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Thread: advice on second cycle

  1. #1

    advice on second cycle

    Hey guys just looking for a little advice for my second cycle.

    26% BF

    Training experience:

    8 years lifting (sarcoplasmic/myofibrillar hypertrophy)
    Collegiate athlete
    Exercise science major
    I've lost over 100lbs in 2 years used to weigh and fluctuate between 345-370

    First cycle :

    Test E 500mg a week for 12 weeks
    Dbol 50mg For weeks 2-4
    Adex .25md EOD weeks 2-12
    Winny 75mg aAD weeks 10-12
    PCT: 2 weeks after last pin
    Clomid 100/100/50/50

    So since I've lost over 100 lbs I've hit just a major ****ing road block. Training 6 days a week, cardio twice a week steady state and HIIT. Like I said constantly switching between sarcoplasmic and myofibrillar hypertrophy. Like sticking with higher volume tho.
    Diet is on point 6-8 meals a day high protein, low carb, low fat try to stick to at least a 1:1 ratio protein to body fat but sometimes up it. Also carb cycle.

    Would really like to run Tren Ace this cycle. Been researching for a year I know all the possible sides and negatives (how hard it shuts you down, prolactin, night sweats etc..) however I also know its the most anabolic compound and most will say to wait a few more cycles so I become more aware of my bodys reactions.
    I'd like to run a smaller dose of test with it and keep the Tren higher.
    Around 250-500 mg a weeks of test e or prop and 50-75 mg Tren Ace EOD

    I will wait for input because I will put pride aside and run more mild compounds like a simple test e and anavar cylce if need be but I believe I'm ready to run Tren.

    Also would like to run HCG this time two weeks prior to going into my PCT, I've never used it before but I hear nothing but great things.

    Any advice and criticism is greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Everyone will tell you to get to 15% bodyfat before considering a cycle as the potential negative sides are greatly increased with high bf%

    Id personaly leave Tren until atleast cycle 4.

    What makes you think your ready to run tren now?
    You took a risk using a 3 compound stack for your first cycle as well, did you know you were ready then or was that just a gamble? Im glad to see no mention of bad sides etc, you wouldnt have known what compound was causing it by running 3.
    Last edited by TheTaxMan; 08-18-2015 at 02:20 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2015
    It can be done, but...then you have to put in the work to get bloodwork pre, mid and after (6 weeks after pct). Then you have to find out which values you should look for, the importance of each and what to do with them. And i agree with steve. Its mandatory to loose fat. 15% is strict, ive cycled with 18% before with good results. But over 20, no way. Cause tren is a 19nor and with those prolactin and progesteron come into play. With lots of aromatesenzyms from your fat it really can mean trouble. Trust me, i know all about it.
    And dont use tren because you think its the best for fatloss. That is a false rumor.
    Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 08-18-2015 at 04:00 PM.

  4. #4
    I absolutely knew the risks going into my first cycle. I researched for two years going into it, I felt very comfortable with adding the compounds I did. I had blood work done before, during and after the cylce. I had a very reliable source and new I wasn't going to get anything bunk. I also had someone who is very experienced by my side the whole cycle.

    I new the risks of running it with my bf % being as high as it was and is and still do especially with tren being a 19nor.
    I'm very disciplined with my diet and training regimin and just feel I can personally handle Tren safely. I had zero sides from the first cycle no bloat, acne, gyno, hair loss , agression (other than in the gym)

    I also realize the severity of Tren which is why I'm still wanting to hold off on my decision. I am new to this and I take all of this advice to heart.

  5. #5
    I'm doing everything in my power to drop my bf into the teens before I run anything, I promise you that. After losing over 100,lbs I'm absolutely stuck. I feel as even a if I were to run even the mildest of cycles say:
    250mg of test with anavar or Winny at the end would help jump start my fat loss again because it helped tremendously last time .
    You guys are the experts tho that's why I'm here.

  6. #6
    Eat 1600kcal per day for a month and see if you are still stuck.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2015
    I would def add Nolva 40 20 20 20 to your clomid. And i red from one of the vets that he liked to add another two weeks of clomid...(and maybe nolva, dunno remember) when using 19nors.

    Digg into that, clomid 100 100 50 50 only is not optimal i think.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by dfarre View Post
    Eat 1600kcal per day for a month and see if you are still stuck.
    Ignore this for the most part.

    But truth is, if you are stuck at 26% it's not because of a lack of AAS it's a shortcoming in your diet. You eat too much to lose weight.

    Please detail your fat loss diet you are following that isn't getting you results.

  9. #9
    I'm constantly switching up my diet. Currently the past two weeks I've been intermittent fasting which I've never done before but I know that when you wake up insulin levels are low causes a jump in HGH ramping your metabolism and natural fat burning so well see how that goes. Also keeping carbs and fats as low as possible during this. I also try to get one chicken, turkey, fish, beef and then whey or beef protein so I'm not getting all my preotein from one source

    Last two weeks Diet :
    Wake up at 4 am steady state fasted cardio 30-45 mins
    First meal is at work around 10am :
    - 2 whole eggs 4 egg whites
    - usually 6 oz of flank steak or 6 oz of ground turkey
    - 3 cups spinach
    - 8 oz grape fruit juice

    Second meal:
    - 6-8 oz chicken breast
    - 3 cups broccoli

    Third meal:
    - 8oz flank steak or other beef
    -3 cups broccoli/spinach/other green

    4th meal:
    - post workout shake

    5th meal:
    - 6oz white fish usually tilapia with lemon and pepper
    - 3 cups greens

    6th meal optional :
    - shake with casein

    This varies sometimes obviously usually in leg day I'll add in 100-140 g of carbs if I'm feeling weak but usually I'm good.

    Usually I do Carb cycling 3,2,1. A day with 3 meals with carb a day with two meals with carbs then tapper to 1 meal with one.

    Not tracking macros at the moment guessing between 2500 and 3000.

    On top of steady state and hitt cardio twice a week I deliver shingles for a living which is crazy physical. Also training mor sarcoplasmic right now more volume to help with strength loss for low carb but still do.lift heavy.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    'Guessing' is probably your problem. Work it out and see exactly where you are at, cals and macro's.

    How long have you been dieting without a break?

    Out of curiosity have you had your thyroid checked?

  11. #11
    Also 2 gallons of water a day

  12. #12
    Yea thyroid is fine all my levels are good. I usually do track macros just have kinda been winging it the past month or so and I've been dieting this time for three months so far. Like I said its been two years on an off super strict dieting I'm human sometimes I do go out have some beers at a concert or out on the town and end up eating some pizza or shit but recently very strict.
    I really really want to ****ing compete its been my obsession ever since I've lost all the weight . I'm definitely in the best shape I've ever been starting to get some vascularity mainly in delts, most muscle definition and separation I've ever had. It's just taking forever to drop this last 40 lbs or so of fat.

    That's why I believe a cycle will help because it helped tremendously last time. I am willing to hold off and be smart especially with the Tren but well see. I'll give it a few more months of strict dieting

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    South FL
    For a long time I thought I was tracking my calories pretty well, and it was not until I entered everything in MyFitPal that I saw I was eating 4000+ Cal/Day.

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