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Thread: Pulling trigger on Second cycle.

  1. #1
    cttoasn's Avatar
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    Pulling trigger on Second cycle.

    Ever since my first cycle I have been digging around and asking questions in regards to a second cycle. The time has finally come for me to order up.

    I have settled on two options and wanted to ask the group what would seem best for round #2. Both cycles will cost within $50 of each other, and so cost is not a factor. Most likely, which ever one I run for my 2nd Cycle, I will run the other for my third cycle next year. Cycle History : 14 weeks of 400mg/week Test Cyp. Ran Adex at .25 eod and had the prescribed Clomid/Nolva PCT. Did bloods, had a great time, etc....Went great.

    Option 1
    8 week Test Prop
    150mg EOD
    .25 Adex EOD
    Clomid 75/50/50/50
    Nolva 40/20/20/20

    Option 2
    Test Cyp
    Weeks 1-12: 500mg / week
    weeks 1-4: 30mg Dbol
    .25 Adex EOD
    Clomid 75/50/50/50
    Nolva 40/20/20/20

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    For what it is worth...
    Some experience major PIP from prop, myself included.
    Also, I don't understand the love affair of dbol ... From what I understand it gives major water weight and heavily aromatizes. I have never tried it though.
    I've done Tbol and liked it except for the upset stomach and nose bleeds.

  3. #3
    cttoasn's Avatar
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    The dbol was just an option for something to kickstart the cycle and help initial strength gains.

  4. #4
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
    SEOINAGE is offline Anabolic Member
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    Lets hear some goals for this second cycle, so we can see if we can help out. Also list current stats. Off the top of my head I want to offer a different cycle altogether, but not before knowing more.

  5. #5
    cttoasn's Avatar
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    Probably less than normal goals.

    I like to pretend to compete at Olympic weightlifting. But I am too young for masters and far to old to hang with the young bucks.

    I am 5'9 , 180lbs and 31yrs old.

    My goals are 100% strength and recovery related. Just train harder, recover better and get stronger. I would like to stay under 185 so I am within a months diet away from making weight for a meet. If I sneak above 185 during cycle due to water then I can live with that if I am getting stronger.

    My test cycle was great, gained some weight but a great amount of strength. I was able to shed about 5lbs post cycle and keep almost all strength gains.

    Looking for very simple test cycles with maybe one additional compound if it speeds things up or helps with joints and builds strength (dbol )

    Really leaning towards the test p cycle.

  6. #6
    AngeloBangelo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog
    For what it is worth... Some experience major PIP from prop, myself included.
    I have also experienced considerable post injection pain from using prop. It significantly hindered my range of motion for certain exercises. For example: If I pinned quads, I wouldn't be able to squat to parallel. If I pinned delts, I couldn't press (both bench and military) to parallel. If you're just alternating your glutes, it doesn't affect much (in my experience) but eventually I had to start rotating to new sites, and when I did it affected my workouts.
    william981125 likes this.

  7. #7
    cttoasn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AngeloBangelo
    I have also experienced considerable post injection pain from using prop. It significantly hindered my range of motion for certain exercises. For example: If I pinned quads, I wouldn't be able to squat to parallel. If I pinned delts, I couldn't press (both bench and military) to parallel. If you're just alternating your glutes, it doesn't affect much (in my experience) but eventually I had to start rotating to new sites, and when I did it affected my workouts.

    Yeah, definitely a great consideration. If I go with prop I will definitely be taking a slight risk In this regard.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by cttoasn View Post
    Probably less than normal goals.

    I like to pretend to compete at Olympic weightlifting. But I am too young for masters and far to old to hang with the young bucks.

    I am 5'9 , 180lbs and 31yrs old.

    My goals are 100% strength and recovery related. Just train harder, recover better and get stronger. I would like to stay under 185 so I am within a months diet away from making weight for a meet. If I sneak above 185 during cycle due to water then I can live with that if I am getting stronger.

    My test cycle was great, gained some weight but a great amount of strength. I was able to shed about 5lbs post cycle and keep almost all strength gains.

    Looking for very simple test cycles with maybe one additional compound if it speeds things up or helps with joints and builds strength (dbol )

    Really leaning towards the test p cycle.
    Probably would shy away from the dbol UNLESS YOU KNOW that it is gonna curb your appetite like it does for some people...If you wanted to bulk with this cycle...500mg cyp and dbol kickstart would be great for mass gaining if you're eating in a surplus and you would def get much stronger but the weight would come with that...And since alot of it won't be tissue initially i'm sure the strength gains wouldn't be that of someone who is 200lbs of tissue instead of 180 lbs tissue and 20 lbs water...(if you catch my drift) so percentage wise i'm not sure how that would help with your meet as maybe the people who are 200 lbs can make up much more strength than the dbol and cyp could with that 20lbs... For your goals i'd go with #1

  9. #9
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    Go with the test c and just frontload or just use prop for the first 4 weeks

  10. #10
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
    SEOINAGE is offline Anabolic Member
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    Ok you don't want to gain much weight. I would consider dropping some weight first so you have some room for fresh growth and to make a more dramatic impact, muscle size, and strengthwise. Consider a 4 week prime possibly.

    Next on cycle, I would say screw prop, just isn't worth it at all!!!!!!! Unless you need to look a certain way while on. I have lumps, that you can visually see from prop. And yeah, it makes it hard to move, and I spend a lot of time in my hot tub..

    I would go with a cut/prime prior to starting. Then I would run test c or e, with nandrolone (probably npp). Dosages can be kind of up to you, but you could run it 100mg eod, so 350 a week total, run your test at 500 or possibly a bit lower. This would still be a really mild cycle, and I would run it for 16 weeks. Gives you time to let your diet and training do it's work.

    You also get a feel for how you react to another compound, and see how you can use it in the future.

    edit: and of course maintain your ai plus pct, add in hcg on cycle of 250 iu twice a week, to start of pct.

  11. #11
    cttoasn's Avatar
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    Thanks for the replies.

    No experience or knowledge of nandrolone or npp. Will start researching that compound too.

    Might try kickstart a cyp cycle with prop just to see how i react to pinning prop. Figure if I am going to be in this game, I should find out how I tolerate it at some point.

  12. #12
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
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    Id go for the test cypionate for sure. A lot less hassle, just make sure your diet and training are in check.
    Last edited by TheTaxMan; 08-24-2015 at 12:27 PM.

  13. #13
    cttoasn's Avatar
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    Probably lack of patience ha ha, I loved my test cycle and just want to get things going quick.

    Does anyone have experience on how long tbol takes to see effects? Researched it here quite a bit and it Seems like it's good for strength and does not have the water weight issues of dbol .

  14. #14
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    Just be patient, a few weeks is nothing, you will feel the test start from week 3,4

    Dbol is good for an instant impact but its taxing on the liver, does not deliver any solid gains just a boost in strength and water retention. Ive used it once to kickstart a test and deca cycle and to be honest although it does the job of a kick start id probably not bother with it again, id rather save the money towards another cycle in the future or buy a tub of protein.

    Cant comment on any other orals (im about to try winstrol tabs at the end of my cycle but obviously cant comment on that either)

  15. #15
    cttoasn's Avatar
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    Still stuck between

    8 weeks 150mg/EOD Test prop


    12 week 500mg/week Test cyp
    Week 1-4. 30-40mg Ed of TBOL


    12 week cyp @ 500/week
    Week 1-4 100mg prop EOD

    Buying something tomorrow. Just can't decide. Also Trying to keep it simple and easy for a 2nd cycle. So adding a simple oral like tbol is about as advanced as I want to get. That or a different eater like prop.
    Last edited by cttoasn; 08-25-2015 at 10:11 PM.

  16. #16
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    Id go for the middle one only because i hate eod pinning lol

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