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Thread: Second Cycle Question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Second Cycle Question

    I'm currently eight weeks into my second cycle which consists of 1ml Test Prop injected EOD along with 0.5 mg of arimidex EOD. My first cycle was 1.5 ml of Prop EOD for 10 weeks.

    So theres a show coming up at the end of october that I would really like to compete in and ideally I'd like to be on for the show so I'll look my best. I was wondering if I should stop my cycle now and start again closer to the show or if I should just stay on till then. I started my cycle at the end of June so it would make the cycle just over 20 weeks long. I've been making amazing gains so it would be a shame for me to have to come off and sacrifice any further progression. What do you guys think?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Staying on for 20 weeks is a really bad idea. I don't tend to keep making gains at the same rate after about 8-10 weeks, the rate drops dramatically. Recovery after 20 weeks will not be nice at all. It's not worth staying on IMO.

    Stopping now and starting again in 2 months is also not enough time for you to recover properly (almost as bad as staying on for 20 weeks)

    Is risking your long term health worth it for the show? I'd forget the show and finish the cycle as planned and remember for next time to plan your timing better.

    Just my 2c

  3. #3
    You can still maintain your gains with careful diet and good training. Just bad timing on this show. There will be others. Don't sacrifice your health for one show. .02

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