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Thread: First Cycle

  1. #1
    Oldschoolmotive is offline New Member
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    First Cycle

    Hey guys, before I get started I'd like to introduce myself a bit. I'm 22 and been training for 5 years, but very on and off for the first 4 years due too sports taking priority. This past year I've made phenomenonal gains from staying consistent and having no distractions. I competed in a bodybuilding show this year and weighed in at 154lbs 5'8 after being completely dried out with striated glutes. I took 3rd in juniors out of 9 lifters and myself being the only natural. I am now 178lbs around 10-12% bf. Lifts are, Squat 405lbs 1x1 Bench 250lbs 3x5 Deadlift 370lbs 1x5. For nutrition sake I'm on a high protein diet, eating at least 3000cal a day and gaining around a half pound per week but strength is always increasing.
    I feel as if I'm ready to flip the switch and experiment with aas, my coach thinks I have the potential to go far in bodybuilding and this is something I want to do and have made the decision entirely by myself. This is how my cycle looks and I'm willing to accept any criticism.

    Weeks 1-12 Test E 400mg split up into two does Mon + Thurs
    Weeks 1-14 Aromasin 12.5mg eod

    Weeks 14-18 Clomid 50/50/50/50
    Weeks 14-18 Nolva 40/40/20/20

  2. #2
    nate10's Avatar
    nate10 is offline Associate Member
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    Kind of young man if ur making such good gains naturely i would keep it like that until u hit a real pateu, like around when ur 25. But i also started young on gear due to shoulder injury making me very depressed that i couldnt be 100% at the gym , cuzz if not i would have probebly only tried gear at around 24-25 years old.
    But anyways if u got it in ur head that ur gonna do it like i did and no one will stop me, ur cycle doesnt look bad, only think is run hcg during cycle 2x 250iu week. 3 days up until pct. and run ai also all the way 3 days prior to pct. pct looks good, maybe u wana run 500mg week test. Usual does.

  3. #3
    yardbirdaj's Avatar
    yardbirdaj is offline Junior Member
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    Aromasin needs to be taken every day . Plus your only 22 and should have tons of good natural test In your system. Eat more, Eat clean, train like a beast. Put in the work.
    Last edited by yardbirdaj; 08-22-2015 at 06:45 PM.

  4. #4
    Oldschoolmotive is offline New Member
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    Okay so this is gonna be the cycle I've decided to run. Any last minute recommendations before i start would be appreciated if necessary. Also how do i go about upping my protein intake when I'm on the test so my body is always staying anabolic .
    Here is the cycle I'm going to run

    400mg test c 1-10wk
    Arimidex 12.5mg eod 1-11wk
    Clomid 50-50-50-50 12-16wk
    Nolva 40-40-20-20 12-16wk

  5. #5
    Nine91's Avatar
    Nine91 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oldschoolmotive
    Okay so this is gonna be the cycle I've decided to run. Any last minute recommendations before i start would be appreciated if necessary. Also how do i go about upping my protein intake when I'm on the test so my body is always staying anabolic. Here is the cycle I'm going to run 400mg test c 1-10wk Arimidex 12.5mg eod 1-11wk Clomid 50-50-50-50 12-16wk Nolva 40-40-20-20 12-16wk
    So are you using aromasin or arimidex ? Big difference in dosing. And you should start at 500mg test per week. 400 is on the lower side. look in the stickies for "beginner first cycle"by austinite. That'll give you the proper pct dosages

  6. #6
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    While I do believe you are too young the decision in the end is yours.As mentioned above do a lil more research prior too starting your cycle.When you have finished your research post up your new plan and we will go from there.
    73rr likes this.

  7. #7
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    So you gaining half a pound per week and you still want to take steroids ?

    Steroids will not give more lean muscle mass than that.

    Plus you will have a high chance of screwing your hormones for the rest of your life...

  8. #8
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    Not worth the risk at your age if your gaining weight like that, use the steroids when you stop gaining naturaly

  9. #9
    Oldschoolmotive is offline New Member
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    Alright guys i got everything on order and it should be in my hands shortly.
    Cycle looks like this.
    Test Cyp 500mg 10 weeks. 250mg Monday 250mg Thursday
    Arimidex 10weeks 0.25mg eod , i read that using Nolva along side adex until side effects are gone is best to fight any extra estro sides. Any thoughts on this? ^
    Pct 1 week after last injection
    Clomid 75-50-50-50
    Nolva 40-20-20-20

  10. #10
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    Cycle looks well planned.

    But if your gaining weight like you are claiming to, it wont make a difference so your kind of going to waste your time and money. Your already gaining at a weight steroids will give you, thats why we use them when we stop gaining naturaly (when we plateau).

    Your probably still going to think "i dont care im taking them anyway" as most underage users do. But your gaining great naturaly at the minute so whats the point? I hope you dont be naive and think "oh im going to gain 10lbs a week now" cause thats not going to happen.

    We dont give advice to annoy people, we give real advice on here, we are here to help eachother so this is why your getting the comments/advice your receiving from everyone.

    The adex dose should be fine for a test 500mg cycle, wheres your HCG ?

  11. #11
    Oldschoolmotive is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan View Post
    Cycle looks well planned.

    But if your gaining weight like you are claiming to, it wont make a difference so your kind of going to waste your time and money. Your already gaining at a weight steroids will give you, thats why we use them when we stop gaining naturaly (when we plateau).

    Your probably still going to think "i dont care im taking them anyway" as most underage users do. But your gaining great naturaly at the minute so whats the point? I hope you dont be naive and think "oh im going to gain 10lbs a week now" cause thats not going to happen.

    We dont give advice to annoy people, we give real advice on here, we are here to help eachother so this is why your getting the comments/advice your receiving from everyone.

    The adex dose should be fine for a test 500mg cycle, wheres your HCG?
    I know people are trying to look out for us beginners that are asking for advice. And i appreciate people taking time to comment on my thread. The thing is you never really know for sure if the weight your gaining is muscle or fat or water. I did have my bf % tested today and I'm 11.5% at 178lbs, 5'8.But as for pct timing I've heard cyponiate takes about 13 days to kick in, so does that mean i should be starting pct 13 days after last injection? As for hcg it's hard to find out how to actully use the stuff properly. I've had people swear by it in pct or the start of a cycle or mid cycle so i don't really know what's true . How would you go about including hcg in my cycle? Is it necessary for a first cycle? I do have access to it.
    Last edited by Oldschoolmotive; 09-18-2015 at 01:29 AM.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oldschoolmotive
    Hey guys, before I get started I'd like to introduce myself a bit. I'm 22 and been training for 5 years, but very on and off for the first 4 years due too sports taking priority.

    Your profile says you're 19.
    Your first thread says you're 19 and have been training for 4 years.

    So after you post a thread and people tell you you are too young... You magically age 3 years and gain one year training.

  13. #13
    charger69's Avatar
    charger69 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    There are two stickies i highly recommend...
    Steroids and the young
    Ancilliary reference guide

  14. #14
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post

    Your profile says you're 19.
    Your first thread says you're 19 and have been training for 4 years.

    So after you post a thread and people tell you you are too young... You magically age 3 years and gain one year training.
    Great spot mate, i dont get why people lie about their age on here, we tell people not to cycle under age so they come back and lie in a new thread or a new account, theres no need to lie you arent buying alocohol underage dude. Your fukin with your life here, come back in 6 years.

  15. #15
    Jonathan12's Avatar
    Jonathan12 is offline New Member
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    You come here asking for advice, and when everyone gives it - You just don't seem to bother. Lol Good Luck!

  16. #16
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    The OP will probably do the proposed cycle no matter what anyone advises

    Good luck

  17. #17
    73rr's Avatar
    73rr is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I would be so happy if I was gaining a half pound a week of muscle! Naturally at that, I would stick to what your doing until it stops working. Plus like everyone is saying, your to young.

  18. #18
    Oldschoolmotive is offline New Member
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    In the end its my decision to use aas or not. I lied about my age cause i wanted this thread to be taken seriously. Clearly that's probably back fired by now. But yes I have been training for 5 years regardless of what my other thread said. I'm going to be doing this cycle either way and i have done about a year of research on aas behind my belt. I know the side effects i may encounter along the way, but I've accepted the consequences. I know the possibility of life long trt but this is where my passion is, so if I may need treatment later down the road it's worth it. I'm trying to do this cycle as responsible as possible (aside from not being 25). So I'd really appreciate your guys advice based on my cycle not my age.

  19. #19
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    From what i read everyone is taking the thread seriously.

    This is what id do if your going a head.

    Test e 500mg (split in 2 doses) 1-12
    Hcg 500iu (split in 2 doses) 2-12
    Arimidex 0.25 eod 2-12

    Nolva 40/20/20/20
    Clomid 75/50/50/50

  20. #20
    Oki-Des's Avatar
    Oki-Des is offline Anabolic Member
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    I know you say that you are willing to take the chance, and I am sure you are. But you do understand that it is not uncommon for many younger people to do things without really thinking through the consequences. It is not that you are willing to take the chance as much as you simply do not think that anything bad will happen to you.

    I wont lie, and maybe nothing bad will happen to you. I am also sure that tonight thousands of people are going to make it home safe while driving completely drunk. While others will destroy their lives by killing themselves or even worse hurting completely innocent people.

    The actual truth here is that right now you have more natural testosterone blasting through your system than most of us and if you do not know how to take advantage of it, injecting more testosterone is only going to yield some temporary gains that you will most likely lose starting as soon as you finish.

    Of course we all know that you are going to do whatever you want. But, if something does go wrong and you end up like me, for example, on trt and E/D meds for life; you will probably join my corner and also try to help young people avoiding problems. Unfortunately you too will find it is extremely difficult to talk reason into a turnip. But at least we can all understand, because we were all young once too. All we can do is offer good advice, and of course it is up to each individual to determine if they can learn from others mistakes and experience; or if they simply must make them on their own.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Another point...
    People often think that lifting will always be a big part of their life. It's their passion.
    Well it was my passion from 14-22 yrs old.
    Hell I even competed in a bodybuilding show when I was 19yrs old.
    And then life changed and I barely touched a weight for the next 17 years or so.

    My point...
    Cycling comes with risks and the OP has only been training consistently for 1 year and he is ready to risk his health for gains.
    Put in some time. Let your body mature. Let your life get more settled. See where you are at in 5 years.

    I know I am happy I didn't cycle at a young age.

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