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Thread: Length of Cycle? PCT

  1. #1

    Length of Cycle? PCT

    Hello. I am currently running 600mg of test e and 600 mg of deca per week. I am about 5 1/2 weeks in. I am just now seeing my prolactin sides. Gyno, chest/shoulder acne.

    So here is the question. I have 20ml of test e and deca. 600mg each a week. Should I take any pct during the cycle to reduce my acne and gyno? Or just wait post cycle? Also, football season is coming and I want to add test e and tren e when I run out of test e/deca? Should I do that or just go straight into pct after 10 weeks of 600mg per week of test and deca?

    5'9 height
    23 age
    bench 315
    squat 380

    Thank you for reading. Have a great day. This is my second cycle btw.

  2. #2
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    Mar 2006
    Post Cycle Therapy is POST cycle not during.

    What is your current protocol for
    DA?Your actual plan for PCT?

    And no, do not go straight into another cycle, that would be an extension of the first and one long cycle that will make recovery even harder than it is going to be already.

    You need to run test 2 weeks longer than deca.

  3. #3
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    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by iiDaxter View Post
    Hello. I am currently running 600mg of test e and 600 mg of deca per week. I am about 5 1/2 weeks in. I am just now seeing my prolactin sides. Gyno, chest/shoulder acne.

    So here is the question. I have 20ml of test e and deca. 600mg each a week. Should I take any pct during the cycle to reduce my acne and gyno? Or just wait post cycle? Also, football season is coming and I want to add test e and tren e when I run out of test e/deca? Should I do that or just go straight into pct after 10 weeks of 600mg per week of test and deca?

    5'9 height
    23 age
    bench 315
    squat 380

    Thank you for reading. Have a great day. This is my second cycle btw.
    This is only your second cycle why do you want to add so many compounds?

    Keep it simple.....and if your asking can you take pct during your cycle you need to do some more research.

    Also you dont go straight into pct after a 10 week cycle because you need to wait 2 weeks after last pin before starting meds
    Last edited by itsjayman02; 07-22-2015 at 02:44 AM.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    Post Cycle Therapy is POST cycle not during.

    What is your current protocol for
    DA?Your actual plan for PCT?

    And no, do not go straight into another cycle, that would be an extension of the first and one long cycle that will make recovery even harder than it is going to be already.

    You need to run test 2 weeks longer than deca.
    I haven't looked into HCG, AI, or DA. Is that included in the post cycle? Sorry I'm kind of new to this stuff. If you could explain it a bit that would be nice.

  5. #5
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    Drop your deca now. You have no idea about how to control estrogen on cycle let alone progesterone. Read this

    It explains all you need to know. When read, post your new plan without the deca.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    Drop your deca now. You have no idea about how to control estrogen on cycle let alone progesterone. Read this

    It explains all you need to know. When read, post your new plan without the deca.
    This, Right away.

  7. #7
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    By the way did you know that the detection time for deca-durabolin is around one and a half years? Athletes never use deca for that reason. You could run a cycle of test(longer esters) and in a few mounths screen negative. Even less time for the fast acting esters. Just a few weeks for prop!

  8. #8
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    Just drop the deca for reasons mentioned already. Did you read up on deca before you started? I gave deca a go a few years ago and it was a nightmare.. Hope you are aware of the detection time and that they do not test in your devision. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news
    Last edited by Iron-56; 07-23-2015 at 06:00 AM.

  9. #9
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    You should have already gone through these before you even started your cycle. Your post alone indicates you did not do your research. What you are doing right now will have profound effects on your body down the road if you do not know what you are doing.
    Last edited by jnewton86; 07-23-2015 at 06:09 PM.

  10. #10
    [QUOTE=jnewton86;7082803]You should have already gone through these before you even started your cycle. Your post alone indicates you did not do your research. What you are doing right now will have profound effects on your body down the road if you do not know what you are doing.

    I found out about Prami. I am planning on dosing at .25mg every day. Which type of syringe and needle should I use for this? Sorry I don't know much. If you could PM me on here or something that would be appreciated.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by jnewton86 View Post
    You should have already gone through these before you even started your cycle. Your post alone indicates you did not do your research. What you are doing right now will have profound effects on your body down the road if you do not know what you are doing.

    I found out about Prami. I am planning on dosing at .25mg every day. Which type of syringe and needle should I use for this? Sorry I don't know much. If you could PM me on here or something that would be appreciated.
    You should be using two different size needles, one for extracting the compounds, and one for injection. What length and gauge you use is personal preference and depends where you are injecting. I use a 20G x 1 1/2" for extracting and a 25G x 1" for injection into my upper thighs. If this is your second cycle I see no reason to inject anywhere besides your glutes and upper thighs.

    Are you aspirating before every injection?
    Where are you currently injecting?
    Do you have a blood pressure monitor? You should be monitoring your blood thickness and pressure.
    Are you taking anything for your liver?

    As back in black stated, you should have HCG and AI on hand, arimidex would be 0.25mg every other day for elevated estrogen levels, bloat, and gyno. For gyno reversal you could use raloxifene at 60mg daily. I am not that knowledgeable on HCG as my situation is different then the majority, my body no longer produces testosterone as I am on HRT due to an accident.

    All your answers are in the links myself and others provided in addition to this forum via stickies or existing threads. You need to take the time to read them and understand what you are taking, why you are taking it, and the potential side effects. As stated in the links that were provided:

    "When can I start another cycle? How long should I wait?
    -- Time ON + Wait time for PCT + PCT time = Time off. So in our example above, that would be 12+2+4=18 weeks."
    Last edited by jnewton86; 07-24-2015 at 06:07 PM.

  12. #12
    While I agree with others, it was a bad move to start a cycle without having a plan in place, that shipped has sailed. Next time plan your cycle at the minimum a month ahead of time. Invest in all the A.I., Serm, Sarm, and other ancillaries you could need. It's better to be ready with a plan than it is to expect to get info from a forum. Here is the thing, there is no one way to do things. There are a set of things that work, but what one person says may not match another. By having a few opinions, you'll have the ability to adjust the plan when need be. There seems to be endless forum knowledge to tap here and a 100 other forums. This is a great way to find a way through the swamp of conflicting information out there. I find this forum to be pretty good. A lot of great information. There are those who just want to talk crap about what you do, but most will be helpful. Many seem to have commented already.

    Plus the main site has all the information you could need to gain a basic understanding of this. Good luck!

  13. #13
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    And you are running deca way too high for a 2nd cycle. Tren e after the mess you are in? Really Dont even think about it man you will have some serious problems if you do that.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by iiDaxter View Post
    All your answers are in the links myself and others provided in addition to this forum via stickies or existing threads. You need to take the time to read them and understand what you are taking, why you are taking it, and the potential side effects. As stated in the links that were provided:
    Thanks for your advise in the forum, but please don't refer members to these threads. They are old and some of the information they contain is outdated.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    Thanks for your advise in the forum, but please don't refer members to these threads. They are old and some of the information they contain is outdated.
    If they are outdated, then why are they sticked and up to begin with?

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by jnewton86 View Post
    If they are outdated, then why are they sticked and up to begin with?
    At one time they were the best threads available on the topic. Time passes and we gain more knowledge on how compounds effect the body. This field has changed a lot within the last 6 years.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    At one time they were the best threads available on the topic. Time passes and we gain more knowledge on how compounds effect the body. This field has changed a lot within the last 6 years.
    I understand that, but if they are outdated, then they should be updated or taken down, agreed?

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by jnewton86 View Post
    I understand that, but if they are outdated, then they should be updated or taken down, agreed?
    Sure, but that's another topic for another forum. The only action I do here is give advice.

  19. #19

    You should be using two different size needles, one for extracting the compounds, and one for injection. What length and gauge you use is personal preference and depends where you are injecting. I use a 20G x 1 1/2" for extracting and a 25G x 1" for injection into my upper thighs. If this is your second cycle I see no reason to inject anywhere besides your glutes and upper thighs.

    Are you aspirating before every injection?
    Where are you currently injecting?
    Do you have a blood pressure monitor? You should be monitoring your blood thickness and pressure.
    Are you taking anything for your liver?

    As back in black stated, you should have HCG and AI on hand, arimidex would be 0.25mg every other day for elevated estrogen levels, bloat, and gyno. For gyno reversal you could use raloxifene at 60mg daily. I am not that knowledgeable on HCG as my situation is different then the majority, my body no longer produces testosterone as I am on HRT due to an accident.

    All your answers are in the links myself and others provided in addition to this forum via stickies or existing threads. You need to take the time to read them and understand what you are taking, why you are taking it, and the potential side effects. As stated in the links that were provided:

    I asked what I should do for the Prami? Do I inject it? It's liquid based so I assume so. It's little things like these that don't come with eplanations that confuses me.

  20. #20
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    You should drop the deca as suggested.

  21. #21
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    May 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by iiDaxter View Post
    I asked what I should do for the Prami? Do I inject it? It's liquid based so I assume so. It's little things like these that don't come with eplanations that confuses me.
    Prami is taken orally. You shouldn't be concerned with that because you won't need a DA (prami) after dropping deca.

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