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Thread: First Cycle User and Could Really Use Some Help PLEASE!!!!!!

  1. #1

    First Cycle User and Could Really Use Some Help PLEASE!!!!!!

    This is my first cycle. I graduate in 6 months and plan to backpack by myself again in SouthAmerica. I've always wanted to be big but now I need it for protection purposes as well. If I plan to do another cycle it won't be for a really long time since I plan to travel. I've done a lot of research and when it seems like I know everything about the gear I plan to take, there's always something new someone else mentions that contradicts the last thread or research I read. First off here are my stats:

    AGE: 24
    WEIGHT: 172
    BF%: Around 15% I would say. Maybe less
    Height: 5'11
    LIFTING EXP: 2-3years of serious lifting but been working out off and on since high school around 15yrs old.

    Planned Cycle:

    *Test-E: 500 or 600IU a wk for 12wk. Injections broken down into twice a week. 250/300IU Mon/Thursday.
    *Dbol: 25mg/ED maybe up it in week two to 30mg/ED if all goes well. Total of 4-5 wk's.
    *Nolvadex: 10mg starting at week 2 or 3. Up it to 20mg if needed. (I'm prond to acne and I think Gyo. I've always had a little water/fat on my chest since 4th grade and always bother me)

    -My question is how would I go about this cycle better/smarter?
    -Do I need an AI or should I start with Nolvadex. I know both the AI and Dbol are not kind on the liver so I wouldn't like to stack them if I don't have to.
    -Also do I need a HCG with Test that I'm taking. If so, how much would you recommend and how do you recommend taking it?....With my cycle and PCT or just PCT. I heard that you could do a lot more harm to your body with HCG then actually AAS and would like to stick away from it although if possible.
    -Last question, what would be an ideal PCT. I heard of of a hundred different things so i'm just trying to wrap my head around it. Should I take both Clan and Nolvadex or just stick with one? (rather stick with Nolvadex since the side effects are less). If so which one? As mention before, HCG for PCT ya or nay?

    PCT(I plan to do):

    *Nolvadex: 4wks; 40mg first two weeks then drop to 20mg the next two weeks. Is this a good enough PCT?

    Any and all information will be gratefully appreciate it and extremely helpful!!! A big Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Please read this,you'll find everything you need!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Seems a pretty bad idea. A cycle for protection?!?

    What if you are not recovered in 6 months? How would low testosterone look protection wise??

    You should not do this, its a waste of your health just to lose all the gains backpaking.

  4. #4
    Too young to cycle. Gonna f**k up your natty test. You should have a lot of good natural test at your age as long as your diets correct. Try taking some unleashed from protein factory it lowers SBHG.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Im no expert, so dont take my word for it, Im just gonna share something I did my personal research on and Im planing my first cycle based on the research I've done with the huge help of this site, but I think you are too young to do the cycle in the first place, there are few major reasons, I urge you to read FAQ's on this forum in sticky threads, spend some time, time invested = knowledge gained, if you're just going to be told something, easy knowledge doesnt last, so beware.
    HCG is a must, especially if you are determined that you will still going to go with your cycle. for example I would do 2 shots a week 250iu each shot for entirety of the cycle + 2 weeks after the last test shot, then after this last 2 weeks of HCG I'd start Clomid & Nolvadex PCT for 4 weeks, for dosages and just some guidance please reffer to this sketch I have here:

    however, its just a guideline that I believe I will be using, but you're free to do your own in depth research as it is really important.
    Also, to gain weight, you must set your diet in place and make sure you get good balanced quality fats,proteins and carbs, steroids dont do any magic if puzzle isnt complete.

    Someone more experienced in this will shed more light on you I believe.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Southeast USA
    Definitely read the link listed by MrFreshmaker above. That said, I'd suggest you wait due to your age. Also, 2-3 years of serious lifting is an accomplishment but this lifestyle is a longer process. Be patient and keep working out and watch your nutrition. If, however, you decide to go on with a cycle, save the dbol for another day. Test only first cycle. Run hCG from the get go with an AI. I get good results with arimidex .25mg EOD; some use stane. Keep the nolva on hand if gyno pops up during cycle. As for PCT, best plan is with clomid and nolva combo. I have a hard time with the clomid at higher doses. Seems most folks don't. Best of luck!

    P.S. It is best to get BW pre-, mid and post-cycle for reference and understanding of how your body reacts to the test.
    Last edited by jdc91gt; 08-14-2015 at 07:05 AM.

  7. #7
    Thanks for all the responds. All good advice. yardbirdaj isn't unleashed from protein factory just a test booster? I have tried tester boosters before and always let me down. Waste of time and money.
    Also I feel like I should explain myself better.. I want to be in shape for when I leave for backpacking and size with help scare some people off as well. Its a win, win but isn't the sole reason for me doing this. Yes it'll be hard to keep my gains I agree and already have though about that but as long as I keep my protein and Calc intake I should substance right? considering I still stay somewhat active. At the earliest I'll be about 2 weeks after my PCT is finish. Also a main reason I don't see results is not my diet but because I separate my shoulder 5 years and tore my rotator cuff 2 years ago. It becomes extremely frustrating when all your friends who have been working out less years then you and they don't go as hard in the gym but still gaining more from the gym then you.
    If gyno does pop up you said to use Nolvadex right but should/can I use that while on the AI or should I get off the AI and switch to Nolvadex or would if be best to just up the does of the AI? Again I appreciate the help!

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Seems a pretty bad idea. A cycle for protection?!?

    What if you are not recovered in 6 months? How would low testosterone look protection wise??

    You should not do this, its a waste of your health just to lose all the gains backpaking.

    Please listen to this advice.

    What happens if you don't recover from your cycle?
    Hiking with low T would just suck.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    North Carolina
    For starters, size doesn't deter someone who is lethal, desperate, armed, and/or stupid.

    Secondly, I stopped reading shortly after six months backpacking. I personally am not going to risk HPGA shutdown just for temporary gains.

    Just plan your trip well and use street smarts. I wouldn't cycle.

  10. #10
    Unleashed is actually a very good product for lowering SBHG. Which will allow you to have more free test available. I've used as a stand alone, and am also going to incorporate it in my upcoming PCT plan. Also, by the sound of it you want to cycle for the wrong reasons. I'm 33 and just now on my 1st cycle. I trained many years natural before I came to the dark side. You should have plenty of good natural test at your age. Work on your diet. Eat more, eat clean. Go to the gym with mind set of a beast. Train like one day you might have to fight off a prison rape!!!
    Last edited by yardbirdaj; 08-14-2015 at 11:16 PM.

  11. #11
    Last edited by yardbirdaj; 08-14-2015 at 11:17 PM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    If it's your first cycle, keep it as simple as possible
    Swap the nova for arimidex during cycle and keep the nova for PCT
    take Test e and don't worry about Dbol
    If it's your very first cycle you'll get crazy gains from test alone,
    Don't complicate it for your first time

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by BulkCity View Post
    If it's your first cycle, keep it as simple as possible
    Swap the nova for arimidex during cycle and keep the nova for PCT
    take Test e and don't worry about Dbol
    If it's your very first cycle you'll get crazy gains from test alone,
    Don't complicate it for your first time
    Alright Awesome! thanks a lot guys for all your help. I need to do a lot more researching and serious thinking but this helped a lot!! much appreciate it

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