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Thread: Test Prop or Test E and Primo

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2015

    Test Prop or Test E and Primo

    Is Test E better than Test Prop for cutting. I see a lot of bro science saying Test E is just as good as Test Prop, and easier to inject, since I only do it two days a week.

    Also, Primo, is it good to do this if I am 210 and 15%

    Dosages: Test Prop: 100mg, eod or should I bump that up to 150mg/eod
    Primo: 100mg/eod, should this be bumped up.
    I know some advise Test Prop be run ed, at 50-100mg, ouch, my ass would be sore, side quads would be sore, and shoulders would be sore. That's 6 sites being used every week. I prefer eod shots of test prop and primo

    I am scratching the above cycle due to some advice below, Test E and Mast. Any thoughts on a good Mast dosage. Also, I am prone to gyno, already have it actually, so do you prefer arimidex, what dosage do you suggest. Next is PCT, I have heard Clomid and an AI is great. Last bulking cycle I never did hCG I def had prolactin build up, meaning my nipples were secreting, and most likely estradiol/E2 levels where to high, so I am guessing, it only helped enlarge my gyno issue. No worries, I am getting the gyno surgery to take it out, in Poland its cheap. You can look it up, its highly recommended in other bodybuilding forums. costing me about 2000 dollars, not bad for 5 day stay, surgery, and only had to take off two days.

    10yrs/weight lifting/dieting
    5th cycle, most recent 5 months ago, bulk
    no bloods on last cycle, will be going to do bloods this week, August 2015
    15% Fat
    Diet to a "T"
    Goal: Physique Competition, summer 2016.

    If you want to read my whole cycle for cutting down, here is the link from the forum.
    Last edited by enystrom; 08-13-2015 at 11:06 AM. Reason: Took advice and added new cycle questions

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    You can cut equally well using Testosterone Enanthate or Testosterone Propionate. A lot of "Bros" tend to think one is better because they forget science exists. Regardless of which one you use the testosterone does not become active in the body until it breaks from the ester. Once the ester is removed you are left with the same identical testosterone hormone regardless of which ester you started with. Neither is going to cause you to be leaner or more cut than the other.

  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You can cut on any near enough on any compound, cutting is far more driven by your diet and cardio plan.

    IMHO primo isn't the best at low dose and most around is fake due to the high price,

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    United States
    The primo dose is to low. 300mgs a week will yield no results for most. Either bump it up or drop it and replace it with something easier to inject and cheaper. I use around 900mgs a week but wouldn't recommend going below 700 with primo.

    Also, like Marcus stater there are tons of fakes or people using eq and telling you its primo. Anytime you have an expensive drug this happens
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    I would say your right on the primo, but I know my source is great they carry vermodji and I have used them many times. I didn't discuss my source but discussed brand name, hopefully this won't get me in trouble, this is original stuff from a pharmacy, you can even track the brand numbers, to see if its legit. I read up on William Llewellyn's book on gear porn and what legit looks like but I am always open to bro science.

  6. #6
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    Aug 2015
    ok, great to know, I have a diet coach so she is directing me pics every week. Lets see if it works out. I see I am going to change my cycle up. Test E with Mast. Any thoughts on hCG and pct. There is two ways I know how to use hCG, one is in the PCT and one is the last two weeks or three weeks of cycle. Any recommendations would be appreciated. I have heard this go both ways so have not made my mind up yet.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    ok, I will re think my cycle. I will probably go with Test E and Mast, hCG and PCT of clomid with arimidex on hand whole cycle. I am planning on doing a 12 week cycle, Test E and Mast, and 4 week PCT, should this be longer. I am going to do full blood work this week, so I know what normal is, or I will find out I am not normal. Hopefully the latter.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    bump that. I will def have to change up my cycle. I am now looking at Test E and Mast instead, plus pct. Any recommendations on t3 and albuterol as a side to get ultra lean. I am only looking to gain 10-15 lean mass pounds max, I am already 211 at 15%, would like to be 195 or 200 at 8.5 percent or 10 percent. Again, diet is good, and cardio is 20 min 5x week medium intensity, siting at 130-150 HIIT every other day. Burns around 300 cals in 20 min. Not to crazy so I don't bust into my muscle.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Metalject View Post
    You can cut equally well using Testosterone Enanthate or Testosterone Propionate. A lot of "Bros" tend to think one is better because they forget science exists. Regardless of which one you use the testosterone does not become active in the body until it breaks from the ester. Once the ester is removed you are left with the same identical testosterone hormone regardless of which ester you started with. Neither is going to cause you to be leaner or more cut than the other.
    since teste is less pins ew and less risk (every pin is a risk lets not kid ourselves) then i say teste is better. in terms of gains though... wouldent think much into it.
    for me i like teste

  10. #10
    First time using primo this cycle and im on 800mg PW, its expensive and a lot of oil to pin lol. 100mg eod wont do anything. 200mg eod or nothing id say!

  11. #11
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    Aug 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Roger11 View Post
    First time using primo this cycle and im on 800mg PW, its expensive and a lot of oil to pin lol. 100mg eod wont do anything. 200mg eod or nothing id say!
    Roger, well I think I am going to stick with something simple, Test E and Mast.

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