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    tice1212's Avatar
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    timing my cycle in a growth spurt question.

    Well as must of us know the body grows in spurt not in durations of time. So behind Marcus short burst cycle method he states that its best to prime ur body through diet and hgh to get the best results out of ur cycle. Now my questions are

    1. Are there tall tail signs that ur in a growth spurt?

    2. Is there anyway to know how many growth spurs u can go through in a year?
    Thanks boys

  2. #2
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tice1212 View Post
    Well as must of us know the body grows in spurt not in durations of time. So behind Marcus short burst cycle method he states that its best to prime ur body through diet and hgh to get the best results out of ur cycle. Now my questions are

    1. Are there tall tail signs that ur in a growth spurt?

    2. Is there anyway to know how many growth spurs u can go through in a year?
    Thanks boys
    That's what the pre-cycle prime is for... Your lowering your bf(not weight) to open a window for growth! DY used to use the Olympia(after he'd win - and be at or under 5%) opening that anabolic window for growth) he's so dried up that he will soak everything he can like a sponge) now if not primed correctly one will not reap these rewards as nearly as one whose at the lower bf and whose diet/training is on point(obviously)

    I've noticed for myself - if I stay at or around 11-12% before my cycle I get the best results - and lean out more during..(only been twice - the last two) but next time I will try to get into a stage ready physique(which I've not done yet) then hop on right after - at my lowest bf and thrust trial and error I believe timing this is very important!

    So getting by down(which I know you don't have a problem with) I'm thinking if one would hit 7-8%(myself - maybe lower for you) you'd be gtg - I don't think there's one answer to this - it's stil going to come down to the individual - but priming your body your putting yourself in a growth spurt if that makes sense
    Last edited by NACH3; 09-19-2015 at 09:22 AM.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post

    That's what the pre-cycle prime is for... Your lowering your bf(not weight) to open a window for growth! DY used to use the Olympia(after he'd win - and be at or under 5%) opening that anabolic window for growth) he's so dried up that he will soak everything he can like a sponge) now if not primed correctly one will not reap these rewards as nearly as one whose at the lower bf and whose diet/training is on point(obviously)

    I've noticed for myself - if I stay at or around 11-12% before my cycle I get the best results - and lean out more during..(only been twice - the last two) but next time I will try to get into a stage ready physique(which I've not done yet) then hop on right after - at my lowest bf and thrust trial and error I believe timing this is very important!

    So getting by down(which I know you don't have a problem with) I'm thinking if one would hit 7-8%(myself - maybe lower for you) you'd be gtg - I don't think there's one answer to this - it's stil going to come down to the individual - but priming your body your putting yourself in a growth spurt if that makes sense
    Make a bunch of sense bro. Thank you. I guess I just need a little more of an insight on the process on why it works like that..

    So pretty much I can (prime 6-8 weeks)(blast 4-6weeks)(prime & cruise 6-8weeks)(blast 4-6weeks) so this would possible be the best way to gain a solid amount of muscle.

    Now how would one know that they are out of that window? Growth just stops? Or gains become much less dramatic?

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    NACH3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tice1212 View Post
    Make a bunch of sense bro. Thank you. I guess I just need a little more of an insight on the process on why it works like that..

    So pretty much I can (prime 6-8 weeks)(blast 4-6weeks)(prime & cruise 6-8weeks)(blast 4-6weeks) so this would possible be the best way to gain a solid amount of muscle.

    Now how would one know that they are out of that window? Growth just stops? Or gains become much less dramatic?
    I'd say the question you proposed could be done like so(basically a slingshot cycle) - I believe Ronnie Rowland is known well for this) but I don't think you'd necessarily grow doing that every cycle - now it's great if you time it right and do that maybe twice - then let things return to normal(homeostasis)

    I also think you'd still be able to grow if you primed right and did say a SBC(4-6wks) cruise for 6 then blast again I'd think that be enough(if your body responds well then you could try another round....

    It really is all about trying things(experimenting - as what works for you may not work for me) -- I'll let Marcus explain it lol - he's got that knack for simplifying it!

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