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Thread: Assistance and opinions please

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Assistance and opinions please

    Hello to all.....
    I am now returning to lifting after some major surgeries and need some assistance with the next step.....
    I have done several cycles with Test cyp, Tren-e, Deca and Masteron, not all at the same time, now that I am back in a good place and feel good I wan to get back to where I was 3 years ago before all my surgeries and problems.....
    Here is what I have to create a cycle, this items I have access to and are actually prescribed to me:
    Humatrope 24mg (HGH) I use 1.8 units per dayx 5 days
    Test Cyp I get 200mg per week (I have plenty)

    And I have this in my stock
    Tren suspension 50mg/ml
    Test suspension 50mg/ml
    Deca 250mg/ml

    So with this in mind does any one have suggestions as what would be the best.
    Here is what I would like to accomplish;
    Loose some weight (cardio,lots of cardio)
    Gain strength
    Build muscle
    Here is my diet in a nut shell
    2 whole eggs and 3whites with muffin for breakfast
    Meals 2-4 either fresh tuna,salmon,chicken or white fish with spinach, kale or romaine lettuce and twice a week half cup of brown rice
    Meal 5 is usually beef (filet) with sweet potato, salad a flower tortilla
    I also have 2-3 protein shakes (epic isolate with almond milk)
    Omega 3 supplement
    Phosphatic acid
    Multi vitamin
    Epic heat.....
    I am 43, 5'6" 205lbs and tested at 18.9%bf

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    North Carolina
    What surgeries and when were they?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    United States
    I'm not a fan of the suspension ester because I hate ed shots. What was your surgeries for brother?
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Ruptured colon, I spent 6weeks in hospital then 6 months with a colostomy bag, thank GOD that they were able to re-attached my colon back next all working fine. This was done Feb 2012, the initial surgery and Sep 2012 when they reversed the ostomy and have been recovering from the surgeries since.
    They opened me up from the sternum to the growing area(north to south) both times so all the core muscles had to heal, now I m back at gym and lifting some what heavy now and want to take advantage of the HGH I have and the other stuff..... Thanks in advance to all

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