I know due to the nature of steroid use being illegal, there is not a lot of "real world" studies on the effect steroids have on things like having kids, or at what point your HTPA gives up and simply will not recover. I know everyone is different and there are quite a few variables. But im just trying to get a general idea from real people who have really cycled. The questions that interest me are:

-What age did you start?
-How many cycles have you ran?
-How many cycles did you run before your HTPA did not recover? And how old were you? (and did you use HCG and PCT correctly?)
-Have you tried to have kids but were unable to? Or were you able to successfully conceive a child after using?

Ill start:

-Started at age 21
-I have ran 4 cycles
-I am currently using clomid as HRT at the age of 25 .However, I stupidly did not do blood work before touching AAS so I cant exactly say steroids cause my low levels as I have felt the symptoms of low T long before I cycled which leads me to believe they have always been low. But none the less cycling at a young age didnt help and certainly wasnt smart.
- I have not tried to have kids yet but my biggest fear is not being able to have them.