I wrote a thread asking about a cycle of test e with test prop which a friend is on a few days ago but it got abit confusing trying to get an answer for my own cycle, my fault!! Right I'm doing a 12 week cycle of test e 250, but I've decided to kick start this with prop 100, be basically because I'm inpatient and can't wait 4-5 weeks lol now I know I should have figured this out before hand because I did my first shot of e Monday and I was going to do prop every other day but seemed like a lot of pinning! So I've crunched some numbers and took some advice off here, I did a ml of prop Tuesday and then did a mixed shot of a ml of each Wednesday and gunna do same Friday now I know some people won't agree with the prop dose, but I think with the slow release am getting from the e mixed with the prop this will all add up to quite a lot of test floating about at once, I'm planning on doing this for 4 weeks then drop down to the 2 ml of test e each week once it's built up in my system and might jump back on prop for last two weeks but, I'll see how I'm going! Now I have two questions for ya all. what sort of al could I run for the amount of test and would you all wait for to see if there are any sides or run it to be safe? Also this is my second cycle, the first was just enth and I didn't need any al and I didn't do any pct which is probably why I only kept minimal gains and felt shit for weeks after. I now have clomid ready for end but not sure if that would be enough on its own and at wat dose? I did have a friend who was ment to be helping me with al this but I've recently found out he's a let down nobhead lol so I gotta learn fast for myself, so any help would be great fully received, cheers in advance guys![]()