Hey guys just looking for a little advice for my second cycle.
26% BF
Training experience:
8 years lifting (sarcoplasmic/myofibrillar hypertrophy)
Collegiate athlete
Exercise science major
I've lost over 100lbs in 2 years used to weigh and fluctuate between 345-370
First cycle :
Test E 500mg a week for 12 weeks
Dbol 50mg For weeks 2-4
Adex .25md EOD weeks 2-12
Winny 75mg aAD weeks 10-12
PCT: 2 weeks after last pin
Clomid 100/100/50/50
So since I've lost over 100 lbs I've hit just a major ****ing road block. Training 6 days a week, cardio twice a week steady state and HIIT. Like I said constantly switching between sarcoplasmic and myofibrillar hypertrophy. Like sticking with higher volume tho.
Diet is on point 6-8 meals a day high protein, low carb, low fat try to stick to at least a 1:1 ratio protein to body fat but sometimes up it. Also carb cycle.
Would really like to run Tren Ace this cycle. Been researching for a year I know all the possible sides and negatives (how hard it shuts you down, prolactin, night sweats etc..) however I also know its the most anabolic compound and most will say to wait a few more cycles so I become more aware of my bodys reactions.
I'd like to run a smaller dose of test with it and keep the Tren higher.
Around 250-500 mg a weeks of test e or prop and 50-75 mg Tren Ace EOD
I will wait for input because I will put pride aside and run more mild compounds like a simple test e and anavar cylce if need be but I believe I'm ready to run Tren.
Also would like to run HCG this time two weeks prior to going into my PCT, I've never used it before but I hear nothing but great things.
Any advice and criticism is greatly appreciated.