Age 28
Weight 217
Bf 16%
Height 6"2
I finished my 3rd cycle of:
Week 1-4: 40mgs dbol ED
Week 1-12 test e 250mg every 3.5 days and bumped up to 300mg every 3.5 days starting week 6
Starting pct 2 weeks after last pin and doing mix of clomid/nolva the protocol was the same as a standard first cycle pct 75/40/40/40 and 40/20/20/20
Had arimidex .25 EOD
The entire brand used was inno
The issue is I've been off for a decent amount of time now. I had previously had issues with back acne a while ago before ever using any aas. My back acne actually got better while on cycle, but after my pct it got absolutely horrific. I'm at the point where I can't wear white shirts because it bleeds and its cystic so it's painful as well. This has never happened before on any cycles, I'm wondering if my body rebounded and is really high in estrogen? At this point I'm considering taking .25 of arimidex EOD even though I've been off since June 18 (meaning off from the last day of pct)
I'm seeing an endocrinologist next week to see my stats, has anyone experienced this?