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Thread: Advise

  1. #1


    A question I was wondering, I am trying to plan a second cycle, now that I have been reading this forum I have learned a lot.
    First cycle was var only for 6 weeks followed by clomid for 4 weeks. It worked out well

    My wife won't understand pins around house, would androgel be a possibility to stack with var for next time?

  2. #2
    Oh yea, 46 years old 230 Pds at 18 % body fat been training for 5 years. Next cycle will start when I get to 15%bf

  3. #3
    You should always have a test base. Even with var. I've never tried any of the gels but from what I hear it's pointless. If you can't pin then AAS isn't for you

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by FotoBlast
    Oh yea, 46 years old 230 Pds at 18 % body fat been training for 5 years. Next cycle will start when I get to 15%bf
    Please take a look at this thread below,you have everything you need to know how to do a successful cycle.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    There's no real reason why it wouldn't work. I've ran var only on top of my TRT dose but 8-10 weeks is a better length for var for me. You'd need to run a full and proper PCT though.

    What's your height?


    Can you post a pic?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by FotoBlast View Post
    A question I was wondering, I am trying to plan a second cycle, now that I have been reading this forum I have learned a lot.
    First cycle was var only for 6 weeks followed by clomid for 4 weeks. It worked out well

    My wife won't understand pins around house, would androgel be a possibility to stack with var for next time?
    Why dont you talk to a single good friend of yours. With test e it could just be once a week. Nothing to be afraid of. I have done hundreds of pins. Never problems. A few times just a teardrop of blood. Just stretch the skin with your other hand and the "pain" is almost close to zero. And i never was hysterical about the hygiene. But always use two needles. Just lay down at a bed or your friends sofa. Always do it on your upper rigth/left of ass. Slow moves. Pull out and use a bit of paper to masage the area you pinned for one minute to ensure the oil will spread out well.
    Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 08-16-2015 at 02:00 AM.

  7. #7
    Last edited by FotoBlast; 08-16-2015 at 06:57 AM.

  8. #8
    I am 6'1" tall, this picture is about 7 pds ago, I figure I have about 20 more to go. I am figuring that should put me at about 15%. I will know for sure as I am scheduled for a BodPod in early Sept.My plan is for the cycle to begin in spring, I would like to show off the hard work I am putting in, as well as keep up the strength to continue to work out with my son.

    I am very aware of needing proper PCT, as well as HCG and a AI while on cycle,on the var last time, I could feel the changes in my sex drive, everything still functioned great but the drive was greatly reduced, went from horndog to regular kinda guy lol

    I am not afraid of pins, just crazed wife lol. I also understand she would be concerned with influence on my son, who is a HS football player, I don't need him asking questions.

    the friend thing might work, but may not be as reliable, as my schedule is constantly changing. a gel would be easier, and in my control, while a bit expensive, a daily treatment I thought would do the trick in maintaining levels. Thanks again for any experiences you can share
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  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2013
    You can't cycle on gels but you can keep you tes levels high enough to keep them in range while adding another compound. Not the best scenario but doable. I received some gel from my doc once just to try( ha not interested but not going to turn down free). I continued to do my shots tes/deca while adding the gel every morning! Man it was like hitting prop before a workout Like an over load of tes weird to say the least but yes you can use the cream to keep levels up when adding another compound to build off of.

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