surgery before cycling? I'm thinking in about another month I should be very close to getting my strength back natty. Here is my proposal
    1-12 test e 500mg
    1-4 40 mg d Bol
    1-12 250iu hcg
    1-14 .25 eod adex adjust as needed
    1-10 400mg deca to help with shoulder
    Pct after 2 weeks last pin
    Clom 75/50/50/50
    Nolva 40/20/20/20
    Prami on hand and milk thistle for liver?
    So I'd be about 4 months post surgery before I start just wondering if this will help me recover or should I wait longer before I start

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by MisterRogers View Post
    I had a bankart repair to my shoulder ( torn labrum) 3 months ago surgery was very successful I have full rom and zero pain during almost all overhead movements I ran 6 weeks of tb500 immediately after surgery and although I have nothing to compare it to I think it was magical. I'm back in the gym starting things off slow and concentrating on strengthening my shoulder. I'm 36 6'4" 245 about 18% bf I've been training for many years very successful first cycle last year of just test E I followed austinites first cycle to a "t" excellent gains and even after being out of the gym for several months kept most of my gains. Just wondering how long you guys have waited after surgery before cycling? I'm thinking in about another month I should be very close to getting my strength back natty. Here is my proposal
    1-12 test e 500mg
    1-4 40 mg d Bol
    1-12 250iu hcg
    1-14 .25 eod adex adjust as needed
    1-10 400mg deca to help with shoulder
    Pct after 2 weeks last pin
    Clom 75/50/50/50
    Nolva 40/20/20/20
    Prami on hand and milk thistle for liver?
    So I'd be about 4 months post surgery before I start just wondering if this will help me recover or should I wait longer before I start
    Hey, glad everything went well! That's a very tough surgery to have(did they take your biceps tendon to repair it? I've had 3 labrum repairs(total reverse joint replacement needed) - in my experience - my first surgery took about 6months b4 I could get into the gym(at the level I was - I was in HS and I was 1RM 320 - I just had to throw 305 on there to see how I was progressing - STUPID - Pop - instantly set back

    I did not however nor still have used TB500, so I'm defo going to try it - so many good reviews lately...

    Being that you have full ROM - your ahead of the game as labrum tears end lots of athletes careers - just take it slow and use your progression(not like me lol) as a guide(to your pre bad shoulder(or where you were b4 it got real bad) -

    As for your cycle I think it's way overboard for a second... Two newly added compounds... Both aromatize plus test,

    AI - adjust as needed?? Through BW, right? Better get NAC(it's cheap and has way more benefits) HCG was 250iu 2x a wk(I'm sure you meant that)... Deca at higher doses may aid some but for joint relief run say 200mgs wkly and that's on the higher side... Deca being the most harsh compound(shut down/& recover from - hit your pct harder 100/50/50/50(clomid) run nolvadex 2wks longer(20/20)...

    Have you gotten cleared already? Just listen to your doc/PT as they seem to be up to date!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Yes through bw I said as needed as I was anticipating a possibly higher dose bc of the dbol hcg @250 2xweek yah I was a little hesitant on two new compounds if I had to only pick one I'd go with deca I just liked the idea of a kick start. To be honest not sure what they repaired the labrum with? I have a appointment in three weeks as I'm assuming he might clear me then? Other then lack of strength I sometimes forget I even had surgery

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Nac only if I ran dbol correct?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by MisterRogers View Post
    Nac only if I ran dbol correct?
    No... Most(including myself) take NAC all the time... 1200 on cycle if only injectables... And if running an oral I'd say 18-2400 depending on dose/duration...

    Also, w/the deca if your BW shows that you've not recovered to your full potential 6-8wks after pct - I'd go w/the latter - run another 4 wk pct protocol... That's coming from Austinite as deca can be the hard to recover from(for anyone)

    Yeah, just listen to your body and the docs

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