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  1. #1
    Ryan624 is offline Associate Member
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    Oily skin and high scrotum

    Think i just about found my e2 sweet spot at 12mg eod on 650 test e. The problem is this week it seems its possibly a little high. Ive had pretty bad anxiety, oily skin, acne, and scrotum is hanging high almost light a deflated ball bag. Lol. Will changing to ed dosing make my levels more consistent. And do these sound like high e2 symptoms? My libido has been coming and going in strong waves as well

  2. #2
    Ryan624 is offline Associate Member
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    Two weeks ago my dose was 10mg eod and My sensitive e2labs were 33.2 on a scale of 8-35. I increased to 12.5 which prob wasnt enough it seems. Id like to get to the 20 ish range.

  3. #3
    bloodchoke's Avatar
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    I'm right behind you..
    Good question! I shave my head. During my last (first) cycle, my skin (particularly, my head) would get very oily on the days I pinned. I know that it is a common symptom but I don't know if it is something hormonal or just my body rejecting the oily serum.

  4. #4
    verysneaky is offline New Member
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    12mg eod of what...?

  5. #5
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    No. This are not e2 symptoms.

    Your balls are deflated because they are not working.

    Oily skin theres no way around it.

    Whats you cycle protocol and stats? Taking hcg ?

  6. #6
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    No, these are symptoms of high testosterone .

  7. #7
    X2006ibmgto is offline Junior Member
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    Lol deflated ball bag it's a symptom of high test?

  8. #8
    ProStatus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Taking hcg?
    You know he isn't. lol

  9. #9
    Ryan624 is offline Associate Member
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    5 foot 10. 185. 13% bf. 29 years old. 325 test e twice a week. 12 mg aromisin eod. 12 weeks in to a 15-16 week cycle. Had to switch to test sustanoble this week . No hcg , i ran it on my first cycle and it made my e2 impossible to dial in.

  10. #10
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    Deflated ball bag = puncture

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan624 View Post
    5 foot 10. 185. 13% bf. 29 years old. 325 test e twice a week. 12 mg aromisin eod. 12 weeks in to a 15-16 week cycle. Had to switch to test sustanoble this week . No hcg, i ran it on my first cycle and it made my e2 impossible to dial in.
    So, you skiped hcg cause it made impossible to dial in e2 and now you are asking if anxiety, oily skin, acne and deflated bag is e2 symptoms??!?

    Something is not right here, humm

  12. #12
    Ryan624 is offline Associate Member
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    I have a tough time without hcg dialing in e2. So i dont run it for that reason.

  13. #13
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan624 View Post
    I have a tough time without hcg dialing in e2. So i dont run it for that reason.
    I'd rather figure it out than having no balls!

    Plus it won't make that much of a difference if your using 500iu total wkly!

  14. #14
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan624 View Post
    5 foot 10. 185. 13% bf. 29 years old. 325 test e twice a week. 12 mg aromisin eod. 12 weeks in to a 15-16 week cycle. Had to switch to test sustanoble this week . No hcg, i ran it on my first cycle and it made my e2 impossible to dial in.
    Aromasin should be ran ed(& split into two dosages w/a serving of fat) not eod - just sayin

  15. #15
    Ryan624 is offline Associate Member
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    Ok so if im doing 12mg eod would it be better to do 3 ml every 12 hours?

  16. #16
    ProStatus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan624 View Post
    Ok so if im doing 12mg eod would it be better to do 3 ml every 12 hours?

  17. #17
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan624 View Post
    Ok so if im doing 12mg eod would it be better to do 3 ml every 12 hours?
    What's 3mls?? That doesn't tell me anything...

  18. #18
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ProStatus View Post
    I'm surely assuming 3mls is wayyy over board - but like mentioned ml doesn't tell us anything - more specific please

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3
    What's 3mls?? That doesn't tell me anything...
    He meant to say 3mgs.

    3mgs every 12 hours equals 12mg EOD.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    He meant to say 3mgs.

    3mgs every 12 hours equals 12mg EOD.
    Thx DLD - lol

    Pretty much - if your taking 12mgs eod - then 6mgs ed(awfully low - you have BW showing this is your sweetspot) if so awesome - I'd split it in 2 doses still b/c of its hlf life at 3mgs am 3mgs pm(12 hrs apart) w/fat - are these tabs or liquid stane

    Pinning 600+ test I'd have thought one would at least start at 12.5mgs ed split into 2 doses - unless your not sensitive to test to estro conversion(what's your bf%)?

  21. #21
    Ryan624 is offline Associate Member
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    Sorry yea i meant to type mg. i have had blood work done 4 times this cycle. On My recent lab i was taking 10 mg eod and my sensative e2 was 33 on a scale of 8-35. So i thought jumping it to 12.5 mg eod would lower it enough but clearly hasnt. If 10 mg eod had me at 33 and feeling a bit crappy what dose should be tried next. The test was taken on a non aromisin day fyi. My bf% is 13% i want to try taking it twice a day to keep consistant just not sure what dose to adjust to. Any insight would be appreciated

  22. #22
    Ryan624 is offline Associate Member
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    And its liquid stain.

  23. #23
    Ryan624 is offline Associate Member
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    Also crazy constipated most days ! All F'd up. Lol

  24. #24
    ProStatus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan624 View Post
    Also crazy constipated most days ! All F'd up. Lol
    Probably need lots more water & more fiber.
    Nutrition section has a plethora of great info.

  25. #25
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan624 View Post
    Sorry yea i meant to type mg. i have had blood work done 4 times this cycle. On My recent lab i was taking 10 mg eod and my sensative e2 was 33 on a scale of 8-35. So i thought jumping it to 12.5 mg eod would lower it enough but clearly hasnt. If 10 mg eod had me at 33 and feeling a bit crappy what dose should be tried next. The test was taken on a non aromisin day fyi. My bf% is 13% i want to try taking it twice a day to keep consistant just not sure what dose to adjust to. Any insight would be appreciated
    So your saying it's not in your sweet spot??

    If you've had 4 labs done but keep changing the dose of your AI its not giving you a true reading(baseline for your E2 sensitive assay) that's why we say stick to one dose until mid cycle BW is done.... So for future reference try to stick w/one dose so you know what to bump up it to... Make sense?!

    If 12.5mgs ed isn't working(I thought you said it was eod)?... I would then go to 25mgs ed(split into two doses) - so

    Tell me what wk of your cycle your in when your last labs were done and when you lastly changed your stane dose??

  26. #26
    Ryan624 is offline Associate Member
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    I did say 12 mg eod in my posts. Thats my current dose. I have had 4 labs done in 12 weeks. Thats including my pre cycle labs. The last labs were on july 7th switched my dose from 10mg eod to 12 mg eod on july 11th. It seems like 12 is taking it passed the sweet spot but rising too much throughout the next day of no stane. Not sure of this though. Thats why im thinking of doing it every 12 hours at a low dose

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan624 View Post
    I did say 12 mg eod in my posts. Thats my current dose. I have had 4 labs done in 12 weeks. Thats including my pre cycle labs. The last labs were on july 7th switched my dose from 10mg eod to 12 mg eod on july 11th. It seems like 12 is taking it passed the sweet spot but rising too much throughout the next day of no stane. Not sure of this though. Thats why im thinking of doing it every 12 hours at a low dose
    Yes you should be taking it ed in 12 hr increments(take it w/a scoop of PB or your breakfast)

    Standard starting dose is usually 12.5mgs ed... So 6.25mgs every 12 hrs! What wk of your cycle are you in?

  28. #28
    tarmyg's Avatar
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    I run 25mg of Pfizer Exemestane EOD and never had a problem but I am guessing everyone responds differently.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by tarmyg View Post
    I run 25mg of Pfizer Exemestane EOD and never had a problem but I am guessing everyone responds differently.
    I agree w/Stane at 600+ test 25mgs ed is whst I'd go with as well!

  30. #30
    Ryan624 is offline Associate Member
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    So your saying Even though 10mg eod had my e2 at top of range you think quadrupling my dose will get my level to drop ten points or so??

  31. #31
    Ryan624 is offline Associate Member
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    Im in week 12. Is it ok to take with a couple fish oil pills if im not eating in the a.m?

  32. #32
    matri.x's Avatar
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    Oily skin ? salicylic Acid

    Prevent acne ? wash your skin through the day with anti bacteria soap

    Flag balls ? its Okay they will get back after PCT

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