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Thread: Rich Piana off cycle protocol

  1. #1
    yardbirdaj's Avatar
    yardbirdaj is offline Junior Member
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    74 Thoughts? He never mentions any thing about taking clomid or Nolva. Also, the comments that people make about him in the comment section are freakin hilarious! I think what's scary is there are probably people that actually take his advise on cycling gear.
    Last edited by yardbirdaj; 10-04-2015 at 08:25 AM.

  2. #2
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
    SEOINAGE is offline Anabolic Member
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    Might listen later, but I doubt he is ever really off

  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    He's a tit

  4. #4
    yeahbuddy289's Avatar
    yeahbuddy289 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Is this the video where he said he uses 5000iu's of hcg every other day?? I know it was something ridiculous like that... Somebody is going to really mess them self up listening to him.

  5. #5
    RigPig's Avatar
    RigPig is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Of all the shit I've heard Rich go on about I'll give him some credit for this one. The HCG protocol is f**ked up beyond belief. But he is telling his followers they can't be on all year, good for him on that part. I like his advise about the training and eating like you were still on. He's right, coming off is a mind-f**k if you let it be.

  6. #6
    NACH3's Avatar
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    We all know he's not mentioning clomid/Nolva probably b/c he's on TRT lol - but if this was an attempt for the ones who aren't on TRT he's sadly mistaken regarding hCG (as we all know) but IMHO he should've went into further detail regarding a proper PCT...

    As RP mentioned he did state a big part of the game - MINDSET! If you think you can't you've already failed - and vice versa if you think your the one then im sure you are or in your way

  7. #7
    yardbirdaj's Avatar
    yardbirdaj is offline Junior Member
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    For sure, I've been off cycle for 7 weeks and I haven't lost any gains. Strength has actually increased, noticed a slight decrease in sex drive. It's all mental. Be a beast or be a bitch!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by yardbirdaj View Post
    For sure, I've been off cycle for 7 weeks and I haven't lost any gains. Strength has actually increased, noticed a slight decrease in sex drive. It's all mental. Be a beast or be a bitch!
    Hi Rich
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  9. #9
    yardbirdaj's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by davidtheman100
    Hi Rich

  10. #10
    Ashop's Avatar
    Ashop is offline Anabolic Member
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    I like RICH PIANA,,,real interesting guy BUT just like everything else,,,use your OWN judgement in the end.

  11. #11
    212OlympiaBound's Avatar
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    He doesn't go off. I can tell you that for sure.

  12. #12
    william981125's Avatar
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    Rich Piana off cycle protocol-2r3ckgn.jpg

  13. #13
    here2grow's Avatar
    here2grow is offline Junior Member
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    hes off the gear lol, But not the synthol

  14. #14
    Drigo is offline Junior Member
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    My opinion about Rich is some of his videos are good to listen to and good advice. 1 thing I have learned about this whole "supplement world" is that you have to do it and try it out for yourself. Of course don't go all crazy and do 3000 iu of Test per week or something ridiculous like that. now Rich may say something of this manner like taking 5000iu of HCG per week, but maybe that's what works for him. I've heard so many ways on taking stuff and how to take it. HCG on vs HCG after etc. you just have to do your research and do things for yourself. something that works for you might not work for anyone else... and vice versa.

  15. #15
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drigo View Post
    My opinion about Rich is some of his videos are good to listen to and good advice. 1 thing I have learned about this whole "supplement world" is that you have to do it and try it out for yourself. Of course don't go all crazy and do 3000 iu of Test per week or something ridiculous like that. now Rich may say something of this manner like taking 5000iu of HCG per week, but maybe that's what works for him. I've heard so many ways on taking stuff and how to take it. HCG on vs HCG after etc. you just have to do your research and do things for yourself. something that works for you might not work for anyone else... and vice versa.
    Oh so you say that everyone have different physiology and that human all react to the exact same.product in a totally different manner.

    So some people might smoke cigarette and have improve cardiovascular capacity and improved VO2max due to it.
    Some might get huge anabolics effect out of aspirin...

    Human works in a certain way.
    There is difference between individual agreed.
    But those difference wont make a drugs act in a totally different manner.
    HCG stimulate leydigs cells to produce testosterone .
    So yes he probably feel good on 5000UI weekly. But that doesnt mean his HPTA has recovered.
    Cause we know very well by all the medical literature and studies that HCG is supressive of the HPTA.
    Taking huge amount of HCG = low to moderate dose of testosterone.
    It is not a post cycle it is a cruising method.

    Most supplement rely on placebo effect or hidden drugs.
    Even if placebo effect can have measurable and signifiant effect on the body. The product itself hasnt done shit.
    And that is the same for everyone...

  16. #16
    Drigo is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by qscgugcsq View Post
    Oh so you say that everyone have different physiology and that human all react to the exact same.product in a totally different manner.

    So some people might smoke cigarette and have improve cardiovascular capacity and improved VO2max due to it.
    Some might get huge anabolics effect out of aspirin...

    Human works in a certain way.
    There is difference between individual agreed.
    But those difference wont make a drugs act in a totally different manner.
    HCG stimulate leydigs cells to produce testosterone .
    So yes he probably feel good on 5000UI weekly. But that doesnt mean his HPTA has recovered.
    Cause we know very well by all the medical literature and studies that HCG is supressive of the HPTA.
    Taking huge amount of HCG = low to moderate dose of testosterone.
    It is not a post cycle it is a cruising method.

    Most supplement rely on placebo effect or hidden drugs.
    Even if placebo effect can have measurable and signifiant effect on the body. The product itself hasnt done shit.
    And that is the same for everyone...

    Good point. what I meant to say is and I'm going to use your cigarette example.

    I know people much older that have smoked since they were 17 and have no cancer, no illness. no nothing..

    on the other hand I know people that have smoked a few years and are worse off than someone twice their age!

    same product different results?

  17. #17
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    Its ridiculous. Its not even being off, its cruising with HCG not to mention that much HCG will cause leydig cell desensitization and if you arent on trt there is a good chance you might be after trying this nonsense.
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  18. #18
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drigo View Post

    Good point. what I meant to say is and I'm going to use your cigarette example.

    I know people much older that have smoked since they were 17 and have no cancer, no illness. no nothing..

    on the other hand I know people that have smoked a few years and are worse off than someone twice their age!

    same product different results?
    Some people will be bigger and more shredded naturally than some kn huge amount of anabolics.
    It is just genetics but no matter your genetics smoking will still have negative impact. And mind.
    It increase cancer RISK not causing it 100%
    So no.matter if you arent as ****ed up ad the others you still had increased risk.

    Same.with steroids .
    Steroids wont get you shredded and huge.
    The increased anabolics and androgenic effect will help.

    Stop seeing efficiency depending on their final effect. There is hundreds and hundreds of factor.
    More factor are involved more variation there will be.
    The drug is made to act in a few aspect.
    Accutane reduce the producion of sebum.
    Not reducing acne.
    The effect of.reduced sebum is extremely likely to cause reduced acne cause this is most likely the cause.

    So to.continue on Rich.
    He is not an alien with different physiology.
    His HCG might make.him.feel.good and retain muscle.mass.
    But HCG only stimulate leydigs cell.
    It doesnt help the HPTA recover and it even supress it even more.

    In itself it is a viable.cruising method.
    But he market it as being a PCT cause he have absolutly no knowledge Whatsoever on how the body works(just see his moronic arm training...).

    HCG by itsef isnt a PCT and anyone knowing whats the compound is, knows it.

  19. #19
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    I wouldn't worry too much about Rich Piana losing size i heard from a credible source that implants can't shrink so he should be in the clear

  20. #20
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
    qscgugcsq is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by davidtheman100 View Post
    I wouldn't worry too much about Rich Piana losing size i heard from a credible source that implants can't shrink so he should be in the clear
    Lol.agreed XD even with 10 years of doing nothing he would still have 20inch arms :P

  21. #21
    Drigo is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by qscgugcsq View Post
    Some people will be bigger and more shredded naturally than some kn huge amount of anabolics.
    It is just genetics but no matter your genetics smoking will still have negative impact. And mind.
    It increase cancer RISK not causing it 100%
    So no.matter if you arent as ****ed up ad the others you still had increased risk.

    Same.with steroids .
    Steroids wont get you shredded and huge.
    The increased anabolics and androgenic effect will help.

    Stop seeing efficiency depending on their final effect. There is hundreds and hundreds of factor.
    More factor are involved more variation there will be.
    The drug is made to act in a few aspect.
    Accutane reduce the producion of sebum.
    Not reducing acne.
    The effect of.reduced sebum is extremely likely to cause reduced acne cause this is most likely the cause.

    So to.continue on Rich.
    He is not an alien with different physiology.
    His HCG might make.him.feel.good and retain muscle.mass.
    But HCG only stimulate leydigs cell.
    It doesnt help the HPTA recover and it even supress it even more.

    In itself it is a viable.cruising method.
    But he market it as being a PCT cause he have absolutly no knowledge Whatsoever on how the body works(just see his moronic arm training...).

    HCG by itsef isnt a PCT and anyone knowing whats the compound is, knows it.

    Very good point. and like I said it was just my opinion. now to bring up another topic.
    HCG. Have you heard of people taking it as PCT alongside nolva and clomid?
    Pro's and Con's to this?

  22. #22
    Drigo is offline Junior Member
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    here is a passage of the book "Anabolics- Llewellyn, William" on HCG as on cycle and PCT.

    Human Chorionic gonadotropin is often used with other
    medications as part of an in-depth Post Cycle Therapy (PCT)
    program focused on restoring endogenous testosterone
    production more rapidly at the end of a steroid cycle.
    Restoring endogenous testosterone production is a special
    concern at the conclusion of each cycle, a time when
    subnormal androgen levels (due to steroid induced
    suppression) could be very costly to the physique.The main
    concern is the action of cortisol, which in many ways is
    balanced out by the effect of androgens. Cortisol sends the
    opposite message to the muscles than testosterone, or to
    breakdown protein in the cell. Left unchecked by a low level
    of testosterone, cortisol can quickly strip much of your new
    muscle mass away. Protocols for the post-cycle use of hCG
    generally call for the administration of 2000-3000 Units
    every 2nd or 3rd day, taken for no longer than 2 or 3 weeks.
    If used for too long or at too high a dose, the drug may
    actually function to desensitize the Leydig’s cells to
    luteinizing hormone, further hindering a return to

    Bodybuilders and athletes may also administer Human
    Chorionic Gonadotropin throughout a steroid cycle, in an
    effort to avoid testicular atrophy and the resulting reduced
    ability to respond to LH stimulus. In effect, this practice is
    used to avoid the problem of testicular atrophy, instead of
    trying to correct it later on when the cycle is over. It is
    important to remember that the dosage needs to be carefully
    monitored with this type of use, as high levels of hCG may
    cause increased testicular aromatase expression (raising
    estrogen levels),771 and also desensitize the testes to LH.772
    As such, the drug may actually induce primary hypogonadism
    when misused, greatly prolonging, not improving, the
    recovery window. Current protocols for the use of hCG in
    this manner involve administering 250 IU subcutaneously
    every 3rd or 4th day throughout the length of the steroid
    cycle. Higher doses may be necessary for some individuals,
    but st no point should exceed 500 IU per injection.
    These on-cycle hCG protocols were developed by Dr. John
    Crisler, a well-known figure in the anti-aging and hormonereplacement
    field, for use with his testosterone replacement
    therapy (TRT) patients. Although TRT is often administered
    on a long-term basis, testicular atrophy is a common
    cosmetic complaint of patients irrespective of the
    maintenance of normal androgen levels. Dr. Crisler’s hCG
    program is designed to alleviate this concern in a manner that
    is acceptable for longer-term use. For those interested in
    precisely timing their hCG shots in relation to a prescribed
    testosterone replacement program, Dr. Crisler recommends
    the following in his paper,“An Update to the Crisler hCG
    Protocol,” “…my test cyp TRT patients now take their hCG
    at 250IU two days before, as well as the day immediately
    previous to, their IM shot. All administer their hCG
    subcutaneously,and dosage may be adjusted as necessary (I
    have yet to see more than 350IU per dose required)… Those
    TRT patients who prefer a transdermal testosterone , or even
    testosterone pellets (although I am not in favor of same), take
    their hCG every third day.”

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