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Thread: Deca only cycle???

  1. #1
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    Deca only cycle???

    I've read that deca was actually created to be a stand alone treatment and some BB have cycled it solo. I can't imagine running deca without test. This can't be right. Can someone please advise?

  2. #2
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    lol probably not a good idea

  3. #3
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    Definitely not a good idea, it will shut down your natural testosterone production living you feeling awful.

  4. #4
    Many drugs have been developed with certain applications in mind only to not be used for their intended purpose for one reason or another. For example Sustanon was originally intended to be a "Sustained Release" testosterone preparation; however, its use fell out of popularity because of the fluctuating blood levels.

    Point being, true or not Deca only is a terrible idea.

  5. #5
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    I'm right behind you..
    It depends on your goals, really. If you're looking to suffer extreme low-t symptoms, not be able to pop a chubby, and rid your wallet of some excess cash, then deca alone is perfect. <---JOKE

    In some countries (not the U.S.), deca is prescribed to help prevent wasting in HIV patients, but not without a TRT program in tow.

  6. #6
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    Suicidal idea to run a deca only cycle
    Wouldnt be me

  7. #7
    Friend of mine ran deca only cycle first and got good results but the aftermath for him was awful ...
    Basically no sex life for about 5 months and even to this day he says he can't get hard.

    As I have read everywhere , yo would wan test as base for that definitely

  8. #8
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    Agree with all above. One pin of deca and you'll likely have no wood for over a month.

  9. #9
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    I would at least run a trt dose of test
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by PT View Post
    I would at least run a trt dose of test
    Yep all you really need. Don't know if people still perpetuate the idea that your test has to be higher than your deca but that is nonsense. Just a TRT dose to keep everything functioning as it should.

  11. #11
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    As mentioned it's the harshest steroid to recover from! One shot and your shut down - depending on dose and duration - Austinites protocol for deca and recovery...

    Found it brother...

    Austinite - below

    Not really. I mean, no one really knows exactly what formula to use. Deca is likely the harshest steroid on your HPTA, therefore it is wise to extend PCT timing. The 2 week difference between the cycles mentioned (14 weeks vs 16 weeks) is not an impactful amount of time. 10 weeks vs. 18 weeks is a big difference and would call for a more aggressive PCT.

    We have to remember that all of this is very individualistic and cannot be quantified with a formula, but based on history and how drugs interact with the majority, you can make judgment calls for the betterment of recovery. In other words, you can assume you'll be OK, or you can take some extra measure to better your chances at recovery.

    The best method in my opinion for the common cycles with Deca (12 to 14 weeks), is to extend PCT for 2 additional weeks. You can use Nolvadex and drop clomiphene after the 4th week. Then you would wait 6 to 8 weeks and confirm recovery with blood work. If the results fail, run another PCT for 4 weeks and retest. If you're good, you're good.

  12. #12
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    I can attest to this^

    I recover fast from all if my cycles, except deca. For that reason I've sworn it off. I can't even imagine using it alone.

  13. #13
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    Can run with a DA. And perhaps a bit SERM and hcg.

    U guys really stil mean a deca only cycle are less overall healthy than a deca/test cycle? When it comes to sides, not gains?
    I dont think so. And its must be easier to recover from a deca only cyle than a deca/test cycle too, when e2 and prolactins are covered. Come on man..Fore sure deca shuts you down and for sure decatest also shuts you down and when the last test ester leaves, youre stil stuck. But with a lot more elevated cholestrol, hct, RBW, bloodpressure and triglycerides . Especially if Your not running a trtdose, as PT said.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin
    Can run with a DA. And perhaps a bit SERM and hcg. U guys really stil mean a deca only cycle are less overall healthy than a deca/test cycle? When it comes to sides, not gains? I dont think so. And its must be easier to recover from a deca only cyle than a deca/test cycle too, when e2 and prolactins are covered. Come on man..Fore sure deca shuts you down and for sure decatest also shuts you down and when the last test ester leaves, youre stil stuck. But with a lot more elevated cholestrol, hct, RBW, bloodpressure and triglycerides . Especially if Your not running a trtdose, as PT said.
    But deca shuts down your test and without adding test in the cycle you will have almost none if any test and will feel like complete shit. Hence having test as the base for all cycles.

  15. #15
    Anytime I have ran Deca, I always run at least 200-300mg higher of test (weekly). As said before Deca Dik will be in full force if you don't use a higher dose of test than deca.

  16. #16
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    Yeah, a lot of the old timers would run deca only cycles or deca a primo but no test. You can still find videos online with some of them talking about it. But steroid use evolved over the years and now everyone understands why it's a bad idea.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by PrettyPlease? View Post
    Yep all you really need. Don't know if people still perpetuate the idea that your test has to be higher than your deca but that is nonsense. Just a TRT dose to keep everything functioning as it should.
    Quote Originally Posted by jnt29904 View Post
    Anytime I have ran Deca, I always run at least 200-300mg higher of test (weekly). As said before Deca Dik will be in full force if you don't use a higher dose of test than deca.

  18. #18
    marcus300's Avatar
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    It is very old school and from past events we can see what works better in the now. A deca only cycle would not be a wise move. A small dose along side your trt is great or additional compound to your Test cycle but for a stand alone cycle its not the best for recovery and gains IMHO.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigdil511 View Post
    But deca shuts down your test and without adding test in the cycle you will have almost none if any test and will feel like complete shit. Hence having test as the base for all cycles.
    That was not my point. Ofcourse you will feel better With the test. And the gains will increaze. But, i cant see how a deca only cycle would be more harsh to overall Health, than a test/deca cycle.
    Do not think sides from 2 months low testo overrides the extra sides from the testosterone injections.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by jnt29904 View Post
    Anytime I have ran Deca, I always run at least 200-300mg higher of test (weekly). As said before Deca Dik will be in full force if you don't use a higher dose of test than deca.
    Really?? Deca d!ck is a myth - control your E2(and prolactin won't follow) but have a DA on hand for after mid cycle BW - if your estro and PRO are in check you'll be getting harder than a brick a wall! I'm running deca and test now(have a hard on that ya can hang a fvkin wet towel over! Lol

    And many people run low dose test along side high doses of deca as well - sigh

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin
    That was not my point. Ofcourse you will feel better With the test. And the gains will increaze. But, i cant see how a deca only cycle would be more harsh to overall Health, than a test/deca cycle. Do not think sides from 2 months low testo overrides the extra sides from the testosterone injections.
    2 months with zero testosterone will be way worse sides than running a small dose test.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    That was not my point. Ofcourse you will feel better With the test. And the gains will increaze. But, i cant see how a deca only cycle would be more harsh to overall Health, than a test/deca cycle.
    Do not think sides from 2 months low testo overrides the extra sides from the testosterone injections.
    His rationale is surely off!

  23. #23
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    I have no idea how people can think DECA by itself has less sides than test with DECA. These people should not be giving advice.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    I have no idea how people can think DECA by itself has less sides than test with DECA. These people should not be giving advice.
    Yes Indeed, I agree 100%

  25. #25
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    Yeah. So you guys think blodpressure, RBC, ldl-cholestrol, triglycerides will be more elevated from deca only? Please show me a documentation on that one. I dont know who should give the advice.
    When they shoot deca in your old grandmother when her bones start cracking, i dont think they pin a 500 test e while their at it. Not in my part of the world at least.
    Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 08-11-2015 at 03:29 PM.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    Yeah. So you guys think blodpressure, RBC, ldl-cholestrol, triglycerides will be more elevated from deca only? Please show me a documentation on that one. I dont know who should give the advice.
    When they shoot deca in your old grandmother when her bones start cracking, i dont think they pin a 500 test e while their at it. Not in my part of the world at least.
    Well, they would have to consider not giving the deca to your grandmother if she had testicles....

    I could dig up a number of articles that say that hypogonadism can contribute to heart problems, Alzeihmers and a bunch other conditions, but im too tired... it was legs day

  27. #27
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    Well, I can't believe this conversation has gone on this long so I've decided to say something. First off Sila, I applaud you for challenging the norm, this is a great attribute to have. However, in this instance you are wrong. I'm on my phone so forgive me if I'm brief, I'll be sure to clear anything up later.

    For starters, your grandmother example is useless in this instance. Do I really need to point out all of the reasons why? Am I an elderly female? The list goes on, past medical history, sex, age, dosage, HPGA vs. HPOA.

    Even if we're discussing deca vs. test/deca in men let me compare the two cycles some.

    If as a strapping young male I take Deca only, I will shut down all natural test production in my body. Never mind the fact that deca is very effective and long-lasting when it comes to shutting you down in comparison to other compounds.

    So by adding test you are increasing the total number, severity, and/or probability of having negative side effects? Well yes and no. If you're taking 400mg/week of Deca and you add a gram or more of test then yeah, you're probably doing more harm than good in the average recreational steroid user's body. But if you take it as we suggest, a more reasonable dose of 250-500mg/week of test then you are reducing the severity, likelihood, and number of negative side effects.

    For starters, and this is really the only example I need to mention honestly, you're eliminating low testosterone side effects by adding test. Here are a few side effects of having low testosterone that you won't see if you're adding it to your cycles on average, there are outliers in every bell curve:

    -Low/No sex drive
    -Lack of motivation
    -Hot flashes
    -Increased fat gain, usually after ending the deca. Actually, a lot of these are going to be even worse after the cycle ends because you won't be anabolic and you'll still have no test.
    -Higher cholesterol
    -Sleep disturbances
    -Acne can be worse than with usual cycles
    -Longer recovery time

    There are too many to list honestly. I'm not just quoting WebMD here. I've done Deca only cycles way back when before people knew better. Now I've also done cycles with test and HCG. I'm here to tell you that the side effects are cut in half and much less severe. I recover in half the time and I keep much more of my gains.

    Do you know why women never get as huge as Arnold? The biggest reason is because they don't have the testosterone we do. So go ahead and take your Deca cycle. You'll gain a few pounds of muscle no doubt. However once you stop you're going to plummet and lose the majority of your gains. I know, I've been there.

    Once the Deca goes bye bye and your test is low you're gonna gain fat, lose motivation, and lose gains to a much worse degree than if you had supplemented test.

    No, adding test doesn't hurt your recovery time because your natural FSH is shutdown regardless.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by RangerDanger830 View Post
    So by adding test you are increasing the total number, severity, and/or probability of having negative side effects? Well yes and no. If you're taking 400mg/week of Deca and you add a gram or more of test then yeah, you're probably doing more harm than good in the average recreational steroid user's body. But if you take it as we suggest, a more reasonable dose of 250-500mg/week of test then you are reducing the severity, likelihood, and number of negative side effects.

    - side effects are cut in half and much less severe. I recover in half the time and I keep much more of my gains.

    Do you know why women never get as huge as Arnold? The biggest reason is because they don't have the testosterone we do. So go ahead and take your Deca cycle. You'll gain a few pounds of muscle no doubt. However once you stop you're going to plummet and lose the majority of your gains. I know, I've been there.

    Once the Deca goes bye bye and your test is low you're gonna gain fat, lose motivation, and lose gains to a much worse degree than if you had supplemented test.

    No, adding test doesn't hurt your recovery time because your natural FSH is shutdown regardless.
    Arg...where to start...Yeah.

    First, my goal is not be a smartass nor call out known facts.
    Two, i would never run a deca only cycle or advise this to anyone. Because of the sides and loss of gains.

    But, this is well-being sides. Not short time dangerous sides. Low testo hampers hdl tasks, no doubt. But 250 mg+ test e
    injections do the same thing in addition to lowering ldl, increasing blood pressure etc. Thinking that testosteron injections (250 mg+) are healthy is really sticking head in the sand.
    But, ok, maybe i agree on a trt-dose + deca is more healthy than deca only when it comes to physical sides. But not 250+

    Yeah, your gonatrophins are closed no matter what but i cant see how injected test and deca will speed up your recovery time compared to deca, if you control your e2 and prolactin.
    And when nothing happens in the pituitary gland anyway you will get fat and loose muscles regardless of what you took. If you experienced harder recovery in your earlier years, i suspect that was a result of not controlling prolactin or e2 even, because you were a novice then. (ofcourse you were a novice, u did a deca only cycle!)

    2 month low testo are not dangerous. If so i would be dead 10 years ago. But you feel like shit and cycling should be fun so add the test!! Therefore i think all this is just a theoretical discussion.

    Or, for a guy who is mental concerned about just his physical sides, he may look into it.

    All roids are unhealthy and its very rare that a smaller dose gives more total sides.
    Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 08-12-2015 at 12:24 AM.

  29. #29
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    I'm confused here. You're claiming a Deca only cycle will have less sides than when adding test. You're also claiming recovery time won't change by adding test and HCG as in our suggested cycles.

    But you would never do a Deca only cycle or suggest it to anyone? Do you see how this is contradictory?

  30. #30
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    ofcourse hcg will speed up. The deca only was ofcourse With da, ai og hcg. If not, sides are worse and i Guess a test/deca With proper anch would be better. When it comes to recovery.

    no, well-beeing sides too harsh. But EOD...its been fun...see ya in another topic:-)

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    ofcourse hcg will speed up. The deca only was ofcourse With da, ai og hcg. If not, sides are worse and i Guess a test/deca With proper anch would be better. When it comes to recovery.

    no, well-beeing sides too harsh. But EOD...its been fun...see ya in another topic:-)
    I believe this is the weirdest thread I have read on this forum to date. Test should be the base of all cycles period!!

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joco71 View Post
    I believe this is the weirdest thread I have read on this forum to date. Test should be the base of all cycles period!!
    Thats not the point. Everybody agree on that. But im done, either u guys are too stupid or too stuck on known facts nor willing to think outside the box.

    I f###### try it. 6 week deca only. Then BW. Then off. Then 6 week deca/test e 500. Then BW. And if RBC, ldl-cholestrol, homocycteine, BP, triglycerides are more elevated from the deca only, ill donate 1000 grands to this site.

  33. #33
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    For someone so quick to resort to insults of intelligence you sure are quick to trust your own personal anecdotal evidence based on your sample size of the whopping number one. But what do we know right?

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by RangerDanger830 View Post
    For someone so quick to resort to insults of intelligence you sure are quick to trust your own personal anecdotal evidence based on your sample size of the whopping number one. But what do we know right?
    No point in argue... he has the E2 of a woman... You cant win lol

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    Thats not the point. Everybody agree on that. But im done, either u guys are too stupid or too stuck on known facts nor willing to think outside the box.

    I f###### try it. 6 week deca only. Then BW. Then off. Then 6 week deca/test e 500. Then BW. And if RBC, ldl-cholestrol, homocycteine, BP, triglycerides are more elevated from the deca only, ill donate 1000 grands to this site.
    Why try it???? Even Ranger said he's done both(note b4 he/& the steroid world knew better)

    Here's what he wrote - so think this thru - your always talking about health yet you want to shut your test down on a deca only cycle that we already know the answers to....
    QUOTE - by RangerDanger below from this thread...

    There are too many to list honestly. I'm not just quoting WebMD here. I've done Deca only cycles way back when before people knew better. Now I've also done cycles with test and HCG . I'm here to tell you that the side effects are cut in half and much less severe. I recover in half the time and I keep much more of my gains.
    Last edited by NACH3; 08-13-2015 at 07:47 AM.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    Thats not the point. Everybody agree on that. But im done, either u guys are too stupid or too stuck on known facts nor willing to think outside the box.

    I f###### try it. 6 week deca only. Then BW. Then off. Then 6 week deca/test e 500. Then BW. And if RBC, ldl-cholestrol, homocycteine, BP, triglycerides are more elevated from the deca only, ill donate 1000 grands to this site.
    Here's the thing I would worry about a novice AAS user to come on here and read a thread saying decca only cycle is a safe cycle or think its ok to run. Its just not a good message to send to new members it can and will cause confusion. There is already too much bro science flying around. I would stick to tried and true methods that are proven to work among the majority. JMO

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin
    Thats not the point. Everybody agree on that. But im done, either u guys are too stupid or too stuck on known facts nor willing to think outside the box. I f###### try it. 6 week deca only. Then BW. Then off. Then 6 week deca/test e 500. Then BW. And if RBC, ldl-cholestrol, homocycteine, BP, triglycerides are more elevated from the deca only, ill donate 1000 grands to this site.
    We are stupid? Bro you are fvcking dense.

  38. #38
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    Let's get away from the hate and just agree that it is best to include a test base when using a 19-nor.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    No point in argue... he has the E2 of a woman... You cant win lol
    haha...missred, e2 was good.....prolactin was not good

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