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Thread: Fist cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Fist cycle

    Hy guys!!!
    im about start my fist steroids cycle. im 25year old man fully healthy..
    My hight 186cm weight 94 bdf 14-16%.. and have been training life 5years...i eat well sleep well and diet also...
    Soo can u guys help me how to take sust. deca. dbol...
    Im thinking to start with susta 250mg, deca250mg and dbol..

    Testosterone Blend (sustanon) 250mg
    Nandrolone Decanoate (deca) 250mg
    Methandienone (dianabol)

    Anastrozole liquid

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Poor first cycle choice

    1. Theres 3 compounds there, far too many for a first cycle.

    2. Sustanon is to be injected every other day or every day due to the 4 testoserone esters it holds, 250mg a week injected e.o.d or e.d is very difficult.

    3. Avoid deca like the plague especialy on a first cycle man, that is for more intermediate users, plus I would run test higher than the deca.

    4. You dont seem to have a proper pct in place, youve listed clomid but not told us how you plan to take it and also you need nolvadex in your pct. theres also no hcg plans listed.

    Your height is 6ft1 and you weigh 94? Im guessing this is in lbs and im guessing you typed it wrong and are actualy 194lbs?

    What has your diet been like in the last 5 years?
    What are your diet plans while running a cycle of gear?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    nolva is unavailable atm...weigh 94 not sure about Anastrozole to take em..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Remember BW before cycle. Then you will know whats normal for you. Then it will be much more easy to tell when you can start Your NeXT one safely, if you choose that road...

    Agreed With Steve, drop deca, i have been doing this for 20 years and stil have problems running it

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    What if i go only for susta and dbol...what kind of cycle will be good...about ptc i will post later

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Is there any reason why your so keen on sustanon? Have you already ordered it? Like i said it has to be injected every other day minimum due to the tesosterone propionate ester that is has in it.
    if its a multi dose vial then its possible to do like 0.5ml every other day but if they are snap off vials your going to struggle to dose it correctly.
    Plus can you keep up with every other day injections for 10 weeks? Thats approximatley 40 injections in 2.5 months which to me is a lot for a first timer.

    Id suggest you go for the normal first time cycle

    Test enanthate 250mg
    Inject it twice a week for 10-12 weeks
    This means you are running 500mg a week of testosterone a week

    I would save your dbol or if you havent bought it yet leave it out for a future cycle. You want to just do a basic cycle for your first.

    Pct starts 2 weeks after your last injection and run pct for a total of 4 weeks

    100mg a day of clomid for first 2 weeks followed by 50mg clomid the second 2 weeks of your pct

    40mg a day of nolvadex for first 2 weeks followed by 20mg nolvadex the second 2 weeks of your pct

    Simple terms
    Week 1-12 Test e 500mg
    Week 14-18 nolvadex 40mg/40mg/20mg/20mg
    Week 14-18 clomid 100mg/100mg/50mg/50mg

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2015
    I often did sustanon 250 With one shot a week. Very good results. Ofcourse better if i payed attention to halflifes, but once a week is not completely wasted. Def. not

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Granted its not a waste, but i think for his bloods stability, recovery and potential shut down he should be taking test enth or test cyp , not a blend

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Thanks alot guys for ur informations.. i have little bit prob to get test e. sustan and dbol is very easy to get and alot ppls have been running em fist not gonna hurry with these thinks i knw the end how it will be look hah...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    I have sustanon 250 organon pakistan and anastrozole 1mg 28 tabs........waiting for dbol and nolva+clomi..
    Can i go for sustanin 1ml/wk dbol 30mg/day and 1mg anastrozole for 1-6 weeks..for pct nolva and clomi...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    You need to lay out the cycle more clearly. How many weeks are you running Sust for?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    For 10-12 weeks

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