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  1. #1
    Peter's Avatar
    Peter is offline Associate Member
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    Nolvadex question

    What would be a sufficient nolvadex dosage to take while running 300mg of deca a week and 500 mgs of test per week? I want to tell my friend to take nolva just to be on the safe side. This is his first cycle. What do you guys think?

  2. #2
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    20mg a day all the way through clomid

  3. #3
    TheMudMan's Avatar
    TheMudMan is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    I run 20 mg a day. I'm not sure but I thought nolva doesn't work on preventing gyno from Deca . Hopefully someone else can answer that for you.

  4. #4
    chinups Guest


    I have heard that there can be a rebound affect from nolvadex . Is this true?

  5. #5
    H BOMB is offline Senior Member
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    ye that is true that is why you run it all the way through clomid as pheedno stated.

  6. #6
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    Re: rebound

    Originally posted by chinups
    I have heard that there can be a rebound affect from nolvadex. Is this true?
    It generally needs to be tapered down if your on a high dose to prevent gyno(80mg/60/40). For caution, it can be tapered to 10mg before discontinuance but I don't think it's neccessarily a must.

  7. #7
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    Originally posted by TheMudMan
    I run 20 mg a day. I'm not sure but I thought nolva doesn't work on preventing gyno from Deca. Hopefully someone else can answer that for you.
    It would be good to have some Bromo on hand to boost Test levels by lowering prolactin scretion in the case gyno did appear. But I think with a 500/300 ratio, he won't be in danger from the deca . If gyno appears, my bet is estrogen(which Bromo would still prove usefull
    Last edited by Pheedno; 06-25-2003 at 11:54 AM.

  8. #8
    Lift Chief's Avatar
    Lift Chief is offline Member
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    If you run it to clomid you shouldn't have a rebound effect as clomid is also an anti-estrogen and by the time clomid therapy is finished your hormone levels should have returned close enough to normal where you won't have high enough estrogen to get a rebound effect.

  9. #9
    ichabodcrane's Avatar
    ichabodcrane is offline Associate Member
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    I agree that 20 mg/d should be sufficient. Some people may even find that 10 mg/d is fine as a prophylactic. Since gyno from nandrolone does not seem to be estrogen related, nolva wont help in this regard, but it will still prove effective in covering the estradiol related conversion from test. As far as the rebound effect with nolva, it would be appropriate in believing that since you are not preventing estrogen accumulation, but rather just preventing it from binding E receptors, upon termination of nolva you would still have a high amount of estrogen in the body (depending on AAS taken). Although I personally have not experienced this, it does seem feasable, and by running nolva through post cycle recovery you should be able to block estrogen until levels subside. Clomid as well does this and you may find it effective as well, but nolva seems to be more potent. We were discusssing this on a previous thread, but clomid seems to increase SHBG, while nolva decreases this binding protein. Therefore, nolva may be more effective in post cycle recovery just by the fact that if it does indeed decrease SHBG, you will allow what little free test is in the body to be more effective in binding the AR and not being bound up by SHBG.
    But then again depending on the dosages of aromatizable AAS used, some people find no need for nolva and even benefit from estrogen related gains. But everyone is different, and everyone will respond to the same dosages differently, so if your friend is someone who is susceptible to estrogen related side effects (not everyone is), then 20mg/d of nolva should be effective in preventing the related side effects.

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