Hello to all.....
I am now returning to lifting after some major surgeries and need some assistance with the next step.....
I have done several cycles with Test cyp, Tren-e, Deca and Masteron, not all at the same time, now that I am back in a good place and feel good I wan to get back to where I was 3 years ago before all my surgeries and problems.....
Here is what I have to create a cycle, this items I have access to and are actually prescribed to me:
Humatrope 24mg (HGH) I use 1.8 units per dayx 5 days
Test Cyp I get 200mg per week (I have plenty)
And I have this in my stock
Tren suspension 50mg/ml
Test suspension 50mg/ml
Deca 250mg/ml
So with this in mind does any one have suggestions as what would be the best.
Here is what I would like to accomplish;
Loose some weight (cardio,lots of cardio)
Gain strength
Build muscle
Here is my diet in a nut shell
2 whole eggs and 3whites with muffin for breakfast
Meals 2-4 either fresh tuna,salmon,chicken or white fish with spinach, kale or romaine lettuce and twice a week half cup of brown rice
Meal 5 is usually beef (filet) with sweet potato, salad a flower tortilla
I also have 2-3 protein shakes (epic isolate with almond milk)
Omega 3 supplement
Phosphatic acid
Multi vitamin
Epic heat.....
I am 43, 5'6" 205lbs and tested at 18.9%bf