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Thread: Really Need Help

  1. #1
    needhelp123 is offline New Member
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    Really Need Help

    Okay so I was about to inject my test cyp and I dropped the needle into the sink... I wiped it off with a moist paper towel and after injection I cleaned the site with soap and water.... I know this was very dumb to do but I have a few questions.
    1. Is it possible to contract HIV or AIDS from the scenario
    2. Should i be worried since the needle only came in contact with the sink?
    3. What should I expect to happen?

    all responses will help tremendously

  2. #2
    thephoenix25 is offline Associate Member
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    1) yes it's possible but statistically improbable (depends if someone with HIV was just bleeding in the sink before you go there)
    2) yes it has a chance it had bacteria on it which may have transferred to the needle, wiping the needle with anything other than a sterile alcohol swab is asking for trouble also
    3) look out for redness, swelling and heat in the injection site (signs of an infection) If you experience these symptoms go to your doc and get antibiotics

    Why didn't you just change the needle or abort the injection?


    At 21 years old, you are playing with fire by using steroids
    The young and Steroids

  3. #3
    needhelp123 is offline New Member
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    It was actually at work where I injected in the employee bathroom... No one had used the bathroom in well over 12 hours since I opened today... should I be okay? The HIV/AIDS is what I am most worried about at the moment

  4. #4
    tectime's Avatar
    tectime is offline Member
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    Don't want to "beat up on you" but dude that is a a bad idea from the start. Injecting drugs at your workplace, in an unsanitary environment, after dropping your rig on a public sink. Dude I know your young but that's just plain dumb man. I would def worry about an infection cause your protocol obviously is flawed. Search info about how long HIV virus can live on the kind of surface in an exposed environment you are talking about. But your main concern should be about an infection. And dude your employer isn't paying you to shoot steroids on his/her dime. I'd fire you ass for being so stupid!
    bloodchoke and NACH3 like this.

  5. #5
    needhelp123 is offline New Member
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    obviously i know it was ignorant to do, and honestly going to stop shooting up altogether at this point... I just need to know if I will contract AIDS or not

  6. #6
    tectime's Avatar
    tectime is offline Member
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    Good choice now spend your time searching the info I told you to look up and it will give you a better idea of the risk you have exposed yourself to. You put yourself in this situation so look/work/search to find the answer! And man neither yes or no is the correct answer but the info I told you to look for will at least tell you the percentage of risk you are at.

  7. #7
    bloodchoke's Avatar
    bloodchoke is offline Member
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    I'm right behind you..
    Did you drop the needle in a fresh pool of blood or semen? If not, you're not going to contract HIV from this, even if you did it a trillion times. My *guess* is that you're not going to experience anything weird at the injection site outside of a little redness. It could get infected and abscess, but I doubt it will. Don't let any normal PIP freak you out, either.

    This is big-boy shit you're fvcking with. Do it right. I hope that this fear has taught you to do it right. If you were pinning at work (bad idea), you could have recapped the needle and switched it out later.

  8. #8
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    Replied in your other thread, incase you miss it

    If you dropped it in a sewer would you use it?
    Bin it!

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Dang, it's just a needle. Dump it and get another one.

  10. #10
    powerliftmike's Avatar
    powerliftmike is offline ~Elite AR-Hall of Famer~
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    I think it has been covered but I'll clarify with two points: 1) You cannot "catch" AIDS--it is a syndrome that can develop over time with exposure to HIV 2) HIV cannot survive exposure to air, and so does not "live" outside in the open

    Sinks are bacteria traps. At the very least wipe the needle with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide, best to get another needle.

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