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Thread: steroid cycle advice

  1. #1

    steroid cycle advice

    Hi guys, starting my first cycle for about eight years. Im just after some advice and support really, I'm running this cycle over 8 weeks.
    Week #
    1. Front load test enanth 500mg Mon and thur
    2. Test enanth 250mg Mon and thur
    3. Test enanth 250 mg Mon and thur
    4. Test enanth 250mg Mon and thur
    5. Test enanth 250mg Mon and thur
    6. Test enanth 250mg mon and thur and Hcg 750iu EOD
    7.test prop 100mg EOD and Hcg 750iu EOD
    8. Test ptop 100mg EOD
    Pct weeks 9.,10.,11. Clomid 50mg/day for three weeks
    I will also be taking arimidex 500mcg EOD between weeks 1-8

    What do you think guys? Constructive criticism welcome.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    Find Austinite's articles and read about cycles, etc... good stuff.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    There is a few things wrong danger have a read at the link and there is no need to front load any more Q once you read the link we will be glad to help.

  4. #4
    I am not a big fan of front loading.
    I feel like it is easier for your body to adjust with the gradual increase in AAS levels vs the quicker increase.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    I am not a big fan of front loading.
    I feel like it is easier for your body to adjust with the gradual increase in AAS levels vs the quicker increase.
    Agreed. I would also suggest that if you plan on finishing off with Prop anyway, why not just kickstart with Prop at 150mg EOD as well, rather than front load Test E? And with that said, since this is only an 8 week cycle, why not just run the whole cycle with Prop?

    You also need to run HCG throughout your entire cycle, not just the last 3 weeks. 750 iu eod is excessive. Run it at 500 iu per week, split up into 2 different doses (say, Sunday and Wednesday, 250iu each). Add Nolvadex to your PCT, and extend to 4 weeks, not 3. Nolva 40/40/20/20 and Clomid 50/50/25/25.

    The link that was posted above is very helpful. Take a look. Good luck, Danger!

  6. #6
    Hi guys thanks for all of your help, the link is really helpful just been reading it now. Awesome guys just need to make a few tweaks maybe get my body fat down a little walking around at about 18% ATM, diets fairly good already definitely eating enough macros, maybe eating too much.

    Thanks again

  7. #7
    Yes will scrap the front load and just run test enanth at 250mg Mon and thur. Test prop all the way through would maybe be a better idea but ordered my gear already. The reason I wanted to run test prop for the last two weeks is so I can pretty much jump straight into pct afterwards just made sense to run it that way at the time suppose it doesn't make much difference.


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