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Thread: Aggression a little too high on Tren cycle.

  1. #1
    Strongblood's Avatar
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    Aggression a little too high on Tren cycle.

    I've had a big increase in aggression while on my current Tren Ace / Test Prop Cycle! About 2 weeks ago, I increased dosage to 100mgTren Ed and 75 Test prop Ed. I also take .25 Arimidex Ed. I'm getting great results physically. Is there anything else I could do to chill out a bit? Thanks!

  2. #2
    tectime's Avatar
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    Best to remember what is causing the added aggression. This is where the being mature enough to do these kind of compounds comes into play. Just relax brother and remember to think back through what upset you and use that added aggression in the gym. Tren causes a lot of extra gym time for me whenever it's around.... best way to handle that added aggression, take it out in a positive way.
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  3. #3
    NACH3's Avatar
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    I'm on my first tren run - I'll admit I want to pull MFers outta their cars for being so damn stupid - but I can just laugh when I think why I'm mad lol - as Tec said channel it into your sessions... I can not move after my training session - if someone said ima shoot you if you can't give me another rep - so be it I'm at failure then beyond failure protocols are implemented and that's something only your mind can get you to go!

  4. #4
    kloter1's Avatar
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    How has running tren higher than test worked for you?

    Heck yea tren had me irritated with the littlest things!

  5. #5
    Strongblood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tectime
    Best to remember what is causing the added aggression. This is where the being mature enough to do these kind of compounds comes into play. Just relax brother and remember to think back through what upset you and use that added aggression in the gym. Tren causes a lot of extra gym time for me whenever it's around.... best way to handle that added aggression, take it out in a positive way.
    So true! I know now for a fact, AAS is not for the puss at heart! I know it's the Tren , because nothing else has really affected me like Tren does. But man I'm getting stronger and bigger than I've ever been in my life! I certainly will not allow my emotions to ruin something that is helping me become the man I always wanted to be. Thank you so much for helping me keep things in perspective. The gym is gonna catch hell today! Lol!

  6. #6
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
    TheTaxMan is offline 100% BRITISH BEEF
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    First time tren user and have noticed raised anger but only running 200mg so can easily breath the aggression out

    Cant imagine 100mg everyday lmao

  7. #7
    Strongblood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3
    I'm on my first tren run - I'll admit I want to pull MFers outta their cars for being so damn stupid - but I can just laugh when I think why I'm mad lol - as Tec said channel it into your sessions... I can not move after my training session - if someone said ima shoot you if you can't give me another rep - so be it I'm at failure then beyond failure protocols are implemented and that's something only your mind can get you to go!
    Haha! Yea man I know, it's just ridiculous how much more aggressive a person can become. But I will say. Becoming more "aggressive" has been good for me. Before, I was too dam nice! In my 49 years on this earth I have learned that kindness is great, but nice will get you s__t on every single time! It took AAS to teach me that. I appreciate and will implement yours and Tecs advice.

  8. #8
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kloter1 View Post
    How has running tren higher than test worked for you?

    Heck yea tren had me irritated with the littlest things!
    Yeah I'm curious onthis as well as I've always and am running my test higher than my other compounds(w/deca & NPP together I'll run them higher - depending on goal at hand...

  9. #9
    Oki-Des's Avatar
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    You can certainly now understand why everyone suggests not taking tren as a beginner. And, most people who finally do take tren are not taking 700mg a week. Since you are on a pretty hefty dose, keeping your aggression in check is simply something you have to constantly work on. I know it is not easy as every little thing can piss you off. But like everyone says, if you can remember that it is not really the little things that are pissing you off as much as the tren is making those little things piss you off, you should be able to manage it better. Hang in there and it sounds like you are handling it pretty good. The fact that you acknowledge tren is making you aggressive is the first and most important aspect of then being able to control it.
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  10. #10
    rGus is offline Junior Member
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    Carry a hand gripper with you. When you mad bro, choke the shit out of it.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by kloter1
    How has running tren higher than test worked for you? Heck yea tren had me irritated with the littlest things!
    I really can't say if it's better to run higher Tren than test. I'm really doing it this cycle because of advice from a friend. It is his opinion that to run much over a TRT dose of test with Tren is just a waste of test. And, he thinks too much test with Tren will actually inhibit the the performance of the Tren. Myself, hell I'm not sure. I decided to just try more Tren than test simply because I couldn't see it really hurting anything. I am getting great gains across the spectrum this cycle. But Tren has done that for me the past 2 other times I've ran it. Tren just works for me. And in all honesty, 100 mg of Tren Ed is all I can handle! At least for now. I'm thinking of going with npp and test prop next cycle. I've never tried it and I think the sides would be less harsh. Thanks kloter1. Be well man.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by rGus
    Carry a hand gripper with you. When you mad bro, choke the shit out of it.
    haha! Sounds good to me! Hell my forearms could use the work! Thanks, rGus!

  13. #13
    Strongblood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oki-Des
    You can certainly now understand why everyone suggests not taking tren as a beginner. And, most people who finally do take tren are not taking 700mg a week. Since you are on a pretty hefty dose, keeping your aggression in check is simply something you have to constantly work on. I know it is not easy as every little thing can piss you off. But like everyone says, if you can remember that it is not really the little things that are pissing you off as much as the tren is making those little things piss you off, you should be able to manage it better. Hang in there and it sounds like you are handling it pretty good. The fact that you acknowledge tren is making you aggressive is the first and most important aspect of then being able to control it.
    Yes, 700mgs is a hell of a dose. I actually started the 700mgs because I had to change brands in the middle of my cycle, and I was convinced it was badly underdosed. I don't have BW to prove it but it's definitely better than I first thought. I'm seriously considering backing off to 50 mg Ed. That would help with the sides I'm sure.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheTaxMan
    First time tren user and have noticed raised anger but only running 200mg so can easily breath the aggression out Cant imagine 100mg everyday lmao
    Hello TaxMan! Are you running Tren Ace or Enanthate ?

  15. #15
    Buster Brown's Avatar
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    Tren ace or enanthate .......I'm a maniac on! I love it at 500 mgs a week and I have ran tes to tren at 1:1, 2:1, and 1:2. For me.....I really like it at about 1:1 or if split into 3rds say 750 tes and 500 tren. I notice the sides get increasingly worse the longer I am in it and by week 10 I can be somewhat of a hot tempered ass. For that reason I may run my next 12 weeker with tren a for 8 weeks on the back side and just kickstart with the A bombs.

  16. #16
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Am curious what gains are you having from your cycle so far

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by fitguy
    Am curious what gains are you having from your cycle so far
    So far about 10lbs, but I swear I'm gonna get at least 15lbs out of this cycle. But honestly my diet could be much better. Diet is something I have got to work on. At my age it's more important than ever. I started cycling in January of this year. I'm 5'11" in December I weighed 165lbs with probably 20% bf.(majority of the fat was in my gut). I had just recovered from back surgery and I looked like s__t. Imagine a pregnant skinny guy! I couldn't do 1 push-up!
    Now I weigh 188lbs with 14%bf maybe less. In the best shape of my life.

  18. #18
    Frontpump is offline Associate Member
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    Also curious is it's tren E or Tren A.

    I landed some very noticeable roid rage from 400mg test E and 400 deca cycle, in week two. It was a little ridiculous. From what I've read about tren and this affect, I'm very unlikely to take it, for fear of jeopardizing my career! Seriously.

    Also just read too many horror stories of night sweats, violent "demonic" dreams as one guy put it, dreams of murder etc, for me to be interested.

    Same thread elsewhere a few guys attested to:
    smashing their grand pianos and thrashing the living room mindlessly
    getting out of their cars and assaulting the irritator at the stop light, going to jail.
    getting into senseless fights, going to jail
    getting too drunk on cycle (big no no for tren especially), and having such an intense panic attack the next day that he chipped his teeth from the grinding of the jaw. Was hospitalized I think.

    So with me being apparently prone to aggression anger and frustration on steroids , I'm leaving tren for the more mild personalities!

    Just be smart with it dude. You can't ever undo actions or words, and walking away and getting a full body rage flex is better than damaging anyone or anything.

    Maybe a little dramatic, be safe.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strongblood View Post
    I've had a big increase in aggression while on my current Tren Ace / Test Prop Cycle! About 2 weeks ago, I increased dosage to 100mgTren Ed and 75 Test prop Ed. I also take .25 Arimidex Ed. I'm getting great results physically. Is there anything else I could do to chill out a bit? Thanks!
    Cut your dosage down or quit taking it. Try to focus the added aggression to the gym.

  20. #20
    Strongblood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frontpump
    Also curious is it's tren E or Tren A. I landed some very noticeable roid rage from 400mg test E and 400 deca cycle, in week two. It was a little ridiculous. From what I've read about tren and this affect, I'm very unlikely to take it, for fear of jeopardizing my career! Seriously. Also just read too many horror stories of night sweats, violent "demonic" dreams as one guy put it, dreams of murder etc, for me to be interested. Same thread elsewhere a few guys attested to: smashing their grand pianos and thrashing the living room mindlessly getting out of their cars and assaulting the irritator at the stop light, going to jail. getting into senseless fights, going to jail getting too drunk on cycle (big no no for tren especially), and having such an intense panic attack the next day that he chipped his teeth from the grinding of the jaw. Was hospitalized I think. So with me being apparently prone to aggression anger and frustration on steroids, I'm leaving tren for the more mild personalities! Just be smart with it dude. You can't ever undo actions or words, and walking away and getting a full body rage flex is better than damaging anyone or anything. Maybe a little dramatic, be safe.
    Im using Tren A. Wow! That is some intense roid rage ! I've experienced the night sweats, bad dreams that stopped after 2 weeks. I think profound violent aggression happen to people who have violent tendencies already. The Tren just brings it out.

  21. #21
    TheTaxMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strongblood View Post
    Hello TaxMan! Are you running Tren Ace or Enanthate?
    Tren e buddy

  22. #22
    Testlolblast is offline Associate Member
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    It's not your fault that you easily get aggressive while on tren , because it's tren that causing a hormonal imbalance in your body.

    The only way is to chew your teeth and to get through while thinking more positively.

    I'm also planning a tren ace cycle almost the same as yours. And I have to say the only things I'm afraid of to face while cycling are an extreme aggression and an uncontrollable wrath, maybe also brain and heart problems, that's it.

  23. #23
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    I've not run tren nearly that high. Interesting theory about running test over trt dose being a waste.

  24. #24
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strongblood View Post
    I really can't say if it's better to run higher Tren than test. I'm really doing it this cycle because of advice from a friend. It is his opinion that to run much over a TRT dose of test with Tren is just a waste of test. And, he thinks too much test with Tren will actually inhibit the the performance of the Tren.
    I'm not sure why this old thread was subject to necromancy . but I couldn't resist responding to whats in bold as its absolutely NOT true, unless your in contest prep or a very strict cutting phase. But if your goal is trying to put on muscle, then high dose Test and Tren together are very synergistic. you need as much aromatization as you can get from the Test to spike estrogen levels to help the Tren be better utilized for building muscle.
    Tren is zero estrogenic, yet 5x more androgenic then test. with that much androgenic capacity without having any estrgeonic capacity your mainly going to lean out and get hard (not put on new muscle tissue). So by adding in high dosages of test to help give both a high androgen and high estrogen ratio, this will promote a lot of new muscle growth (high estrogen in the presence of high androgens = muscle growth. and a little bit of negative side effects off set at the same time)

    its simple
    - if you want to get shredded then run high dose tren with low dose test
    - if you want to build muscle, then run high dose test with tren
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 12-16-2018 at 12:11 PM.
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  25. #25
    EDCG19's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post

    I've not run tren nearly that high. Interesting theory about running test over trt dose being a waste.
    What makes you say that?

  26. #26
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EDCG19 View Post
    What makes you say that?
    I say things are interesting when they're most likely bs

  27. #27
    redz's Avatar
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    I remember injecting Tren while I was on methyl Tren that was a trip lol good thing I’m very level headed. For the record I wouldn’t do it again or advise anyone to try it.

  28. #28
    MJD1 is offline New Member
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    I'm also running 100mg of tren ace a day along with deca and test.

    Occasionally fly off the handle but it's not as bad as people make out for me.

    I think people use it as an excuse to be a twat half the time.

  29. #29
    jjz13 is offline New Member
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    Get yourself a freak bro
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  30. #30
    Cuz's Avatar
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    Old ass thread. But ill say its a very poor choice to run 100ed , unless ur in the last couple weeks of a competition. Only way id justify that. 200 is hard for me to handle, and 300 is as high as ive gone...ever

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