23 years old, ran PH’s, sarms, Var and topical test creams before. Been training for 6 years now. 5’9 180 with 12% BF. I have everything listed on hand already. I can put up diet/workouts later. I’ll probably log this. Going to get bloods done before, and after my cycle. My natural test levels are around 260-330 ngl. I tried a HPTA restart this Summer and I felt what having test feels like! HCG plus clomid and Nolva I was an animal. However when I came off my estrogen levels shot through the roof, my test dropped to where it was before and I feel like shit. I don’t want to go on TRT and I have all of this gear bought. I also have a really light schedule the next 3 months that I wont have in the Spring. My thinking is to do this cycle and then smash a solid pct and see where I stand after.
Test E 500mg week 1-10
Proviron 25mg ED week 1-10
11oxo 75mg week 1-4
Anavar 60 mg week 5-10
HGH (Angtropin) 5iu ED upon waking
HCG 1k iu weeks 3-10 2k iu week 11
Adex .5mg E3D (Estrogen prone)
Caber .5 mg E3D
T3/T4 12.5mcg of each ED
Purus labs Organ shield all the way through
I have some topical DHEA cream I’ll throw in first couple weeks to help start my exo test levels
I have Letrozole on hand.. Will run probably halfway through cycle and through pct
Creatine nitrate weeks 5-10
Have letro and prami on hand
Here comes the fun part (in my opinion) PCT.. I want to do a HPTA restart after this cycle and hopefully achieve high natty levels while continuing on my HGH regime.
Last shot of test-e Thursday week 10
Adex .5 mg E3D week 10-16
HCG 2k iu week 11
200mcg Triptamorelin shot week 13
Starting week 13 Clomid 100 mg first 2 days, then 50/50/25/25/12.5
Starting week 13 Nolva 40/20/20/10/10/10/10
Aromosin 12.5mg E3D week 17-25?
I’ve been reading many studies about men who have ran aromosin for months and enjoyed a higher test/est ratio plus boosted IGF levels. I am very scared about estrogen rebound after my PCT. I already bought a bunch of Adex, but at the end of the pct I’d like to take a very small dose of aromosin every week just to keep my levels up.