I'm in the last few weeks of my cycle and I've been thinking I'd like to change the direction at the end.
1 - 14 Test E 583mg p/w
1 - 4 Test P 350mg p/w
1 - 11 deca 450mg p/w
1 - 11 dbol 40-60mg p/d (pulsed 14 on 10 off)
15 - 16 Test P 350mg p/w
I'm in week 11 (about to drop the deca and dbol), I've made substantial gains of which I am happy with, but I have gained some bf along the way which I'm now thinking I'd like to shed before I go into PCT. I'll have 5 weeks from discontinuing the deca and dbol before PCT in which to loose some fat. I'm content with the new muscle I've gained and at this point would like to focus on cutting a few kg of fat before PCT.
My plan was to keep bulking until 1 week after the last shot of deca and then switch my calories to a deficit and increase cardio until PCT and then increase calories again to a surplus.
Does anyone have any experience doing this or can point out any flaws in my logic?