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  1. #1
    DoUEvenLiftBro is offline New Member
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    If you lose all gains after steroids, why do AIDS patients take them ?

    Anybody ?

  2. #2
    michael30's Avatar
    michael30 is offline Member
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    You don't lose ALL your gains after you discontinue use. But with AIDS patients I believe it's more about getting there body weight and appetite up to a healthy level to where they can hopefully maintain it on there own. Some one with a little more knowledge about aids/HIV can correct me if im wrong. Just curious? Why do you believe you lose All your gains?
    Last edited by michael30; 07-14-2015 at 01:29 AM.

  3. #3
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Because your diet sucks, you stop training properly and have poor genetics.

    Do you have no idea what the difference between and aids patient using steroids vs someone using them to cycle or body building is? Whats the difference between someone using prescription pain meds for getting high or pleasure vs someone who is trying to fight chronic pain from an injury?

    Every hear the saying comparing apples to oranges? If no try to google it.

  4. #4
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    Guys, its just a troll...

  5. #5
    thisAngelBites's Avatar
    thisAngelBites is offline Knowledgeable Female Member
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    Agree with Michael, not everyone loses all their gains. A lot of beginners do, because they don't start with good foundations and practices and often do poorly researched/inadvisable cycles.

    AIDS patients are a different thing altogether. It's not uncommon for them to start to lose weight and even a loss of bodyweight of 5-10% in an AIDS patient can radically increase risk of opportunistic infection and death. Because losing weight is so serious for them, a multi-factorial approach to try and increase lean body mass is used in patients with wasting (often said to have AIDS wasting syndrome - AWS), and they are given various things to help stimulate appetite and drugs to fight their gut malabsorption and diarrhea (which are fairly common). Many with AWS are hypogonadal and have lower than normal muscle mass and are sometimes given AAS (and often GH as well) to increase muscle. I think they are also encouraged to exercise if they can, but even without there can be small improvements in lean muscle, which is a very positive result in terms of survival rates.

  6. #6
    thisAngelBites's Avatar
    thisAngelBites is offline Knowledgeable Female Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Guys, its just a troll...
    Oops, is it? Oh well, waste of time.

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