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Thread: Should I take dbol to raise my estrogen levels after a crash?

  1. #1

    Should I take dbol to raise my estrogen levels after a crash?

    Hey everyone, I recently began test e at 500mg per week. I felt symptoms of low estro (no sex drive, hot flashes, sweating, depressed, no "superman feeling") and got a blood test done at week 3. My test came back at 3380 (wow!) and estradiol at <15.

    - I crashed it on July 29th give or take a few days.
    - I have taken no AI since July 31st
    - Blood test was done on August 6th and estradiol was <15.

    No more hot flashes, irritation, strength has gone up, I'm gaining weight now (gained a lb since 2 days). My sex drive has gone almost back to normal from before cycling.

    My question is this. I'm worried that I have gained no weight (0 pounds) since I began and I'm in week 5. Strength has gone up but 0 weight gain. I assume it's because I had no water weight form having low estro but I don't want the low estro to hinder my gains and I don't know when it'll go back to normal seeing as it's been 2 1/2 weeks already. Should I take 15mg dbol for a few days to bring it up? I know dbol converts to methylestradiol.

    I crashed my estro using aromasin which I know destroys the aromatase enzyme so my test won't be converted to estrogen. But does dbol convert to methylestradiol via the same manner? Because if dbol needs the enzyme to convert and there's no enzyme, then there'd be no point I assume.

    Any input?
    Last edited by lifitness9015; 08-16-2015 at 03:12 PM.

  2. #2
    In the first weeks of your cycle how much AI were you taking?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Welcome to the forum!

    Do you understand the consequences of using AAS at 22 years old?

    Please list your stats. height, weight and body fat %.

    Please list your entire cycle in extreme detail. When you began, doses and frequencies of all compounds and ancillaries.

    What is your plan for PCT?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    Welcome to the forum!

    Do you understand the consequences of using AAS at 22 years old?

    Please list your stats. height, weight and body fat %.

    Please list your entire cycle in extreme detail. When you began, doses and frequencies of all compounds and ancillaries.

    What is your plan for PCT?
    Thank you and yes sir. My natural levels were 372 after 2 1/2 years of lifting. 5"11 172lb 10% body fat.

    Test enanthate only 500mg weekly. PCT with clomid/nolva.

    I began my cycle July 16th. I was running letro to reverse some gyno that I had gotten from naturally high estrogen levels (estradiol was 39). I finished the letro around July 20 and then as I tapered off of it, I added in nolvadex at 20mg and aromasin at 12.5mg ED. Around July 23, I was off the letro and I felt my nips getting hard easier (turns out it's normal) but I was paranoid from having had gyno already so I upped aromasin to 25mg ED for 3 days. Then I cut it back down to 12.5mg ED and on July 31, I took no AI.

    Now I'm off everything. Just taking test e 500mg weekly and 3 tabs NAC for liver support. The low estrogen menopause like symptoms are gone but I don't feel amazing like test is supposed to make you feel even with such high test levels due to the estrogen. I want to bring that up to the normal but I'm not sure if taking dbol would work for it.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    In the first weeks of your cycle how much AI were you taking?
    Thanks for the reply, I posted it below. Had just tapered off letro and added in 12.5mg aromasin ED but then upped it to 25mg ED for several days because I got paranoid.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by lifitness9015 View Post
    Thank you and yes sir. My natural levels were 372 after 2 1/2 years of lifting. 5"11 172lb 10% body fat.

    Test enanthate only 500mg weekly. PCT with clomid/nolva.

    I began my cycle July 16th. I was running letro to reverse some gyno that I had gotten from naturally high estrogen levels (estradiol was 39). I finished the letro around July 20 and then as I tapered off of it, I added in nolvadex at 20mg and aromasin at 12.5mg ED. Around July 23, I was off the letro and I felt my nips getting hard easier (turns out it's normal) but I was paranoid from having had gyno already so I upped aromasin to 25mg ED for 3 days. Then I cut it back down to 12.5mg ED and on July 31, I took no AI.

    Now I'm off everything. Just taking test e 500mg weekly and 3 tabs NAC for liver support. The low estrogen menopause like symptoms are gone but I don't feel amazing like test is supposed to make you feel even with such high test levels due to the estrogen. I want to bring that up to the normal but I'm not sure if taking dbol would work for it.
    There is so much wrong here I'm not sure where to begin. First of all you are too young to be self manipulating your hormones. You should see a doctor in order to find out the cause of your low t.

    You're 5'11" and only weigh 170 pounds. You aren't gaining any weight because you don't know how to eat. Using AAS is a waste of time and money if you don't know how to diet for tissue growth.

    One should never cycle with a pre existing medical condition (gyno). Lerto will do nothing to reverse gyno, it will only crash your e2. Your letro use is likely the reason for your low e2. One needs to use nolva or ralox for gyno treatment.

    Using dbol when you have no idea how to control your e2 is a terrible idea.

    Stane is a mild AI which makes it almost impossible to crash your e2. IMO you should begin taking 12.5 mg of stane twice a day, with dietary fats, and then have a sensitive e2 assay in 2-3 weeks.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    There is so much wrong here I'm not sure where to begin. First of all you are too young to be self manipulating your hormones. You should see a doctor in order to find out the cause of your low t.

    You're 5'11" and only weigh 170 pounds. You aren't gaining any weight because you don't know how to eat. Using AAS is a waste of time and money if you don't know how to diet for tissue growth.

    One should never cycle with a pre existing medical condition (gyno). Lerto will do nothing to reverse gyno, it will only crash your e2. Your letro use is likely the reason for your low e2. One needs to use nolva or ralox for gyno treatment.

    Using dbol when you have no idea how to control your e2 is a terrible idea.

    Stane is a mild AI which makes it almost impossible to crash your e2. IMO you should begin taking 12.5 mg of stane twice a day, with dietary fats, and then have a sensitive e2 assay in 2-3 weeks.
    - Well, the low testosterone was idiopathic, I went to an endocrinologist.
    - Saying I don't know how to eat without asking for diet just because my weight is 170lb makes no sense either. I started at 126lb at 12% body fat, I've put on decent muscle and I have a general idea of how my body grows and the last 6 months have been complete plateaus. I eat 3700 calories currently split between 5 meals. Protein 250g carbs 550g 50g fat.
    - The gyno lump is 90% gone, I used it for 2 weeks and the lump is basically non-existant. It hasn't come back, had no rebound.
    - The person who I got my stuff from said another one of this friends crashed his estro as well using aromasin from the same batch. I ran letro for 2 weeks and I felt it dropping and when I tapered off and the
    second day I added aromasin, it went downhill even quicker. I have read people saying aromasin is mild but the most estrogen crashes I've seen online happen to come from people using aromasin.

    I'm not sure why you recommend using an AI with an estrogen level of less than 15? I'm not trying to argue, just trying to clarify everything.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by lifitness9015 View Post
    - Well, the low testosterone was idiopathic, I went to an endocrinologist.
    - Saying I don't know how to eat without asking for diet just because my weight is 170lb makes no sense either. I started at 126lb at 12% body fat, I've put on decent muscle and I have a general idea of how my body grows and the last 6 months have been complete plateaus. I eat 3700 calories currently split between 5 meals. Protein 250g carbs 550g 50g fat.
    - The gyno lump is 90% gone, I used it for 2 weeks and the lump is basically non-existant. It hasn't come back, had no rebound.
    - The person who I got my stuff from said another one of this friends crashed his estro as well using aromasin from the same batch. I ran letro for 2 weeks and I felt it dropping and when I tapered off and the
    second day I added aromasin, it went downhill even quicker. I have read people saying aromasin is mild but the most estrogen crashes I've seen online happen to come from people using aromasin.

    I'm not sure why you recommend using an AI with an estrogen level of less than 15? I'm not trying to argue, just trying to clarify everything.
    Looks like you have all the answers.

    Best of luck on your cycle.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    Looks like you have all the answers.

    Best of luck on your cycle.
    I didn't mean it in a rude manner but getting accused of not trying hard to lift based solely on numbers without knowing how hard the other person worked feels bad.

    I do appreciate the help though and thank you.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by lifitness9015 View Post
    My question is this. I'm worried that I have gained no weight (0 pounds) since I began and I'm in week 5. Strength has gone up but 0 weight gain.
    Sorry buddy, but this speaks volumes about your diet. At week 5 even with a mild calorific surplus you should be up 10-15 lb. While I commend you on your gains since you were 126 lb that is not the issue at hand. Whatever you are doing with your eating plan, it is not working during this cycle, you really should readdress it.

    As Numbere has said, now you feel your e2 is somewhat under control, continue on a "normal" ai dose and get blood work in a few of weeks to fine tune your dose.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by thephoenix25 View Post
    Sorry buddy, but this speaks volumes about your diet. At week 5 even with a mild calorific surplus you should be up 10-15 lb. While I commend you on your gains since you were 126 lb that is not the issue at hand. Whatever you are doing with your eating plan, it is not working during this cycle, you really should readdress it.

    As Numbere has said, now you feel your e2 is somewhat under control, continue on a "normal" ai dose and get blood work in a few of weeks to fine tune your dose.
    I thought on a basic 12 week cycle all you gain are 10-15 pounds. I was eating 3200 calories I increased it to 3700 yesterday. The initial weight of test I thought was water and since my AI was too strong, I gained no water. I'll update this in a weeks time and see how its going, thanks.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    As a rough guide you gain 33% water 33% fat and 33% muscle,

    You should expect to be around 15-20 pounds up at the end of the cycle (before PCT).
    Less 33% water leaves 10-13 pounds fat and muscle
    Less 33% fat leaves ~5-6 pounds of muscle.

    I'm in week 4.5 and am up 16.5lb from the start, although I'm using different compounds to you. At 5 weeks in my previous cycle I was up 13 lb (I keep notes on every cycle) this should give you an idea of the increase you should be seeing. Either your test is bunk (which your bloods show it is not) or you're not eating enough. Stick with the 3700 calories for a few weeks and see how that goes.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by thephoenix25 View Post
    As a rough guide you gain 33% water 33% fat and 33% muscle,

    You should expect to be around 15-20 pounds up at the end of the cycle (before PCT).
    Less 33% water leaves 10-13 pounds fat and muscle
    Less 33% fat leaves ~5-6 pounds of muscle.

    I'm in week 4.5 and am up 16.5lb from the start, although I'm using different compounds to you. At 5 weeks in my previous cycle I was up 13 lb (I keep notes on every cycle) this should give you an idea of the increase you should be seeing. Either your test is bunk (which your bloods show it is not) or you're not eating enough. Stick with the 3700 calories for a few weeks and see how that goes.
    Thanks, I'll stick to 3700 for a week and see how it goes!

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