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Thread: Anavar use for height growth and recovery

  1. #1
    abbman21 is offline New Member
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    Anavar use for height growth and recovery

    Hi all, I'm an 18 year old male and currently 5'9" and weigh 165 pounds. However weight gain and cutting are not of my concern, i'm much more interested in height gain, and height growth velocity acceleration. I have read many studies that say that anavar has been successfully been used to increase final adult height and growth acceleration in growth deficient people, people with cystic fibrosis, and people with turners syndrome. These gains have all been statistically significant, and have increased average growth rate from 5cm/ year to 8cm/year. As I am 18, I am starting to get concerned that my time for vertical growth is coming to a close , and would like to get as much extra height as possible without hurting myself. These studies were all done between 2.5mgs/day and 10mg/day, and reported little to no side effects, even though they were run for a year or longer, in one case 38 months. What interested me most about anavar was that it does not aromatize, and therefore no estrogen is created, so ephysial plates or growth plates do not fuse, which tends to happen with other anabolic steroid and it results in stunted growth. Anavar is available in oral doses which also is very beneficial to me, however I fear liver damage. Also this would be my first cycle, and I don't really care about the bodybuilding aspects of it, that why i'm running such a low dosage and the low dosage also means less long term problems. I've also looked at HGH but have found that it takes to long to begin working and is extremely expensive, where I just don't have the resource to put a cycle like this into full fruition.

    1. Will I get good height results running 10 mg of anavar for 8 months to a year? There is nothing really online about growth in normal people, its all geared toward height deficient and cystic fibrosis/ turner syndrome kids.

    2. Do I need to run PCT even though it Is not very anabolic and will not do much if any damage to my endocrine system? Also if I do need to run it, what do you guys recommend, and for how long, I've read up on clomid nolvadex and hcg , which of these would be most beneficial?

    3. Finally, how much will this cycle end up running me, how much for the years worth of anavar and then the pct on top of that, Thanks for all the help, its much appreciated.

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You'll get zero height growth from var. Stay well clear it will cause you more problems than good

  3. #3
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    1) I've never seen anavar used for this purpose. And you're 5'9", which is a normal height, so I doubt your body will respond like someone with a growth deficiency.
    2) Yes, PCT would be required. I can't tell you how much suppression it may cause. It may be complete, or only partial. It may be tough to recover from (especially if your starting test levels aren't great).
    3) We don't discuss prices here, as this is for informational purposes only.
    Bear in mind that I am not endorsing this plan of yours and must warn you that the risks probably outweigh the benefits. If it were that simple, there would be a bunch of low-dose anavar success stories.

  4. #4
    abbman21 is offline New Member
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    i tried to post the links to the studies but it wont let me because of the spam software, if you google oxandrolone growth in kids, the first page is pretty much all various studies they have done, however they have done them in patients who had constitutional delayed growth/ delayed puberty, turner syndrome, or cystic fibrosis. I was wondering if the application of these studies and the doses applied in them, would have the same affect on normal people, who are just generally short but are still growing because their plates have not fused.

  5. #5
    abbman21 is offline New Member
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    and marcus300 why do you say that I will gain zero height increase

  6. #6
    641 is offline Junior Member
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    Firstly if u take var without any test you'll suppress your height once var shuts down ur hpta Testosterone related development will also be suppressed. Injecting straight test has many studies showing acceleration of development and complete halting. We just don't have enough studies on developing healthly males with enough participants to make any real conclusions its usually small pool of hypogodnaic people

  7. #7
    king6 II's Avatar
    king6 II is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by abbman21 View Post
    and marcus300 why do you say that I will gain zero height increase
    Because var has nothing to do with bone growth. No steroid will make you taller. HGH may make your head bigger but that's about it. Also, if your a late bloomer, you could still grow, I did. You start fiddling around with gear and suppress your HPTA you're only asking for trouble. You may stunt any future height growth.
    marcus300 likes this.

  8. #8
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by abbman21 View Post
    and marcus300 why do you say that I will gain zero height increase
    Quote Originally Posted by king6 II View Post
    Because var has nothing to do with bone growth. No steroid will make you taller. HGH may make your head bigger but that's about it. Also, if your a late bloomer, you could still grow, I did. You start fiddling around with gear and suppress your HPTA you're only asking for trouble. You may stunt any future height growth.
    There you go. Just forget about getting taller it will happen if its meant to be but using steroids isn't going to do it all its going to do is give you problems with low test and at your age the last thing you want is issues with that.

  9. #9
    tice1212's Avatar
    tice1212 is offline Productive Member
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    Where did u find these studies? Was the studies done the manufacturer Searle the first producer of anavar back in the 1964?! Lol
    But on a serious note. Like stated before var will not do anything for u beside fvck you up! My best advice is honestly to love urself. U can't help how tall. That's just one of those things that u will have to deal with bro.. Good luck and like I said don't try steroids until ur of the right age u will thank all of us later
    william981125 likes this.

  10. #10
    MrFreshmaker's Avatar
    MrFreshmaker is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 641
    Firstly if u take var without any test you'll suppress your height once var shuts down ur hpta Testosterone related development will also be suppressed. Injecting straight test has many studies showing acceleration of development and complete halting. We just don't have enough studies on developing healthly males with enough participants to make any real conclusions its usually small pool of hypogodnaic people
    And those studies were done mostly on small girls,not boys.

  11. #11
    recovery is offline New Member
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    Just sleep with a circadian rhythm, lift and eat healthy...That's all you can do.

    Don't **** with hgh at this age. Most people don't get sides but some people can get ****ed over. You can read my thread and see what happened to me.

    I wish I could take it all back (seriously).

  12. #12
    Juced_porkchop's Avatar
    Juced_porkchop is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    var is only going to cuse issues.. and your development will be done near 24 IMO. if you where 4' 4" then i would go to doc to ask for hgh. but at your hight dont mess with that either

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