I have primo eth100, test cyp250, deca 200, anvar n 10iuhgh I got free from buddy of mine n threw me a few clomid provion cabergoline but I dnt have trem so I shld still ise them. I have about 5cc of deca anavar about 90 ills test cyp whole brand new bottle
n if I recieve my other gear I wld love to know how I wld do that im not new at this but its been awhile. Since I worked out I been working out for more than 8 months now I was 2 weeks away to compete in mr.south jersey n blew a hernia all that hard work down the tubes I trained for few years intill.i thought I was good n ready. The hardest part was eating. Every 2 hrs man. Portion food. I did the whole nine. So help how I wld use the gear I posted thanks