This is my first cycle. I graduate in 6 months and plan to backpack by myself again in SouthAmerica. I've always wanted to be big but now I need it for protection purposes as well. If I plan to do another cycle it won't be for a really long time since I plan to travel. I've done a lot of research and when it seems like I know everything about the gear I plan to take, there's always something new someone else mentions that contradicts the last thread or research I read. First off here are my stats:
AGE: 24
BF%: Around 15% I would say. Maybe less
Height: 5'11
LIFTING EXP: 2-3years of serious lifting but been working out off and on since high school around 15yrs old.
Planned Cycle:
*Test-E: 500 or 600IU a wk for 12wk. Injections broken down into twice a week. 250/300IU Mon/Thursday.
*Dbol: 25mg/ED maybe up it in week two to 30mg/ED if all goes well. Total of 4-5 wk's.
*Nolvadex: 10mg starting at week 2 or 3. Up it to 20mg if needed. (I'm prond to acne and I think Gyo. I've always had a little water/fat on my chest since 4th grade and always bother me)
-My question is how would I go about this cycle better/smarter?
-Do I need an AI or should I start with Nolvadex. I know both the AI and Dbol are not kind on the liver so I wouldn't like to stack them if I don't have to.
-Also do I need a HCG with Test that I'm taking. If so, how much would you recommend and how do you recommend taking it?....With my cycle and PCT or just PCT. I heard that you could do a lot more harm to your body with HCG then actually AAS and would like to stick away from it although if possible.
-Last question, what would be an ideal PCT. I heard of of a hundred different things so i'm just trying to wrap my head around it. Should I take both Clan and Nolvadex or just stick with one? (rather stick with Nolvadex since the side effects are less). If so which one? As mention before, HCG for PCT ya or nay?
PCT(I plan to do):
*Nolvadex: 4wks; 40mg first two weeks then drop to 20mg the next two weeks. Is this a good enough PCT?
Any and all information will be gratefully appreciate it and extremely helpful!!! A big Thanks in advance!