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  1. #1
    chopsui is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Cool Did I hit a nerve or do I have an abscess? Pain/Numbness near injection site.

    So I'm doing freaking awesome just started PCT looking good feeling good. I'm kinda worried about one thing though.... I thought it would go away after a week or two but its still here weeks later.

    I have been googling and couldn't really find much on this numbness symptom which is what really bothers me....

    I have this weird numbness/tingling that that comes and goes on my right quad, exactly where the my usual injection site is.

    I remember one pin hitting a nerve and putting like half the fluid in stupidly, I think this is just leftover from that.... it hurt like **** and I could barely walk. Im hoping its leftover nerve irritation.

    But I'm worried it could have been an abscess that popped, my girlfriend jumped on me and landed right on the swollen lump (injection site or abscess not sure) and there was a kind of pop or something...

    What does random numbness/tingling on the side of my leg sound like?

  2. #2
    thephoenix25 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    The transient numbness and tingling sounds very likely to be nerve damage/bruising, which should repair over time. As for your concerns of an abscess, if you are experiencing redness, swelling and hot to the touch then get yourself to the docs for some antibiotics. If you are concerned about it go to the doctor and make up some story about how you leant against a wall with a nail protruding and it stabbed you in the leg, or something like that.

  3. #3
    chopsui is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    I actually rubbed it pretty intensely right after posting and it was really sore for a day then now I havent gotten any tingling or numbness at all.

    I think it may have even been the quad I was pinning twice a week was swollen and pushing on a nerve, massaging that muscle seemed to take care of the problem. Relief to me because it was going on for a few weeks now...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by chopsui
    I actually rubbed it pretty intensely right after posting and it was really sore for a day then now I havent gotten any tingling or numbness at all. I think it may have even been the quad I was pinning twice a week was swollen and pushing on a nerve, massaging that muscle seemed to take care of the problem. Relief to me because it was going on for a few weeks now...
    Do not pin a spot more than once a week.

    I personally rotate between 4 spots so every spot gets injected once every two weeks.

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