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  1. #1
    creutzfeldt is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2015

    Question and opinions starting my first cycle! (sorry if its a long read)

    Hello all, My name is Chris and I've been dying to find a place to discuss this before I venture into my 8 week cycle.
    First off for a background, I am a healthy individual with a good diet. (only good, not great) I workout/play basketball at least 5 times a week. I am currently sitting at 229 pounds at 6' 4" with a pretty large frame. My last check in i was at something like 19-21% body fat, without a doubt because I eat a lot of things that wont help me lose weight. I have a resting heartbeat typically around 61 and I do not smoke, drink, or do any type of narc. (I may drink once a week or so casually, only get ****ed up like once every 6 months. I play basketball on the regular in a bunch of leagues and have been lifting for a solid 5 years, but only the last 2 years have been very serious. I max bench around 260, dead lift 405, and squat around 250. Nothing crazy, but that's just for some general info. I also have very little negative reaction to any type of medication, I react well to most treatments, and have zero allergies.

    I have been looking into a test cycle for about a year now, and recently befriended a very knowledgeable body builder who is willing to help me with my first cycle. The guy is really a dope dude, and very genuine, and only discussed this stuff with me because I myself brought it up.
    The 8 week Cycle:

    1 pack of 50x50mg Turinabol tabs

    4 vials of testosterone propionate 400-500 a week

    1 pack of arimidex (anti est) 1mgx50

    The 4th Vial is if i decide to kick it up at all.

    This is all for $490 and it is good stuff purchased through a trustworthy supplier.

    My goal is to increase my strength and lean out just a tiny bit. I could care less about abs, I just wanna be stronger and a little more defined.

    I just want to get and information and opinions on this and what not, and if I left anything out. It would be very appreciated! Thanks guys

  2. #2
    sportsguy891 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Read Austinites Planning a successful first cycle, sorry I can't post the link. This will give you all the answers you will need.

    Prop for a first cycle could be tough because of the amount of Pins compared to Test E or C.
    Run Test only for a first cycle. What about HCG , PCT?
    Theres no discussion of price either, you you'll want to edit that part out.

  3. #3
    sportsguy891 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    First off 22 is pretty young to start a cycle. You should work on a great diet, not a good one. This will help you out more than any supplements will.

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