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Thread: i think my gear is getting me too bloated

  1. #1
    ojand is offline Junior Member
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    i think my gear is getting me too bloated

    Test e 700mg with 40dbol. 22 yrs old 5'8 232 pounds
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails i think my gear is getting me too bloated-11311314_1478497612449686_1121305494_n.jpg  

  2. #2
    musclestack is offline Productive Member
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    You're definitely holding a lot of water. What was your body fat % before starting? Are you running an AI? Blood work? Please lay out your entire cycle.

    Some people just hold more water than others no matter what they do. I always run an AI with all my cycles (have used both Adex and Aromasin ), and I'll still drop roughly 7 pounds of water during PCT. It's really hard for us to guess 'how much' water you're holding since we don't have a before picture to compare it to.

  3. #3
    pitweiler is offline Member
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    Could be a number of things. Could be the Dbol . Are you taking an AI? Could be your diet as well. Do you understand the risks at cycling at such a young age?

  4. #4
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    Dbol is notorious for water weight.

  5. #5
    ojand is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by musclestack View Post
    You're definitely holding a lot of water. What was your body fat % before starting? Are you running an AI? Blood work? Please lay out your entire cycle.

    Some people just hold more water than others no matter what they do. I always run an AI with all my cycles (have used both Adex and Aromasin), and I'll still drop roughly 7 pounds of water during PCT. It's really hard for us to guess 'how much' water you're holding since we don't have a before picture to compare it to.
    I havent done blood work but im eating around 6000 calories. Never took a before pic but i blew up lol.

    Edit: found a pic few months before my cycle
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails i think my gear is getting me too bloated-fb_img_1440176979623.jpg  
    Last edited by ojand; 08-21-2015 at 11:10 AM.

  6. #6
    dfarre is offline Banned
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    Anyone would get bloated as fuk on 6000 calories, even natty.

  7. #7
    musclestack is offline Productive Member
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    Agree with dfarre that 6,000 calories a day will make anyone bloat. But I'm still waiting on the answer as to whether or not you're taking an AI??

    You're looking thick, but I do everything I can to avoid the 'moon face'.

  8. #8
    ojand is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by musclestack View Post
    Agree with dfarre that 6,000 calories a day will make anyone bloat. But I'm still waiting on the answer as to whether or not you're taking an AI??

    You're looking thick, but I do everything I can to avoid the 'moon face'.
    I am taking aromasin . But no veges or fruits

  9. #9
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    How much Aromasin ?

  10. #10
    ojand is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    How much Aromasin?
    12.5mg ED

  11. #11
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Lay out your full cycle please.
    And your cycle history including ai's on previous cycles.

  12. #12
    nate10's Avatar
    nate10 is offline Associate Member
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    Try .25ed of adex... and how much sodium are you consuming a day ? Your calories are a little high even if ur bulking , ur gonna add alot of unwanted fat. Its all on diet , im nt to prone for bloat but i always keep a very clean lean bulk trough my cycles and as low as sodium as i can get , ms dash on all my foods! I get very little bloat even now that im on a deca and test cycle , im barely bloat. Its all about what ur eating , and if ur consuming enaugh water
    Last edited by nate10; 08-21-2015 at 02:18 PM.

  13. #13
    nate10's Avatar
    nate10 is offline Associate Member
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    Oh sorry just saw ur using aromasin not adex, well i guess just keep the 12.5mg ed, if adex go for .25ed

  14. #14
    ojand is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    Lay out your full cycle please.
    And your cycle history including ai's on previous cycles.
    3rd cycle. ran just test the other 2 cycles all with aromasin . stepped it up this time with dbol as an addition and increased my food. i eat a lot of fast food to make up the 6000

  15. #15
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ojand
    3rd cycle. ran just test the other 2 cycles all with aromasin. stepped it up this time with dbol as an addition and increased my food. i eat a lot of fast food to make up the 6000
    700 mg of test each week with dbol at 40 mg Ed is going to bloat you. I would bump your ai to 12.5 mg in the morning and another 12.5 mg at night. You will drop some water when you stop the dbol. How many weeks are you planning to run each compound?
    NACH3 likes this.

  16. #16
    Back In Black's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ojand View Post
    3rd cycle. ran just test the other 2 cycles all with aromasin. stepped it up this time with dbol as an addition and increased my food. i eat a lot of fast food to make up the 6000
    And where did the tren come in?

    Fast food? 6000cals? No offence but you're asking for bloat.
    bass and solit1ea like this.

  17. #17
    ojand is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    And where did the tren come in?

    Fast food? 6000cals? No offence but you're asking for bloat.
    tren? never did tren. last 2 cycles were test only. tried dbol with test this time around

  18. #18
    workinprogress21 is offline Junior Member
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  19. #19
    ojand is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    700 mg of test each week with dbol at 40 mg Ed is going to bloat you. I would bump your ai to 12.5 mg in the morning and another 12.5 mg at night. You will drop some water when you stop the dbol. How many weeks are you planning to run each compound?
    its been 2 months now. so another 2 months or so

  20. #20
    Back In Black's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ojand View Post
    tren? never did tren. last 2 cycles were test only. tried dbol with test this time around
    Ok, just reading one of your other threads

    Quote Originally Posted by ojand View Post
    test and tren. its like a bad stench aroma
    still, with your diet and cal intake you are practically begging to be bloated.

  21. #21
    ojand is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    Ok, just reading one of your other threads

    still, with your diet and cal intake you are practically begging to be bloated.

    oh yea i did that for like 1 week but dropped it. wasnt worth it

  22. #22
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    Dbol is one of the hardest to control e2, dont know why ppl think its a begginers drug.

    Having said that, have also to say that its not only bloat, its fat... 6000 cals of fast food? What do you expect?
    solit1ea likes this.

  23. #23
    aussie made's Avatar
    aussie made is offline Associate Member
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    Drop the calories to like 4000 and clean up the diet. Don't ever consume lots of take away even if your bulking. You will look like shit. By looking at your before pic. You don't look bad then. Should of just lean bulked
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  24. #24
    KA24 is offline Junior Member
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    I wouldn't advocate such a dirty diet, but it all depends on the end goal. Most guys who get up to the high 200's went through periods like this.

    The fast food part is doing more harm health wise than it's a negative on a bulking cycle. You're essentially ingesting copious amounts of chemicals and limiting nutrition.

    I hope you're getting in at least 2-3 quality meals too.

  25. #25
    ojand is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by KA24 View Post
    I wouldn't advocate such a dirty diet, but it all depends on the end goal. Most guys who get up to the high 200's went through periods like this.

    The fast food part is doing more harm health wise than it's a negative on a bulking cycle. You're essentially ingesting copious amounts of chemicals and limiting nutrition.

    I hope you're getting in at least 2-3 quality meals too.
    yea i get my protein in from legit foods. the rest i fill with garbage. i get about 250g protein a day on quality meats. prob 300+ if u include junk food lol

  26. #26
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ojand
    yea i get my protein in from legit foods. the rest i fill with garbage. i get about 250g protein a day on quality meats. prob 300+ if u include junk food lol
    why are you eating garbage instead of good quality whole food?
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  27. #27
    ojand is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    why are you eating garbage instead of good quality whole food?
    lets see u try eating 6000 of chicken breast, ground beef, fish. ul go broke lol

  28. #28
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
    SEOINAGE is offline Anabolic Member
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    Why are you eating so much, it's going to take you a year to lose all the fat you gain on cycle.

  29. #29
    ojand is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SEOINAGE View Post
    Why are you eating so much, it's going to take you a year to lose all the fat you gain on cycle.
    I wana put as much mass as possible even reach 250 . But after il use clen for my cut for sure

  30. #30
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ojand
    I wana put as much mass as possible even reach 250 . But after il use clen for my cut for sure
    Yeah I wanted that too. But I made the same mistake, and Clen isn't magical. Are you thinking this is your only cycle? Cause even if that was your reason for eating as much as possible, you'll lose more muscle from cutting and the net result would be worse than a proper bulk cycle. If you are cycling again, even less reason to go all out on calories.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by ojand View Post
    I wana put as much mass as possible even reach 250 . But after il use clen for my cut for sure
    you're not gonna cut down to 200 ripped at 5'8" on just 700mg test and 40mg dbol with some clen lol... You're putting on dangerous amounts of fat...this is not what you wanna be doing...I'd say at least lower the cals by 1k

  32. #32
    bloodchoke's Avatar
    bloodchoke is offline Member
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    I'm right behind you..
    Only if you're lean like davidtheman100, might you benefit from clen . The fatter you are, the less your going to benefit from your cycle, too. Biologically, it's easier to burn fat than it is to build muscle. Behaviorally, prolonged fat-loss is the most challenging fitness goal. And losing fat is fvcking BORING compared to building mass. No one's ever like "DUDE, I'm SOOOO STOKED for my calorie-restricted diet, bro!"
    Build your mass as lean as possible, clean it up a little, repeat!
    ambernightly likes this.

  33. #33
    ojand is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by davidtheman100 View Post
    you're not gonna cut down to 200 ripped at 5'8" on just 700mg test and 40mg dbol with some clen lol... You're putting on dangerous amounts of fat...this is not what you wanna be doing...I'd say at least lower the cals by 1k
    noo im gona do test, clend prob anavar . once i do my cut. but my goal is to bulk to 250 now.

  34. #34
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ojand
    lets see u try eating 6000 of chicken breast, ground beef, fish. ul go broke lol
    I eat more then most people think and 6000 calories Ed is going to bloat you and put on fat. I think you would be happy with less clean calories
    ambernightly likes this.

  35. #35
    bullshark99 is offline Senior Member
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    Pretty sad... Your before pic looked fine now you look like.... Well someone who eats 7000 Cals of shit from Burger King. Not trying to be a prick but wow, your age is showing. Lay of the juice dude
    ambernightly and Kramer33 like this.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by ojand View Post
    noo im gona do test, clend prob anavar. once i do my cut. but my goal is to bulk to 250 now.
    Okay i guess. Either way, i see drugs as a way to be able to develop lean growth rather than eat in excess and unhealthy while taking advantage of the fact that the drugs will make it so you gain a little less fat then you would naturally....If you aren't staying "on" i don't see how this bulk/cut method will work at 250 lbs??? because once you come off you'll lose alot of the size but you WILL maintain the fat...So it puts you in a bad situation...
    Last edited by davidtheman100; 08-21-2015 at 07:36 PM.

  37. #37
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bullshark99 View Post
    Pretty sad... Your before pic looked fine now you look like.... Well someone who eats 7000 Cals of shit from Burger King. Not trying to be a prick but wow, your age is showing. Lay of the juice dude

    X2. Not trying to offend but you definitely looked better in the before pic. Now you simply look fat and bloated. I can't imagine that was your goal.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  38. #38
    Xphanial's Avatar
    Xphanial is offline Junior Member
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    3500 of clean cals is better than 6k of shit Jesus.
    Chicken, rice and greens are a lot cheaper than fast food anyway.
    Shop around and go to markets. Buy in bulk, cook and freeze.
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  39. #39
    reporich is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    X2. Not trying to offend but you definitely looked better in the before pic. Now you simply look fat and bloated. I can't imagine that was your goal.
    X3 I have a hard time thinking he's serious, me makes its sound so easy. One pill to go up, another pill to go down....

  40. #40
    ojand is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bullshark99 View Post
    Pretty sad... Your before pic looked fine now you look like.... Well someone who eats 7000 Cals of shit from Burger King. Not trying to be a prick but wow, your age is showing. Lay of the juice dude
    this is a steroid forum why would u tell me to stop juicing lol

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