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  1. #1
    AR's King Silabolin's Avatar
    AR's King Silabolin is offline Castle Power
    Join Date
    May 2015

    Are my BW to bad for heavy training?

    im experienced

    Testosteron 0,45 nmol/L (6,73-31.88) or 13, asked for free t, but Guess they didnt find any:-)
    E2 200 pmol (20-130)
    LH < 0,1, IE/L
    FSH 0,3, IE/L (1,3-19,3)
    Progesteron 219 (15-100)
    Prolaktin 476 mlE/L 86-324
    I feel like it shows, fatigue bit depression, just a bit, few other Things going well. Training has becoma a real pain in the ass. For the sets i do my jobb 90%, but in "coma" beetween. Always tired

    You think it dagerous tho hit gym 110% when it likes this? Problem is that pct are not working and im not sure what to to.

  2. #2
    Stephen051 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Hey man, to me it doesn't sound good I would get some pct in there and give the steroids a break for a while.

    Which ones are you taking and at what dosages? Ive never taken any steroids yet as I wanna be super educated first.

  3. #3
    AR's King Silabolin's Avatar
    AR's King Silabolin is offline Castle Power
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Stephen051 View Post
    Hey man, to me it doesn't sound good I would get some pct in there and give the steroids a break for a while.

    Which ones are you taking and at what dosages? Ive never taken any steroids yet as I wanna be super educated first.
    Quited steroids 6 weeks ago...just finishing week4 With standard nolva/clomid pct. One guy said elevated e2/prolactin could damage pct.
    I can handle this. Been there before. When i pick up the iron i feel strong a few Seconds, but yet, very fatigue and sleepy

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