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Thread: Questions regarding test only cycles: Contradicting info on the web

  1. #1
    SePz is offline New Member
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    Questions regarding test only cycles: Contradicting info on the web

    These questions I have had contradicting answers across forums, so I just wanted some clarification.

    1. Is the infamous 'bloat' avoidable with adex, or just decreased?

    2. Around what weeks does libido issues kick in, does adex/HCG make it better?(Is sex ever an issue)

    3. For a first cycle (Test-E 500mg/w) what kind of gains can be expected, of which how much is retainable?

    4. Would you recommend HCG from the start of cycle or about halfway? (500iU split 2x/w)

    5. Of course will be running Adex, but will the addition of an anti-E assist in diminishing sides or wreak havoc with no E?

    6. Is it counter productive to try and cut fat from midsection whilst cycling test-e?

    7. Are OTC cycle assists, RYR/CoQ10, Liv52 recommended?

    8. Is cardio, in intense sessions, dangerous to the heart while on cycle? (Left ventricle growth)

    9. Is there anyway to sterilize the test?

    10. Should injection muscle change, or is it better to reuse same one? Does that particular muscle experience any extra growth benefit?

  2. #2
    RangerDanger830's Avatar
    RangerDanger830 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Bloat is definitely increased by higher estrogen levels, which adex corrects. I do not see much bloat when on a test only cycle with normal estrogen levels. It isn't something to be super concerned about unless you are timing for a show or something.

    It depends on you ester when the low libido comes around. On cycle with just test you will be good to go. Half life is just over a week for that compound so do the math. Usually around 3-4 weeks after my last pin my libido gets low enough to bother me. I always do a proper PCT though and use Cialis so it has never been much of an issue.

    Gains are highly relative to your genes, diet, and training. No way I can honestly answer that.

    I would recommend HCG from the start most definitely. Put those gonads to work as much as you can so they don't get complacent on you.

    I am not sure what you are asking with number five. I would take the adex and started with the usual dose of .25mg every other day and adjust as needed when you get bloodwork done.

    It is not counterproductive to cut fat to an extent, it all depends. Trying to do a lean bulk is very difficult because you have to be more precise with your diet. It is easy for someone to miscalculate and eat a little too much or too little, for me it is anyway. That is a whole different debate a lot of people have. Some people love it, some hate it. If you are eating clean and getting the right amount of calories then you can lose a little fat and gain muscle. However I would not cycle with too much body fat.

    Liv52 is nice but do not substitute any recommended ancillaries for OTC stuff.

    Well, that is hard to answer. You are tachycardic on cycle usually, too much can be harmful if you have pre-existing conditions. That is the doctor answer though. You should be fine as long as you can avoid the pumps, I find the elliptical produces no pumps. Even on Tren .

    Hopefully it is already sterile, are you that worried or does your source suck that much?

    I would switch injection spots and inject one spot no more than once a week just to avoid a build up of excess scar tissue. It is a huge pain to try to inject when you have a lot of it there. Spot injections do not cause excess growth, the general consensus would agree with me. There is a large following of people who support it though, I would have to see proof before I changed my mind.
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  3. #3
    Oki-Des's Avatar
    Oki-Des is offline Anabolic Member
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    I was going to try to offer my 2 cents, but Ranger Danger gave some pretty good answers. He is on point tonight, as he also came onto my thread and totally helped me out too.

    Some of the problems with properly answering your questions are that many people respond differently to different things. Just like some people are prone to gyno and hair loss, I think bloating to different degrees is also different between different people.

    Also, with regards to gains on a first cycle, this probably varies so much between people as AAS is only a part of the equation. Imagine the difference between how hard people push themselves in the gym and how differently peoples diets differ as well. Some people probably take steroids and add 20 lbs of water weight and almost no muscle, but think they did because they got bigger. Whereas, some people put on several good solid pounds of muscle when all is said and done.

    I also find it hard to cut fat and gain muscle at the same time. Of course I have certainly tried it, but was never very successful at it. I like to get lean, then try to grow as much as possible while on cycle, then try to cut any excess fat I gained while on cycle and eating like a moose after Im finished.

    When I read conflicting stories I do not always think anyone is lying. But instead, I think that different people may have had different experiences based on some of the other factors besides how many mgs of test they were taking.
    Steroids definitely give us the necessary tools to grow beyond our natural potential. But taking them alone will not. The most important part is what we do as individuals while on them; which determines the outcome.

    Sorry, I know I did not answer any of your questions, but simply wanted to explain why I think that you hear about so many different stories from different people.
    Last edited by Oki-Des; 09-10-2015 at 09:32 PM.

  4. #4
    thephoenix25 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SePz View Post
    These questions I have had contradicting answers across forums, so I just wanted some clarification.

    1. Is the infamous 'bloat' avoidable with adex, or just decreased?

    2. Around what weeks does libido issues kick in, does adex/HCG make it better?(Is sex ever an issue)

    3. For a first cycle (Test-E 500mg/w) what kind of gains can be expected, of which how much is retainable?

    4. Would you recommend HCG from the start of cycle or about halfway? (500iU split 2x/w)

    5. Of course will be running Adex, but will the addition of an anti-E assist in diminishing sides or wreak havoc with no E?

    6. Is it counter productive to try and cut fat from midsection whilst cycling test-e?

    7. Are OTC cycle assists, RYR/CoQ10, Liv52 recommended?

    8. Is cardio, in intense sessions, dangerous to the heart while on cycle? (Left ventricle growth)

    9. Is there anyway to sterilize the test?

    10. Should injection muscle change, or is it better to reuse same one? Does that particular muscle experience any extra growth benefit?
    RangerDanger and Oki have given solid advice, but I thought I'd add my 0.2c for comparison.

    1) Yes, if you manage your E2 and dietary sodium properly steroid related bloat is negligible. I personally experience more bloat from eating so much while on cycle
    2) Assuming you have your E2 managed, high labido will be from around weeks 3 onwards and low will be 1 to 2 weeks after discontinuation of test till your endogenous testosterone returns to normal.
    3) Highly individual, ~5lb of muscle seems to be the norm. I cannot remember who it was but a member here suggested to me that whatever gains you have at the end of your cycle before PCT should be estimated as this 33% muscle, 33% water, 33% fat. I'm sure this varies a lot between individuals, but for me this has been fairly accurate. This estimation helped me get over watching the scales decrease after cycle as the water drained away.
    4) HCG from start to 3 days before PCT
    5) I've never needed to add anything extra to Adex to manage E2, stable E2 within normal levels is what you are aiming to achieve
    6) IMO yes, its so difficult to do and potentially a waste of a cycle, cut fat before you bulk, or if its a cutting cycle forget trying to gain muscle, just focus on preserving what you have.
    7) Liv52 and/or NAC are a good idea for liver, I also use fish oil and glucosamine for joints as my elbows struggle due to the extra load
    8) Everything in moderation, your motivation will be through the roof so to be aware of that is a good thing. Remember that for cardio for fat loss you don't want your heart rate at 90% anyway.
    9) It should be sterile already
    10) Yes rotate sites so no one site is hit more than 1 time per week. I alternate between quads every 3.5 days. No extra growth at the site of injection.

  5. #5
    jaysath's Avatar
    jaysath is offline Junior Member
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    You can sterilize aas by putting them in the oven for 30 minutes at 250°. Leave a needle sticking in to equalize pressure. Do your own research before attempting but this method will kill most of the bacteria without affecting the stuff.

  6. #6
    RangerDanger830's Avatar
    RangerDanger830 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Good looking out, I forgot about dietary bloating^

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