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Thread: How quickly do you lose strength after last pin?

  1. #1
    Synhax is offline Associate Member
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    How quickly do you lose strength after last pin?

    Had my last pin of 500mg/wk test-e only bulking cycle about a week ago I am already seeing a drop is strength in my workouts. Its not very significant but noticable now for 2 workouts in a row, plus i don't last as long in the gym. Is this too quick? Should I up my calories or something? Im really afraid to lose my gain it took so much time and effort. My weight has remained the same however, I haven't noticed a decrease yet.

    On a positive note, i measured my BP last week as well at the doctors and it was high 146/90.
    Measure again today a week later and its back to normal 126/79. That changed real fast lol, but im happy about it I was getting worried a little.

    Let me know how you guys felt after your last pin, i need to prevent muscle loss as much as possible.

    EDIT: Forgot to mention that diet hasn't changed in the mean time, still eating the same as on cycle.
    Last edited by Synhax; 08-29-2015 at 03:21 PM.

  2. #2
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
    SEOINAGE is offline Anabolic Member
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    Likely in your head. One week isn't enough time to even get slightly weaker. My last pl meet I dropped off compounds a week prior. And destroyed anything I did in the gym up to that point. Was much stronger at the meet thanks to my deload and good amount of food. I lost a bit about two months later but it wasn't even that much of a loss till I broke my hand months later.
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  3. #3
    Synhax is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SEOINAGE View Post
    it wasn't even that much of a loss till I broke my hand months later.
    Oh shit sorry to hear it. Hopefully your right. Gonna take an off day today to recharge and eat and get back at it tomorrow. Ill up calories a little maybe thats what I need. Thanks.

  4. #4
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    You wouldn't see strength drop that fast. I would bet it's either your nutrition or you haven't gotten the rest you need to recover from your training

  5. #5
    ojm3 is offline Associate Member
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    ^^ agreed

  6. #6
    william981125's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SEOINAGE View Post
    Likely in your head. One week isn't enough time to even get slightly weaker. My last pl meet I dropped off compounds a week prior. And destroyed anything I did in the gym up to that point. Was much stronger at the meet thanks to my deload and good amount of food. I lost a bit about two months later but it wasn't even that much of a loss till I broke my hand months later.
    were you referring to the slingshot training system (STS) deload?
    I read this a few months back and noticed there is a change in the deload length. The author edited it from 2 weeks to 1 week of deload. Which one do you prefer, 1 or 2?

  7. #7
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by william981125
    were you referring to the slingshot training system (STS) deload? I read this a few months back and noticed there is a change in the deload length. The author edited it from 2 weeks to 1 week of deload. Which one do you prefer, 1 or 2?
    Not really. I don't know if the advice in that thread is even beneficial for most of us, not to mention he is wrong on a few points.
    The deload I was referring to is basically how I recover for a pl meet.
    I basically hit deadlift openers at 14 days out, squat openers at 10, then bench at 7. Those days I do light assistance work. Then the 7 days before the meet I do nothing.
    Others do light work to get blood flow in for that last 7 days.

    I don't include regularly scheduled deloads in a normal training cycle. Some pl will have a week that they go light, every 6-12 weeks. I just don't find it helpful because my routine isn't quite as heavy all the time.
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  8. #8
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SEOINAGE View Post
    Not really. I don't know if the advice in that thread is even beneficial for most of us, not to mention he is wrong on a few points.
    The deload I was referring to is basically how I recover for a pl meet.
    I basically hit deadlift openers at 14 days out, squat openers at 10, then bench at 7. Those days I do light assistance work. Then the 7 days before the meet I do nothing.
    Others do light work to get blood flow in for that last 7 days.

    I don't include regularly scheduled deloads in a normal training cycle. Some pl will have a week that they go light, every 6-12 weeks. I just don't find it helpful because my routine isn't quite as heavy all the time.

    Imo, any type of training (especially HIT) - all training should be cycled... If not - you'll get burnt out, there's no way one could keep up that intensity(or whatever they need to do to sustain or build muscle) w/out the proper rest/& recovery which is needed for a deload wk... I'm not to familiar w/PL training routines but I'd imagine it's just like any training(especially the big 3) which would need some time off or in HIT not going beyond failure(force reps negs RPs) just to true positive failure...
    Last edited by NACH3; 08-30-2015 at 09:14 AM.

  9. #9
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3
    Imo, any type of training (especially HIT) - all training should be cycled... If not - you'll get burnt out, there's no way one could keep up that intensity(or whatever they need to do to sustain or build muscle) w/out the proper rest/& recovery which is needed for a deload wk... I'm not to familiar w/PL training routines but I'd imagine it's just like any training(especially the big 3) which would need some time off or in HIT not going beyond failure(force reps negs RPs) just to true positive failure...
    I have a weird sort of cyclic periodization in my routine. It allows a bit of rest from the hard and heavy without taking a week off, but I do break from it and change focus not to mention have periods I don't push as hard. Often times the need for a deload doesn't apply as much to newer and lifters using less weight.
    Someone constantly squatting 509 lbs will need a break more than someone squatting 300 lbs

  10. #10
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SEOINAGE View Post
    I have a weird sort of cyclic periodization in my routine. It allows a bit of rest from the hard and heavy without taking a week off, but I do break from it and change focus not to mention have periods I don't push as hard. Often times the need for a deload doesn't apply as much to newer and lifters using less weight.
    Someone constantly squatting 509 lbs will need a break more than someone squatting 300 lbs

    In theory yes ^^ - but it'll also depend on how you approach your w/o's, too. One can start w/heavy squats one leg day and the next pre-exhaust my legs so I won't have to squat or press as much weight as they're already fatigued(it's a great way to save your joints and stabilizing muscles - a type of deload too if you will) and one can do this w/any BP - saving the bigger movement(compound movements) till the end is a different way of not taking a true(light - light in a different way - ex pec dec, cable work, then flys into presses for chest etc - whereas a regular w/o will start w/your compound movements/heavy then into accessory work etc)

    I will say in HIT - no one can continue to keep up 'the intensity required' throughout the year w/out cycling their training... Although the more advanced I see people get - as we age we must train smarter and w/more rest to maintain size.... Seems like it takes more effort to take a day off than it is not to lol

  11. #11
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    Well, its kinda a hard to compare bodybuilding and powerlifting training.

    For me its harder to do 15-20 reps with 300lbs than to do 1 rep with 500.
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