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Thread: 3rd Cycle NPP and Test P

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2015

    3rd Cycle NPP and Test P

    Hi there, just wanted a bit of advice. Planning my 3rd cycle, was thinking of NPP and Test P at 100mg EOD. I'm 32, 95kg (210lbs), 180ish cm (6 foot) and at a guess 20% body fat. I want to lose fat and gain/maintain muscle. I have done 2 test only cycles before and had no negative side effects.

    1:Is NPP good to cut on or is there too much water retention/bloat?

    2:If so what is the better option, EQ, mast...???? I want to stay away from Tren.

    3:I have Arimidex so I would use that should any issues arise but is it better to take aromisen through out the cycle?

    4:Should I have Caber on hand in case I get negative sides from the NPP or is Arimidex sufficient for that?

    This will be my first time trying anything but straight test so any advice would be awesome


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    I haven't used NPP myself but ppl around me use it quit a lot.

    1. It's all about ur diet, I seen ppl get great cutting result on NPP, but u will retain some water tho

    2. Third cycle I wouldn't recommend NPP, it will shut u down hard, maybe bolda is a better choice in my opinion. 20% body fat masteron won't do much for u

    3. Alway include AI through ur cycle, arimidex dose at 0.5mg eod

    4.u defiantly need caber for NPP,Deca,Tren cycles. Dose should be 0.25mg every 3 days

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by dasdas View Post
    Hi there, just wanted a bit of advice. Planning my 3rd cycle, was thinking of NPP and Test P at 100mg EOD. I'm 32, 95kg (210lbs), 180ish cm (6 foot) and at a guess 20% body fat. I want to lose fat and gain/maintain muscle. I have done 2 test only cycles before and had no negative side effects.

    1:Is NPP good to cut on or is there too much water retention/bloat?

    2:If so what is the better option, EQ, mast...???? I want to stay away from Tren.

    3:I have Arimidex so I would use that should any issues arise but is it better to take aromisen through out the cycle?

    4:Should I have Caber on hand in case I get negative sides from the NPP or is Arimidex sufficient for that?

    This will be my first time trying anything but straight test so any advice would be awesome

    At 18-20% Bf you need to drop this to sub 15%(the lower the better the growth window) so check/post your diet in the diet sec as well as your w/o in the training sec -- this is the most important part to a successful cycle(at your bf you'll be sadly mistaken :/

    1. Diet dictates your results... I love NPP and you most certainly can cut of bulk on any compound - keep water intake high - sodium low - eat clean and whole foods 6x a day(or spread out if cutting or bulking)... The more water you consume the more you will expel - try taking b6 2x a day as well

    2. If your running NPP don't worry about mast of EQ(EQ is a waste imo) slow but steady gains but needs to be ran at high doses for long periods - making recovery harder the longer your on

    3. Start your dex at the start of your cycle - always - don't just have an AI on hand always take it from the start up to pct then drop it(don't want estro rebound)

    4. Yes have a DA on hand(til mid cycle BW at the least) if e2 is controlled then prolactin shouldn't be a problem(but I'd get BW done precycle to see if your PRO is elevated

    I'd read more for your sake and also post up your stats and cycle history and this cycle lay out including ancillaries

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by dasdas View Post
    Hi there, just wanted a bit of advice. Planning my 3rd cycle, was thinking of NPP and Test P at 100mg EOD. I'm 32, 95kg (210lbs), 180ish cm (6 foot) and at a guess 20% body fat. I want to lose fat and gain/maintain muscle. I have done 2 test only cycles before and had no negative side effects.

    1:Is NPP good to cut on or is there too much water retention/bloat?

    2:If so what is the better option, EQ, mast...???? I want to stay away from Tren.

    3:I have Arimidex so I would use that should any issues arise but is it better to take aromisen through out the cycle?

    4:Should I have Caber on hand in case I get negative sides from the NPP or is Arimidex sufficient for that?

    This will be my first time trying anything but straight test so any advice would be awesome

    First off IMO brother is ur bf% is to high. U need to get ur diet in order. There is a good chance u will see some more side effect at the high of bf% the minimum should be 15% or lower.. Yes some drugs will assist with fat loss (I.e. t3, clen, tren) BUT they will not counter act a bad diet. How much cardio do u do. And like stated before u touching a 19-nor compound at 20%bf is asking for trouble.. Also what is the reason for u using this compound to get shredded? Are u looking to do a show? If not ur going to be wasting ur time and money because let's say u did lose some bf% while on gear once u pct u will go back to the same bf% if not higher because of ur bad diet. (Its like when these overweight people get these lapbands yes they loss all this weight but they never know how to eat properly so they continue to stretch the band and they will gain all that weight back) that's just my observation

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    As I said 20% bf is a complete guess. I probably need to find that out eh.. You know the most accurate way to do so? I dieted from 106kg to 93kg in 5 months using iifym so it's not like I have no idea what I'm doing, I wanted to use this cycle to keep loosing weight as well as putting on muscle.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Thanks for the advice

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    I just measured my BF on some online thing and it's 20.4% so there you go. I guess I need to keep dieting some more but can I run a test only cycle while cutting or should my bf be down more before I do any more gear? I guess I just worry that if I diet hard which I do (I don't tend to eat much at all and yes I know that is very stupid) I will loose a fair bit of muscle as well hence the reason I want to run something when I continue my diet.

    Also, this may seem very stupid of me and I apologize in advance but how do you quote someone then comment after the quote you have pasted?? Sorry I'm not the best with computers.......

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Short esters are usually used as a pre-contest compound. You can use Deca in place of NPP (same thing but different ester) and test C or E. You can still cut but would need to cleanup your diet and do daily cardio. Also you should lower your BF more like everyone is suggesting. As your BF% lowers you can add a DHT compound like Anavar or Wintrol to harden you up. Add some Clenbuterol to get your BF down.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by testluva View Post
    Short esters are usually used as a pre-contest compound. You can use Deca in place of NPP (same thing but different ester) and test C or E. You can still cut but would need to cleanup your diet and do daily cardio. Also you should lower your BF more like everyone is suggesting. As your BF% lowers you can add a DHT compound like Anavar or Wintrol to harden you up. Add some Clenbuterol to get your BF down.
    Just utilize your cardio clean diet and training - you don't Need Chen at your bf either imho

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